View Full Version : Silence from FIFA

23/11/2009, 3:07 PM
Still no word from Sepp Blatter, or anyone senior in FIFA. Seb Coe is the chairman of their Ethics Committee and hasn't said a word. (You can ask him why he hasn't said a word via twitter - sebcoe)

I'm tired of reading people saying that we should just let it go and move on... Why should we let them off the hook? Just because it's not possible to have a replay, doesn't mean we should just let it fade away, as they'd like us to.

I think that people who care about football have a responsiblity to get some answers from FIFA.

23/11/2009, 3:21 PM
that fact that the match report on the FIFA website did not refer to the incident says it all really. they got what they wanted and id say have given the whole incident little or no thought whatsoever since

23/11/2009, 3:24 PM
No word yet? Hold on and I'll check the other twenty threads on this subject and make sure of that.....



No you're right, I mean how dare they back their ref and refuse to get involved with the angry mob. I was really hoping Blatter would come out and say he hopes Henry's legs get broken and that the entire Irish nation would never again buy cheap French beer but I suppose that's life

23/11/2009, 3:28 PM
No word yet? Hold on and I'll check the other twenty threads on this subject and make sure of that.....

pull the other one will you. you know the intimate details of all "other twenty threads". you've commented on every detail so far

23/11/2009, 3:30 PM
No word yet? Hold on and I'll check the other twenty threads on this subject and make sure of that.....



No you're right, I mean how dare they back their ref and refuse to get involved with the angry mob. I was really hoping Blatter would come out and say he hopes Henry's legs get broken and that the entire Irish nation would never again buy cheap French beer but I suppose that's life

Blatter you f****r why don't you now just admit you cheated Ireland out of the world cup as you've commented on everything else on our forum for the past few days.

Jebus is an anagram of the word busej which means cheating Swiss bo**ox in ancient Sumerian.

23/11/2009, 3:32 PM
I do know the details of all the other ones, which is why I keep asking myself why there are constant new threads being set up to deal with the same issues

Also what do you guys want Blatter to do now there won't be a replay? Come out and call Henry a disgrace? Call the ref a disgrace? What?

23/11/2009, 3:35 PM
Come out and say that enough is enough with cheating in the game and they are going to introduce some measures to reduce it

23/11/2009, 3:44 PM
I would like him to make a statement about why FIFA Fair Play is important. It's easy to promote Fair Play, but I would like him to really stand up for it now, when it is clearly under threat.

I would like him to explain to Irish fans why it is such a crazy idea to have a replay in a situation in which it is clearly the only fair solution.

I would like him to explain why the seedings were fixed in favour of the larger teams.

I would like him to argue either in favour of Henry being disciplined / or defend Henry. Why is it acceptable to FIFA that a player cheating can determine which team goes to the World Cup?

I really think that FIFA is taking a lot of criticism and that he needs to stand up and defend it, rather than just hide and wait for things to die down.

23/11/2009, 3:44 PM
Come out and say that enough is enough with cheating in the game and they are going to introduce some measures to reduce it

That would be good, but I don't think that would be enough to soothe a lot of people to be honest

23/11/2009, 4:40 PM
I feel that enough is enough. I was very very angry on Wednesday night and also through most of Thursday, but it's time to move on. Yes Henry handled the ball and they scored but I have to ask myself that if Duffer or Keano or anyone else had done it would I care and the answer is NO. I think that the amount of shame that appears to be coming from France is admirable and I really respect them for that. I've always liked watching the French play football and this incident will not make any diference to that. I say the best of luck to them in the world cup. The villification of Henry has been nothing short of a disgrace. We played some of the best football that I've seen Ireland play in the 30 years that I've been going to Dalymount, Lansdowne and Croker and I wish we'd played like that during the whole qualifiying as we would/should have topped the group.
I'll never laugh at the Maradona "hand of God" again!!

23/11/2009, 4:47 PM
http://www.fifa.com/aboutfifa/federation/bodies/media/newsid=1139001.html#fifa+president+calls+extraordi nary+meeting+executive+committee

Read into this what you will.....................

"Due to recent events in the world of football, namely incidents at the play-offs for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™, match control (refereeing) and irregularities in the football betting market, the FIFA President has called an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee.

The extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee will take place in Cape Town on 2 December 2009, starting at 15.00."

23/11/2009, 4:51 PM
FIFA are and remain a bunch of incompetent tw*ts.

If they were any better I'd like to see UEFA or European FA's withdraw from them and their Fcuking double standards. Sadly though, they're not much better.

Leeside Swagger
23/11/2009, 5:09 PM
Hopefully they'll see sense and bring in video evidence, something good may come of this yet.

23/11/2009, 5:16 PM
FIFA are and remain a bunch of incompetent tw*ts.

If they were any better I'd like to see UEFA or European FA's withdraw from them and their Fcuking double standards. Sadly though, they're not much better.

The one bright spot from all this is that many many more football fans now realise just how incompetent and corrupt this organisation is. Plus the seeding has come back to bite them in the arse

23/11/2009, 5:22 PM
Hi Lads - I went to Zurich Friday and I went straight to FIFA HQ. Got a meeting with the 30 min meeting with Sepp Blatter`s private secretary. I handed in a letter of protest asking them to call a meeting of the world cup organising committee to discuss the issue before the draw for the finals is made and evaluate the evidence against rule 1 of the FIFA guidlines regarding fair play.
The letter also asked them to consider making the Champions League fairer to achieve progress for the champions of smaller countries rather than to give teams finishing 4th in their league immediate access to the 3rd round.
Dont know if it`ll do any good but my pennies worth at least. Was amazed at the newspapers reaction around Europe that here we are 5 days later and all the sports papers/supplements in Switzerland,Italy,Germany,France,etc. all were still discussing it.

23/11/2009, 5:24 PM
Maybe Sepp Blatter just wants to work on his winter tan. Good work DeBlue Phoenix

23/11/2009, 5:45 PM
Well done DeBluePhoenix (http://foot.ie/forums/member.php?u=1519)!

I think there should be a campaign in the build up to the meeting to call for a replay. I don't think we should just give up because it seems unlikely. It seemed unlikely after the first play off game that we could get close to qualifying, but the players went out and fought for it. Surely we owe them the same.

Trapattoni should go to South Africa next week too.

Razors left peg
23/11/2009, 5:53 PM
This meeting is being held 2 days before the draw so the case for a replay is well and truely dead. I think the only thing that will come from it is that Platinis idea of the extra officials behind the goals will be used for the World Cup

23/11/2009, 6:36 PM
Hi Lads - I went to Zurich Friday and I went straight to FIFA HQ. Got a meeting with the 30 min meeting with Sepp Blatter`s private secretary. I handed in a letter of protest asking them to call a meeting of the world cup organising committee to discuss the issue before the draw for the finals is made and evaluate the evidence against rule 1 of the FIFA guidlines regarding fair play.
The letter also asked them to consider making the Champions League fairer to achieve progress for the champions of smaller countries rather than to give teams finishing 4th in their league immediate access to the 3rd round.
Dont know if it`ll do any good but my pennies worth at least. Was amazed at the newspapers reaction around Europe that here we are 5 days later and all the sports papers/supplements in Switzerland,Italy,Germany,France,etc. all were still discussing it.

not meaning to be pedantic but FIFA do not have jurisdiction over the champions league format. you'd need to address those concerns to UEFA

nice effort all the same

23/11/2009, 7:16 PM
not meaning to be pedantic but FIFA do not have jurisdiction over the champions league format. you'd need to address those concerns to UEFA

nice effort all the same

Yeah - I know you are dead right and knew that when I wrote it.
UEFA`s HQ is in Lyon with Platini. However I heard that both Platini and Blatter are very keen to see changes to the champions league in this way.

Both have a lot of influence in UEFA and comming up to a world cup is the 1 time in 4 years when FIFA and UEFA have a bit more political sway than usual against the big clubs/leagues vested interests so I thought it was worth putting their too for Michel and Sepp`s next behind the scenes chat in Jo`burg!

Total newcomer to this kinda lark as you can tell!

23/11/2009, 7:18 PM
Of course Platini has influence in Uefa, he is the head of it.

23/11/2009, 7:29 PM
Well done DeBluePhoenix (http://foot.ie/forums/member.php?u=1519)!

I think there should be a campaign in the build up to the meeting to call for a replay. I don't think we should just give up because it seems unlikely. It seemed unlikely after the first play off game that we could get close to qualifying, but the players went out and fought for it. Surely we owe them the same.

Trapattoni should go to South Africa next week too.

I couldn`t agree with you more. I know people will be sick to the teeth of hearing about it but if there is enough pressure, the fact that they called a meeting means the world will be expecting them to respond positively. Possibly by implementing Platini`s proposal for the world cup(via vote at March`s congress) giving all smaller nations a fairer chance of success in the cup which might be the best we can hope for. This has snowballed out of FIFA`s control and they are trying to get it back. Got to lift a replica World Cup while i was there - lads....it weighs a ton!!

ken foree
23/11/2009, 7:37 PM
Yeah - I know you are dead right and knew that when I wrote it.
UEFA`s HQ is in Lyon with Platini. However I heard that both Platini and Blatter are very keen to see changes to the champions league in this way.
Total newcomer to this kinda lark as you can tell!

bravo debluephoenix. and to be yet even more pedantic, the uefa headquarters are in nyon i believe ;)

23/11/2009, 7:39 PM
Of course Platini has influence in Uefa, he is the head of it.

Clearly - what i meant is he`s not some bean-counting pencil-pusher with an empty title- he has the respect of the big clubs(you could have a lameduck president of uefa with the clubs calling all the shots - Platini has a lot of sway -as we can see by the changes he has already managed to make to the format). Was just looking for more so the likes of Bohs dont have to face a 9 goal Tottenham for a place in the group stages. Anyway letter was to Blatter in case he could do anything to help indirectly. Not often i drop him a line so was trying to get it all in there, however misguided! Good Luck in the Champions League next year - hope you get a handy draw I`ll be cheering for ye.

23/11/2009, 7:44 PM
bravo debluephoenix. and to be yet even more pedantic, the uefa headquarters are in nyon i believe ;)

Nyon indeed! Thanks think i`ll crawl back under my rock now and keep my waffle to a minimum - back to :ball:school with me