View Full Version : Best /Worst Commentator

26/02/2004, 10:35 AM
BEST: Michael O'Hehir, O'Muirecheartaigh, Bill McClaren and John Motson.
WORST: George Hamilton...bar none.

max power
26/02/2004, 10:36 AM
best of all time for me has to be murray walker

worst is hamilton, what a tool !!!

the 12 th man
26/02/2004, 10:50 AM
italy v ireland v usa 94/rte tv coverage as follows
hamilton;...."dino baggio holds it up.......passes it to brother roberto!!!!!!
i mean that just defies belief.
he later said that the notes that he was given for the match were at fault:D

26/02/2004, 10:53 AM
Frank Stapleton and Jim Beglin are enough to convince me of the existence of Satan!

Beglins best ever line - "as I was saying the other day to Ronnie, or Ronaldo to you".

And the gimp's got himself a job on UTV too!

max power
26/02/2004, 10:54 AM
check out www.dangerhere.com for great commentary gaffs

26/02/2004, 11:18 AM
i actually don't mind beglin, his voice/accent is a bit annoying, but he's usually pretty good with his observations, has decent knowledge and gets his facts right most of the time. gerry armstrong on sky's spanish coverage is pretty good too. oh, and alan brazil's alright, though you'd rarely hear him.

i've begun to really hate andy gray. and i think ray houghtons brutal at colour commentary but does better in the studio. ryle nugent was appalling, he seems to have f***ed off to rugby now, and good riddance.

max power
26/02/2004, 11:22 AM
agreed about andy gray....

ronaldo against everton...one man wall for a free kick, from 12 yards away he hit the guy in the face with the ball and ray said it was deliberate...gray = ****

the 12 th man
26/02/2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by b_mcsweeney
ryle nugent was appalling, he seems to have f***ed off to rugby now, and good riddance.

as well as egg chasing you might see him doing basketball etc...his annoying style of delivery he says is down to helping(deaf i would imagine) people lipread him when he is on tv.

26/02/2004, 11:41 AM
Beglin as bad as they get.

Daragh Maloney the worst cos he makes George Hamilton sound good.

26/02/2004, 11:45 AM
Anyone remember the Combined Rule match between the Bogball and Aussie Rules. The Aussie fella was totally nuts. Started screaming like mad everytime an Aussie player made a mark. When they scored he went ape****!

Michéal O'Muirecheartaigh is the best I've heard but O'Hehir was ment to be twice as good.

Daragh Maloney is decent I think. He at least knows his stuff.

Motson is shocking IMO.

26/02/2004, 11:59 AM
Motson is brutal!

"I think that's gone in... no wait, it's been disallowed... or has it... it is a goal then... no... oh a goalkick..."

or "Words just fail me" :rolleyes: You're a commentator for God's sake John, words shouldn't fail you!!!

pineapple stu
26/02/2004, 12:23 PM
Archie McPherson on Eurosport - end of debate!!

Supposedly one of the most biased commentators when commentating on Rangers games, and he's also come out with some classics like - (and these are on the Eurosport highlights, not even live commentary!!!)

"The Romanian lined up the free kick...and sent it wide. And, well, as you can see by the reaction on the bench, he put it into the bottom corner of the net"

"The equaliser for Malaga...was not to come as Espanyol scored again" (that was for an own goal)

"And a penalty!!! Spot...is where Fowler was with that chance."

Can anyone ever beat any of them, let alone on such a consistent basis?:eek: :eek:

26/02/2004, 12:44 PM
Murray Walker and Bill McLaren are the best I've heard. I don't know of any really outstanding football commentators but if John Toshack hadn't such a boring voice, he'd be very good.

Eurosport had a couple of brutal ones and I'm not a fan of Motson. That new F1 guy on UTV is $hite too, only Brundle makes it bearable. Micheál O'Muirecheartaigh gives me a pain in the ear!

pineapple stu
26/02/2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
Micheál O'Muirecheartaigh gives me a pain in the ear!

He's MC-ing this dinner thingy in a couple of weeks' time!:)

26/02/2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
He's MC-ing this dinner thingy in a couple of weeks' time!:) $hite, I'll have to bring ear plugs or get pi$$ed before he starts so!

pineapple stu
26/02/2004, 12:54 PM
Sure he was there last year as well!

26/02/2004, 1:01 PM
Oh almost forgot Peter Collins fro F1 on RTE!


26/02/2004, 1:54 PM
Ah ye're all just jealous because there's people out there who get paid good money for watching and talking sh1te about sports simultaneosly:D Every sports fans dream really.

