View Full Version : Movie Actor Heavyweighs Poll

26/02/2004, 1:03 PM
If you want to spoil your vote then don't vote.

26/02/2004, 3:05 PM
ill go for de niro purely cos of his numerous great roles despite the fact they are all at least twent years old . but pacino was the best thing in the godfather series so its hard to judge both have gone off the boil recently as al seems content to ham it up in every role he plays and de niro doesnt mind taking on a series of crappy films.

26/02/2004, 4:36 PM
Gotta be Al as he seems to have more than 1 character. Bobs a bit one dimensional with the mob/ganster roles & been bit o disaster since started comedy too...

26/02/2004, 4:55 PM
in fairness to de niro the charactres he has portayed have shown he can do shy retiring type ( mad dog and glory , a bronx tale ) as well as ur every day psychopath ( cape fear , taxi driver , mean streets )

26/02/2004, 5:18 PM
De Niro always struck me as a guy who was cast because he looked the part, and could act a bit too. Pachino by a mile.

Both of them can hang their heads at their recent stuff.

26/02/2004, 6:02 PM
De Niro.

Pacino's main acting style is to shout a loud. (Although my favourite acting performance of all time is him in Dog Day Afternoon)

26/02/2004, 6:38 PM
Are you lookin' at me?

26/02/2004, 7:49 PM
Both have their best work far behind them. Pacino is hanging in with a little more dignity (Insomnia, The Insider). deNiro doesn't seem to care what he stars in anymore. Attheir best;

Pacino has The two 'Godfather' flicks, 'Scarface', 'Serpico', the brilliant 'Dog Day Afternoon' and 'Carlito's way'.

deNiro has 'Taxi Driver', 'Raging Bull', 'Godfather 2', 'King of Comedy', 'Goodfellas, 'A Bronx Tale'.

pretty even but deNiro shades it after i count Pacino 'hoo-hahhing' his way to Oscar glory in one of the worst films any actor has starred in.

26/02/2004, 10:53 PM
dont forget deniro also put in great performances in

once upon a time in america
the deerhunter
mean streets

27/02/2004, 8:42 AM
i way prefer de niro, although i have to say the deerhunter was a complete load of shíte. Taxi driver is one of my favourite films ever.

27/02/2004, 8:52 AM
Had to go for de niro - both are fairly even but had to go that way based on goodfellas, casino, and taxi driver

max power
27/02/2004, 9:45 AM
eh de niro all the way, amjor fan of the man, got a biog of him last week and just about to start on it also collecting de niro dvd's i have 15 to20 at the mo, building slowly but nicely....

fav de diro movie has to be taxi driver, he was just on another level in that film, king of comedy was dark but brillant,the mission is another amazing performance along with the untouchables...and how can you overlook awakenings..

my god i could talk on this subject for days, in his recent roles we are seeing a new side to de niro, meet the parnets showed his comic side ( not that midnight run or we're no angles didn't ) but in rocky and bullwinkle doing the famous lines from taxi driver really showed he isn't afraid to poke fun at himself...

he was just fantastic in cape fear ( hard to top the 1963 version)

if any body asks me what i think of any actor my answer is simple, he good-but he no de niro.......

he is a god !!!

max power
27/02/2004, 9:54 AM
Originally posted by pete
Gotta be Al as he seems to have more than 1 character. Bobs a bit one dimensional with the mob/ganster roles & been bit o disaster since started comedy too...

eh, what you smokin !!!

awakening ??? drama

midnight run ?? comedy ( 80's )

men of honor ?? drama

the mission ??historical drama

king of comedy ?? very dark comedy ( very dark )

raging bull ?? life story/biog (boxer )

thats just off the top of my head.....the man is just on another level...

two movies of pacino i like scarface ( of course ) got the t-shirt, say hello to my lil friend !! and his outstanding performance in the scent of a woman..

27/02/2004, 11:30 AM
Pacino was good in Insomnia whereas de Niro seems to have lost the plot in recent years with straight to video stuff.

Serpico is a forgotten movie although been on tv a few times recently.

max power
27/02/2004, 11:33 AM
de niro is getting behind the camera,he is directing a movie called the good shepherd soon and has his own production company as well he also is responsible for the queen musical we will rock you.........you have to remember that de niro is around since 63 and in 41 years some dodgey movie will come about

27/02/2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
That's a little harsh, don't you think.

I mean, one could suggest that all de Niro seems to do is to scrunch up his eyes and sneer and make a face like this (http://www.magnetictimes.com/images/uploads/AnalyseThat-robert-de-niro-Billy-Crystal.jpg)
Bit harsh maybe and I do love both of them but it was more in response to the idea that De Niro was one dimensional.