View Full Version : France V Ireland - Wednesday, 18th November 2009 - World Cup 2010 Playoff Second Leg

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19/11/2009, 3:03 PM
Unfortunatly this is clutching at straws. We wont get a replay for this. The rules are there for all to see. Its absolutly horrible that we were knocked out like this but we will just have to live with it.

19/11/2009, 3:03 PM
So every time video evidence shows a referee mistake, there will be a replay?! WOULD YOU ALL GROW UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE THE ENGLISH FFS!!!

Den Perry
19/11/2009, 3:04 PM
There shouldnt be a replay, its done and dusted. It happens in different degrees every weekend in leagues all over the world. Maybe it will be the final call for Fifa to bring in video evidence. Next thing that idiot Cowen will be jumping on the bandwagon calling for the match to be played again.

I agree. There shouldn't be a replay. Whats done is done. You just cannot go around changing the results of matches.If they give in to this, what's to stop them replaying matches where an offside goal proves to be a winner? where's the differance?If we get one though, I'll take it!!

That said, I still feel Henry is a cheating, cowardly little runt.

19/11/2009, 3:04 PM
A replay is the best option as it would be the justice we deserve after last night and i'm sure the French would'nt mind playing a replay as they would like to qualify fairly for the world cup

You should be careful what you ask for.

A ninety minute replay means Rep. of Irl starting one-nil down on aggregate, cancelling out Robbie Keane's record goal and the match will be held in a neutral arena like Monaco.

Me I'd love a replay. Record number of games played by a UEFA member in a FIFA World Cup qualifying tournament. (France would have their hand on the record too of course).

Mr A
19/11/2009, 3:05 PM
Looks like Dermot Ahern (taking a well earned break from drafting blasphemy laws) decided to go for a populist call for the FAI to demand a replay and the FAI, probably with an eye on future relations with those with their hands on the purse strings, have lobbed in a complaint to stay onside with them. It's going nowhere though. Right or wrong, the ref's decision is final. The laws can't be changed retrospectively.

19/11/2009, 3:05 PM
I have lost faith in football....

19/11/2009, 3:06 PM
There will be no replay. The game is finished, Henry cheated and France are still going to the World cup.

Den Perry
19/11/2009, 3:06 PM
I think its interesting that the world is taking note and FIFA's rep is tarnished as a result of the rigged draw that did not gain as much attention as it should have originally.

I'm proud that Keane had the balls to say something.

Hopefully something good will come of this.

lads, re robbie's comments and the seeding, did they definitely change the rules here? Some guy from FIFA on radio this morning saying that the seeding was decided upon in 2007 for the play-offs in this qualifying competition.

Anybody confirm for me?


19/11/2009, 3:08 PM
I think FIFA needs to be disolvewd and a new world football body create with a new world cup not run by cheats, because they are h appy to accept cheatiing as part of the game.Screw the new body, bring the UN in to manage it! UNHCR on video, players to wear blue helmets at all times (health & safety).

Bottle of Tonic
19/11/2009, 3:08 PM
It's a minor enough point amongst all this handball/replay talk but Trap mentioned something I've been on about for a while. The playing of extra time when level at the end of a two legged tie. So 30mins more home advantage for one side. This needs to be changed. Two 90 minutes. Then a replay or straight to peno's.

19/11/2009, 3:09 PM
lads, re robbie's comments and the seeding, did they definitely change the rules here? Some guy from FIFA on radio this morning saying that the seeding was decided upon in 2007 for the play-offs in this qualifying competition.

Anybody confirm for me?


Nah!! There's something up there cos Blatter himself only said something recently on the matter saying he should have cited the ruling earlier, or something to that effect.

19/11/2009, 3:11 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

Arnold Layne
19/11/2009, 3:11 PM
While we're at it, we can replay the Ireland v Georgia game. Remember the penalty?

Bad decisions happen in football, some for you, some against you. There won't be a replay, get over it.

Den Perry
19/11/2009, 3:12 PM
Nah!! There's something up there cos Blatter himself only said something recently on the matter saying he should have cited the ruling earlier, or something to that effect.

thanks Dr

centre mid
19/11/2009, 3:14 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

Thats a fair point but I think the greivence is that FIFA seemingly only decided that was the dase when it was becoming clear that Germany, France, Russia & Portugal were in danger of not qualifying so therefore moveing the goal posts to suit them.