Actually I'm most jealous of Peter Collins. I'm not into F1 really - but neither is Collins, yet he gets to go to all these exotic places to demonstrate first hand his lack of knowledge of his chosen profession.

I'd say the RTE bosses were having a meeting about who'd be their new F1 commentator when Peter happened to walk past the office on his way to sweep the floor in studio 2 after The Den had finished, and there was something about him that they just loved straight away. Probably the fact that he agreed to do it in exchange for a two-man tent, some assorted Brazilian coins, a change of shorts and the chance to meet a man at Heathrow who says he has access to the baggage holds of planes at Terminal 4. That and George "multi-purpose" Hamilton was exhausted from his work on football, rugby, athletics, swimming, sports awards, various niche sports, chasing after Thelma Mansfield...etc, etc.

26/02/2004, 1:55 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
Sure he was there last year as well! Yeah, I went for option 2 last year. :D

parnell ranger
26/02/2004, 2:01 PM
for biasm,phil green(n white)

best had to be the norwegian guy commentating on norways shock win over england.
pure classic

max power
26/02/2004, 2:11 PM
just to back up Murray Walker here are some of his best quotes ::

"He's obviously gone in for a wheel change. I say obviously because I can't see it"
"With half the race gone, there is half the race still to go"

"Do my eyes deceive me, or is Senna's Lotus sounding rough ?"

"Anything happens in Grand Prix racing and it usually does"

"Alboreto has dropped back up to fifth place"

"As you look at the first four, the significant thing is that Alboreto is 5th"

"I can't imagine what kind of problem Senna has. I imagine it must be some sort of grip problem"

"He is shedding buckets of adrenalin in that car"

"It's raining and the track is wet"

"And there's just a few more corners for Nigel Mansell to go to win the Canadian Grand Prix...and...he's going rather slow....HE'S STOPPING HE'S STOPPING!"

"and this is the third placed car about to lap the second placed car"

"they say clothes maketh the man... the clothes are Niki Lauda's, but the contents are me..." as Murray prepares to take a drive in a F1 car." [He gets a total distance of... oh, 1 foot before he stalls it.] (Apparently, this was the second attempt to film Murray in an F1 McLaren - the first, earlier that day, had gone very well, but for technical reasons couldn't be used!)

[During a F1 race, describing how the leader can see the driver following him] "... Mansell can see him in his earphone..."

"So Bernie [Ecclestone], in the seventeen years since you bought McLaren, which of your many achievements do you think was the most memorable ?" Bernie Answers, "Well I don't remember buying McLaren." [Bernie Ecclestone used to own the Brabham team].

Murrary: "What's that? There's a BODY on the track!!!" James: "Um, I think that that is a piece of BODY-WORK, from someone's car."

Murray: There's a fiery glow coming from the back of the Ferrari James: No Murray, that's his rear safety light

As an introductory piece for a rallysprint race, Murray was put in the Navigator's seat alongside Tony Pond in a Chevette HSR (270 BHP, rwd, and TWITCHY), added an in-car camera, and wired Murray for sound. The result can be deduced by extrapolating his usual excitement and enthusiasm, and adding a large pinch of raw terror! "And there's a 600 foot drop on my left..AND we're doing 120 mph... AND we're approaching a hairpin...OH MY GOD we're going to die..."

[after a post race interview with Mansell after the Austrian GP 1987] Murray : "How did you get that nasty bumb on your head Nigel?" [Nigel leans forward to show the camera as Murray pokes it with his finger !] Nigel: "OWCH!!"

Murray: And look at the flames coming from the back of Berger's McLaren
James: Actually, Murray, they're not flames, it's the safety light.
Murray, commentating on rallycross from Lydden, describes how a BMW driver has cut holes in his windscreen so that his visibility is improved in all the muck... as he is doing so, the car crashes heavily into an earth bank...

From the Spanish GP 1995: "and Eddie Jordan is in fifth place"... (actually Eddie Irvine in one of his compatriot Eddie Jordan's cars).

"...and he's lost both right front tyres" (which may have been accurate back in the days of the Tyrrell P34, but it was from 1995!)


26/02/2004, 2:11 PM
Originally posted by pete
Oh almost forgot Peter Collins fro F1 on RTE!


terrible aright. something happens about two laps ago, ive noticed it, the crowds noticed it, my dogs noticed it but peter hasnt.

the worst commentator of all is Frank Stapelton.

