View Full Version : Val Falvey T.D.

24/11/2009, 12:54 PM
Has anyone seen the first episode of this yet? Plan to watch it later.

24/11/2009, 12:59 PM
Has anyone seen the first episode of this yet? Plan to watch it later.

Yeah saw it, not sure what to make of it tbh.

Mayo Red
27/11/2009, 8:39 AM
Early days I know but after watching it my first impressions are not good and it wouldn't really entice me to watch another episode.

16/12/2009, 11:55 AM
Watched the first episode and was very disappointed. However, rather than cast judgement on one episode alone I decided to tune into the following episodes but my opinion has not changed. The storylines and gags are weak and O' Hanlon struggles in the lead role and is often overshadowed by his sidekick played by Owen Roe. With O' Hanlon playing his usual gormless role as Val Falvey the show is very limited mainly due the poor script and lack of supporting roles.

17/12/2009, 9:17 PM
Another rubbish RTÉ programme, they really are a waste of taxpayers money, sre they can't even deliver the news right.

Reminds of that crap Bittersweet from last year, cos they both have poor storylines and are generally crap.

The only programmes I watch on RTÉ are MNS and League of Ireland Live, and they don't even do them properly

jamie m
22/12/2009, 4:24 PM
I havent seen it but the general consensus seems to be its disappointing. Would have expected more from someone who has written for Fr Ted, Big Train, Brass Eye etc