View Full Version : Help Wanted!!

28/02/2004, 2:31 PM
Hi there!

Does anyone know how I could get hold of the following:

Ronnie Whelan
Kevin Sheedy
Alan McLoughlin
Jack Charlton
Pat Bonner
Chris Morris
Kevin Moran
John Aldridge
Steve Staunton
Paul McGrath
Tony Cascarino
Niall Quinn

I recently got hold of a 1990 World Cup shirt and I'd like to try and get it signed by them all. I know that the likes of David O'Leary can be contacted through Aston Villa, Mick McCarthy through Sunderland, Andy Townsend through ITV so those ones should be fairly straightforward.

If anyone knows if any of those guys work at particular clubs or can be contacted in other ways then I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know :)

Thanks a lot,

28/02/2004, 2:51 PM
i hear p. bonner drinks in Gibneys in Malahide very regularly ... i'd say he'd be approachable

28/02/2004, 2:52 PM
Paul McGrath can probably be contacted through Waterford United, Chris Morris' family make pies I believe, Steve Staunton is with Coventry City, Alan McLoughlin was last see at Forest green Rovers I believe. I guess Whelan could be reached through RTE?

29/02/2004, 1:16 AM
Whelan writes for 'the Star on Sundays', Cascarino for the Sunday Independent. Kevin Moran can be contacted through his own sports agency, i think its called pro-active management. Kevin sheedy does alot of work for today fm, as does john aldridge (tv3 aswell).

You've some amount of travelling to do bud!

29/02/2004, 9:12 AM
The Quest For The Signing Of The Shirt begins....

29/02/2004, 10:55 AM
hehe! I'll probably do the majority of it through the post - it should save on the long journies but will probably take a lot longer!! Someone has told me that Whelan and Aldridge go to most of Liverpool's home matches so I'll probably go up there and see if I can catch them both!

29/02/2004, 2:15 PM
I wouldn't bother with the postal system. It's crap here unless you register post the shirt. Better off trying to see them.

Also check out if they are on the after dinner bore circuit. Non-league clubs are the best and quite cheap for a boil in the bag and bore on the stage. Saw Charlton and Terry Mancini at Yeading and Bestie at Harrow Borough. He was brilliant... and so sober.:confused: It was just before the 94 finals and someone asked who he wanted as the next England manager (Graham Taylor had resigned because he was useless). Bestie replied: 'As an Irishman? I want Taylor!' :D Brilliant!!!

01/03/2004, 11:04 AM
Ray Houghton also writes for the star though for some reason he's not on your list? :confused:

01/03/2004, 11:34 AM
John Sheridan at Oldham.

01/03/2004, 11:39 AM
Thanks for that - I'll check out the PFA website and see if it can tell me anything useful. I didn't put Houghton on the list because I can get him to sign stuff through Sky Sports - it was only the ones I didn't know about that went on the list!!