19/11/2009, 3:14 PM
I wish we'd just let it go.

We got shafted, but we, through the FAI, signed up to the rules of the game as they stand.

Whether the rules change going forward is a question for another day.

If we let the thing go then the rules won't change in the future

Maroon 7
19/11/2009, 3:14 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

Seeds are seeded before the draw for the groups. If they haven't been good enough to live up to their seeding and end up in the playoffs I don't think they should gain the benefit of being seeded again.

That said nobody would have minded a jot if FIFA had made the rules clear before qualifiying rather than making it up as they went along.

Bottle of Tonic
19/11/2009, 3:15 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

It keeps the strong strong. I hate it.

Bottle of Tonic
19/11/2009, 3:18 PM
Delaney doing alright here on SSN!

Den Perry
19/11/2009, 3:19 PM
It keeps the strong strong. I hate it.

as I said, I don't think we should look for a replay. However, we should go to the ends of the earth to ensure Henry gets a sizeable ban for what he did. I'm angry enough that he handled, but to claim afterwards it was unintentional is an insult to our intelligance. A very cowardly thing to do, because he knows he'll probably get a ban if he admits it.

19/11/2009, 3:19 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

It does make sense, true. Since when do sense and FIFA go hand in hand. Will they do what makes sense given the obvious deficiency in the game highlihted last night

It does make sense. But it doesn't detract from the fact the relavence of the rankings was pulled out of the air only recently. Sense wasn't the driving factor.

Not getting at you man. We deserve a tip of the hat from FIFA at the very least. Frustrating.

19/11/2009, 3:20 PM
If FIFA really are advocates of Fair Play then they must take some action.

The Fair Play code states:

Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure. Playing fair requires courage and character. It is also more satisfying. Fair play always has its reward, even when the game is lost. Playing fair earns respect, while cheating only brings shame. Remember: it is only a game. And *games are pointless unless played fairly*.

19/11/2009, 3:24 PM
I wonder will FIFA ban Robbie Keane after he suggested that Blatter & Platini had fixed the game?

linky (http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2009/1119/france_ireland7.html)

What does anyone have to say about this at the end of it from Henry:
The Barcelona striker said: 'The ball hit my hand, I will be honest. It was a handball, you can clearly see it. (Sebastien) Squillaci went to jump with two Irish players, I was behind him and the next thing I know the ball hit my hand.
'It was a handball, but I'm not the ref. I told (the referee) but he said to me the same: 'You are not the ref.'

19/11/2009, 3:25 PM
There was a huge thread on the Le Monde site about this and overwhelmingly expressing shame and regret. Now, Le Monde is like the French Guardian so it's likely to represent a more right- on view than the average, but what was noticeable was this: many people drew the comparison with Rugby, both in terms of the conduct of players and video evidence, but many also were quite prepared to label football as institutionally corrupt. I was interested, because I know if it had been the other way around, we wouldn't be seeing that kind of clear sightedness, even on here. You have to admire it.

Was just on the Le Monde site, brsuhing up on my French. Its interesting the poll they have and the overwhelming support amongst the French. Viva la Francais

19/11/2009, 3:27 PM
Looks like the story is getting bigger. There is precedence for this also.


welldone john delaney for having the balls to stand up to fifa.
im behind you 100%

19/11/2009, 3:27 PM
What does anyone have to say about this at the end of it from Henry:
The Barcelona striker said: 'The ball hit my hand, I will be honest. It was a handball, you can clearly see it. (Sebastien) Squillaci went to jump with two Irish players, I was behind him and the next thing I know the ball hit my hand.
'It was a handball, but I'm not the ref. I told (the referee) but he said to me the same: 'You are not the ref.'

Pity you told him at the end of the game Thierry and not run away immediately after when it happened.

19/11/2009, 3:28 PM
If FIFA really are advocates of Fair Play then they must take some action.

Yes, just the like EU being stalewarts of democracy and respecting Ireland's first NO vote to Lisbon.

We are on the fringes of a Europe which is a paragon of the just and virteuos which always pays attention to the Irish. Cos, ya know, everyone loves the Irish...

They have always been there for us as we are such great craic! The world wants to be Irish! Sure, aren't we great!!!

Sure didn't Ronnie Delaney win the gold medal and everyone in the rest of the world to this day agrees with Jimmy Magree that this was more profound that the Big Bang which started the Universe.

That's why everyone loves the Irish!

Pauro 76
19/11/2009, 3:32 PM
welldone john delaney for having the balls to stand up to fifa.
im behind you 100%

This could open a can of worms. Can FIFA ban us for having our captain speak out against play off being fixed?

19/11/2009, 3:33 PM
Delaney on the Last Word with Matt Cooper in a minute.

19/11/2009, 3:37 PM
welldone john delaney for having the balls to stand up to fifa.
im behind you 100%

He'll stand up to FIFA, but not Tom Coughlan.
For the love of Christ!

I'm starting to find all this incredibly embarassing

19/11/2009, 3:37 PM
welldone john delaney for having the balls to stand up to fifa.
im behind you 100%

FIFA may even have a change of heart and supply you with the vaseline.

19/11/2009, 3:37 PM
Have you a link for the FAI complaint?

There is no precedence for a replay. That game was a completely different scenario, as pointed out by several posters on another thread in this forum in the last hour or so.

From what I understand, the referee made a blatent 'technical error' in that game in Uzbekistan, he awarded a free out not a penalty.

In France the referee and linesman made a blatent technical error in not ruling (a) for an offside and (b) for two blatent handballs.

19/11/2009, 3:38 PM
I think the French should offer to replay the game. And Ireland should respectfully decline the offer. That way everyone has a bit of dignity. Video Reffs should then be brought in for all international qualifying games.

Or alternatively New Zealand should be kicked out on the grounds that they arent really into football and Ireland would take their place.

19/11/2009, 3:43 PM
does it not make sense to have seeds given preference in a playoff? they battled their way to get to that position and if we had been better in the past we might have been first seeds.

This is rubbish. The obvious point is that France were seeded so had an easier group than us. You are effectively rewarding teams who have finished below their expected place, instead of teams who have outperformed their expected place.

On a separate point, irishultra you obviously dont like the Irish team, (presumably the old eircom league issue). Why dont you take a day off from posting.

19/11/2009, 3:45 PM
Or alternatively New Zealand should be kicked out on the grounds that they arent really into football and Ireland would take their place.

Or even more annoyingly they have qualified off the back of being better than New Caledonia and Bahrain. Is this the easiest qualifying route ever.

On the other hand we had to finish ahead of one of the finalists from the last tournament.

19/11/2009, 3:46 PM
I know people are saying we should forgive and forget on this.

But if this happens once, it can happen again and it will happen again if allowed to go unchecked.

There has to be a replay and the French have to be called to account.

This event has given a licence to football teams to cheat and deceive referees.

Come the Euro qualifying it's highly possible we could again find ourselves in a similar situation, needing an important result against a big team and that team cheats to gain an advantage.

That's why we can't let this cheating pass, if it happens once, it will happen again.

The Irish team played out of their skins in Paris and tried everything. Now it's time for Irish supporters to back the team to the hilt and try everything to get the replay the players deserve.

pineapple stu
19/11/2009, 3:47 PM
From what I understand, the referee made a blatent 'technical error' in that game in Uzbekistan, he awarded a free out not a penalty.

In France the referee and linesman made a blatent technical error in not ruling (a) for an offside and (b) for two blatent handballs.
You clearly don't understand what a technical error is.

In the first game, he saw what happened and applied the wrong (old) rule. In the second game, the ref simply missed an incident. Completely different scenario, and exactly why the FAI are wasting their time.

Oh, and the FAI's antics are exactly why there shouldn't be a replay; it'd lead to a situation in the future where every little error is challenged and a replay urged.

19/11/2009, 3:48 PM
I think the French should offer to replay the game. And Ireland should respectfully decline the offer. That way everyone has a bit of dignity. Video Reffs should then be brought in for all international qualifying games.

Or alternatively New Zealand should be kicked out on the grounds that they arent really into football and Ireland would take their place.

ha ya we wish. new zealand in the WC, HOW!!.:rolleyes:

19/11/2009, 3:48 PM
I wouldn't be one for the replay either the ref's decision must be final even if he makes a mistake.

I'm suprised nobody mentioned another option, where as a gesture of fair play FIFA add an extra place to the world cup for Ireland. That's a win win situation as FIFA get France in the WC and we also get to qualify. They would have to work out a way of fitting us into a group though.

Maybe Delaney won't get very far with his request for a replay but if it results in a few sweetners for the FAI from FIFA to make him shut up then it is worth a try.

A few examples:

1. Easy group in the next qualifiers :p
2. Buy up the remaining long-term exec. boxes at the new Lansdowne.
3. A UEFA cup final in Dublin.

19/11/2009, 3:50 PM
I have lost faith in football....

Same here, its sickening, its not going to be easy to watch again when ya know its all rigged for for the big teams.

If it had been us that won with a goal like that ya can bet Blatter and Platinini would be all over the media today demanding that we offer to replay.

19/11/2009, 3:50 PM
I wouldn't be one for the replay either the ref's decision must be final even if he makes a mistake.

So even if there is a situation where a referee is clearly bribed, and I'm not saying that about this game, you are saying his decisions should be final??

That's just madness.

That would just encourage teams to bribe referees in advance, safe in the knowledge the referees decisions won't be changed. Football would end up in chaos.

19/11/2009, 3:51 PM
I'm suprised nobody mentioned another option, where as a gesture of fair play FIFA add an extra place to the world cup for Ireland. That's a win win situation as FIFA get France in the WC and we also get to qualify.

LOL. Best post yet. :D

19/11/2009, 3:51 PM
Why dont the FAI go legal and sue FIFA/Henry/FFF for loss of earnings?

pineapple stu
19/11/2009, 3:51 PM
So even if there is a situation where a referee is clearly bribed, and I'm not saying that about this game, you are saying his decisions should be final??

That's just madness.

That would just encourage teams to bribe referees in advance, safe in the knowledge the referees decisions won't be changed. Football would end up in chaos.


You now don't understand the difference between a bribe and a mistake?

Why dont the FAI go legal and sue FIFA/Henry/FFF for loss of earnings?
Great idea! What - two ads for RTÉ between the end of extra time and the penalties? E5k?

The amount of people on here who have simply lost their grip on reality is amazing.

19/11/2009, 3:52 PM
Agree. I suggest the following measure which will being France to its knees.

1) Demand Johnny Depp stop shagging his missus
2) Demand RTE stop showing that fat bird from Belfast who lives in Paris cooking Fat Bird food
3) Demand the Hugh Lane Gallery remove their collection of Monet's and Degas paintings from public show and replace them with Kevin Sharkey's spashes of paint on canvas
4) Have the dish "Chicken Ala King" be changed to "King's Chicken" in the menus of **** Irish cafes
5) Have Henry Street in Dublin renamed Boyzone Lane.

The only reason the Frogs will get away with this is if no one shouted stop!

19/11/2009, 3:53 PM

You now don't understand the difference between a bribe and a mistake?

A bribe, a blatent mistake or a referee ignoring a blatent handball, these are instances when decisions should not be final.

This referee was under serious pressure, the most likely pressure to be on the FIFA refereeing list for SA.

It's clear he tried his best put possibly in the end cracked under the pressure.

The refereeing team made an appalling mistake that has cost the FAI tens of millions and the fans the chance to see their team in the WC. This is not small fry. This is not a game decided in the Pheonix Park by a bad decision.

This is a monumental c*ck-up by the powers that be.

19/11/2009, 3:53 PM
Delaney doing alright here on SSN!

I didnt think he was great to be honest...

He knew he was giving a press release yet didnt do enough research and didnt have the answers to stop the journos in their tracks,,

He only answer was this was a worldwide game,,,

why didnt he make some bold statement and go the full hog,

Like "Henry an ambassador for fair play? More like an ambassador for hypocracy (excuse spelling),

When they questioned his point around the english game in 86 why didnt he react with the points that 1) fair play wasnt an issue in the game then and 2) that that was one of the most talked about sporting incidents for a decade and still and surely a repeat shouldnt be allowed happen 20 years later,,,

Im happy he came out with it just think he could of did alot better..

any views?

19/11/2009, 3:53 PM
Have Henry Street in Dublin renamed Boyzone Lane.


19/11/2009, 3:53 PM
its happened before Emmet...but sure lets do what we can...The French need to put pressure on the FFF.

19/11/2009, 3:54 PM
french should be taken off the irish cirriculum.