The man is so biased its unbelieveable. Hates to see British teams losing in the european games. he ends up blaming losses on refs or something. he gets really frustrated when it happens. usually he finishes with a "Thats disgusting" when it does :rolleyes:

26/02/2004, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by max power
"Anything happens in Grand Prix racing and it usually does" "Anything can happen" I believe.

Murrary: "What's that? There's a BODY on the track!!!" James: "Um, I think that that is a piece of BODY-WORK, from someone's car."
That's my all time favourite quote. :D :D :D

26/02/2004, 7:28 PM
the good:
Martin Tyler
Gabriel Egan

the bad:
Ryle Nugent
Peter Collins

and the ugly:
Marty Morrisey:D

26/02/2004, 10:40 PM
John Motson, his commentry of one of Sweden's game's in usa 94, about how the ball was made in huddersfield, the net's were made in York, and the Sweden team strip was made in manchester, going on about this for half the game does it for me.
I guess he was making the self appointed football master race feel like they had some involvment in that world cup
Ron Atkinson on itv/utv is another one who's great craic to listen to zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Another master of the mic is channel 5's (i know you don't get that station @ home) John Barnes. While wrapping up the final moment's of Scotland's 6-1 hammering to Holland, he asked Pat Nevin ''so Pat what positives do you think Scotland can take from this tonight''. Pat Nevin looked like he wanted to kill him. :eek:

27/02/2004, 8:43 AM
I hate Andy Grey. Used to like him but now I really despise him. So biased to Everton and Man United. All he says are things like "What a Goal" and "The ref has got it wrong there" When clearly Grey doesn't know the rules himself.

Frank Stapelton is shocking. Greece away springs to mind.

Hamiliton is terrible as well. Some of his gaffs are truely comical.

27/02/2004, 11:13 AM
"Fox has the ball on the 40, he goes on a solo run.He's on the 21, being chased by Rabbitte.....sweet jesus, thats the first time I've seen a rabbit chase a fox at Croke Park".
That was the funniest thing I've ever heard live by a commentator. He was talking about a Tipperary v Galway All-Ireland Semi-Final in 1991. Pat Fox and Joe Rabbitte were the players.
"O'Hailpin has the ball on the seventy, his fathers from Fermanagh, his mothers from Fiji.........neither a hurling stronghold"................thats another.:D :D :D

max power
27/02/2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by joeSoap
"Fox has the ball on the 40, he goes on a solo run.He's on the 21, being chased by Rabbitte.....sweet jesus, thats the first time I've seen a rabbit chase a fox at Croke Park".
That was the funniest thing I've ever heard live by a commentator. He was talking about a Tipperary v Galway All-Ireland Semi-Final in 1991. Pat Fox and Joe Rabbitte were the players.
"O'Hailpin has the ball on the seventy, his fathers from Fermanagh, his mothers from Fiji.........neither a hurling stronghold"................thats another.:D :D :D

sometimes its better to listen to the game on the radio whe he is doing it, watchin on tv later is a bit of a let down, when it comes to gaa hes in a league of his own..

27/02/2004, 11:35 AM
The Pearse fella now think on BBC Radio formerly of Ch5 in the uk is good for his "emotion" :)

Almost forgot Tom Tyrell on Today Fm saturdays is sooooo Manchester biased. Actually i'm gonna go for him as worst closely followed by peter Collins.

27/02/2004, 12:20 PM
Noone can touch Clive Tyldsley (sp?) on ITV for ManYoo bias.

27/02/2004, 1:20 PM
Originally posted by joeSoap
"Fox has the ball on the 40, he goes on a solo run.He's on the 21, being chased by Rabbitte.....sweet jesus, thats the first time I've seen a rabbit chase a fox at Croke Park".
That was the funniest thing I've ever heard live by a commentator. He was talking about a Tipperary v Galway All-Ireland Semi-Final in 1991. Pat Fox and Joe Rabbitte were the players.
"O'Hailpin has the ball on the seventy, his fathers from Fermanagh, his mothers from Fiji.........neither a hurling stronghold"................thats another.:D :D :D

There are some real gems from him.
The Ó hAilpín one and this one are my personal favs;
"Timmy McCarthy hand passed to Niall McCarthy, no relation. Nial McCarthy back to Timmy McCarthy, still no relation."
The way he can just drift from Irish to English and vice versa is a true talent.

the scout
29/02/2004, 5:05 PM
what about jim sheridan.rugby and tennis commentator,boy was his voice tough to listen to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz