View Full Version : Ireland V England Wembley '91

24/02/2004, 6:16 PM
They showed this game on Sports Files on RTE2 on Saturday.
What a game to have been at.
The Ireland fans outsung the the Brits on their home patch for the whole game.Were on the One Road,Molly Malone,Boys in Green....f**king great.
And we destroyed them on the pitch too.We were all over them for the majority of both halves.They scored early on with jammy
deflected goal then Quinny leveled with a delicate sidefoot volley and we had them under the cosh for the rest of the match.Houghton went through in the last five to win it but he shot wide.:( (would probably have sent us through?)Still quite an achievement to have their fans whistling for fulltime within the closing minutes.:)

24/02/2004, 8:12 PM
Originally posted by Beavis
The Ireland fans outsung the the Brits on their home patch for the whole game.Were on the One Road,Molly Malone,Boys in Green....f**king great.
Its a pity we now have nothing more than Ireland, Ireland, Ireland. Also, when we played a friendly against Turkey a few months ago they outsung us with their national anthem. We have to get our act together.

Ireland, ireland, repub-e-lic of ireland, rev it up and here we go. :D ;)

25/02/2004, 1:47 PM
George H mentioned about them showing some game from the Euro 88 qualifiers next week-is this a series or was it a once off programme, hadnt seen it before.

25/02/2004, 1:52 PM
Even The Sun reckoned we should have won 3-1 that night. Definitely one for the "what might have been" files. Should have won easily after outplaying them but failed to take chances.

We should have won that group too - terrible home draw v Poland, threw away a 3-1 lead when cruising in Poznan and then Englan dget a jammy draw in Poland after a late Lineker equaliser 2 minutes after the Poles had a stonewall penalty appeal turned down.

25/02/2004, 2:07 PM
Originally posted by elroy
George H mentioned about them showing some game from the Euro 88 qualifiers next week-is this a series or was it a once off programme, hadnt seen it before. It's a series alright, they showed the Euro 88 qualifying game against Bulgaria a few weeks back. They've done the same for some old rugby games too.

25/02/2004, 3:33 PM
It's a decent series, aye. Congrats to RTÉ on that, ye's finally got something right lads. :eek: Great for younger people such as meself who can't remember anything before World Cup '94. :D

Great to hear us outsing the English over there. Should have won as well. BTW, in that qualifying group we beat Turkey 5-0 at Lansdowne. They've come a long way since then. Some achievement alright.

25/02/2004, 5:10 PM
Great game. Good series by RTE, nice to watch the old games. I think that series was shown at some stage last year as well. I recall seeing the England away game, Yugoslavia at home and one or two other ones.

The fans were amazing that night. There hasn't been a decent atmosphere at Lansdowne since Holland.

Shed End John
25/02/2004, 5:44 PM
Originally posted by brendy_eire
It's a decent series, aye. Congrats to RTÉ on that, ye's finally got something right lads. :eek: Great for younger people such as meself who can't remember anything before World Cup '94. :D

It IS a damn good series. Even watching it now though you still expect Houghton to bury THAT chance. How we made a mess of qualifying after that is beyond me. Cost us our best chance to win an international tournament.
Same series is also good for screening old rugby matches, like the one v England at Twickenham in one of our Triple Crown winning years in the 80s.

26/02/2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Beavis
The Ireland fans outsung the the Brits on their home patch for the whole game.Were on the One Road,Molly Malone,Boys in Green....f**king great.

Was at that game, best game I was ever at for atmosphere and sense of pride at full time - we played them off the park and should have won easily. At that stage it looked like we were on our way, but we messed up with some poor draws.

The Irish fans were unreal, i'll never forget the singing of 'On the one road' both during and after the game. On the way out after the game some english fans were doing alot of pushing and messing. Some irish buses were attacked aswell. Shame we didn't qualify in the end.

26/02/2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by 4tothefloor
Was at that game, best game I was ever at for atmosphere and sense of pride at full time - we played them off the park and should have won easily...On the way out after the game some english fans were doing alot of pushing and messing. Some irish buses were attacked aswell. Shame we didn't qualify in the end.
I was in the pub with the missus 'The Black Lion' in Kilburn before the game (afternoon) when it got a bin and bricks through the window. I got a deep gash on my head but luckily it clotted and I was able to go to the game. One bloke wasn't so lucky and had to go to hospital to get stitched up. Almost cut his jugular. Since then I've hoped those scum tan b*stards get hammered in every game they play. Despite us f*cking it up that night (Houghton's miss is always replayed whenever I think of the game) my house resembled any home in Stockholm the following summer when the c*nts were finally dumped out. My neighbours must have thought I had a bunch of Swedes staying with all the cheering when Fat Boy Brolin scored. :D

Bring Back Mick
26/02/2004, 3:04 PM
Oh What a day.........................was across the road in McGoverns when the friendly huns came calling, when you experiance things like that no wonder we hate the bast'ds, remember walking up to Kilburn stn, and about 15 of them were comin down the High Road, on the opposite side of the road one Irish lad was on his own and a couple of them started pushing and shoving him, there was a police van parked beside the North London tavern which the huns didn't see, and luckily I knew a few of the lads in the van they didn't know what was happening when the police and 10 irish lads were runnin across towards them never seen them run so fast.........................................bit like

27/02/2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by brendy_eire
Great for younger people such as meself who can't remember anything before World Cup '94. :D

I remember shouting for Northern Ireland in Mexico 86.
Don't suppose RTÉ will show any of those games?
Pat Jennings was inpirational!
I remember reading about Espania 82 but don't actually remember watching it.
Certainly don't remember Argentina 78.

pineapple stu
27/02/2004, 12:31 PM
TG4 showed NI-Spain a few years ago on their World Cup Gold series. Shame they don't show that any more! Refereeing in that match was something else - NI getting kicked about the place until finally one of their players gets sent off - mad stuff!

27/02/2004, 1:32 PM
Pete makes an interesting point. Maybe a mod could make it a poll.

Do you support Northern Ireland?

I for one hope that they win every game they play, except against us of course.

Still didnt stop me laughing at the recent goal scoirng record though!

27/02/2004, 1:48 PM
Originally posted by SÓC
Do you support Northern Ireland?

yeah, I remember Espana 82, I was very young at the time but as far as I knew they were 'my team' over there, I have a clear picture of watching the Spanish game. I'd still cheer them on, or at least wish them luck.

27/02/2004, 2:17 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
yeah, I remember Espana 82, I was very young at the time but as far as I knew they were 'my team' over there, I have a clear picture of watching the Spanish game

ditto ditto......

Originally posted by tiktok

I'd still cheer them on, or at least wish them luck.

I have to say the Billy Bingham episode in 93 and the recent ****e thrown at Neil Lennon, have not left them top of my list. These days, I can't say I have any real desire for them to do well or badly for that matter.

27/02/2004, 2:19 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
I have a clear picture of watching the Spanish game.

Did they play Spain in 82 as well as 86?

I have this abiding memory of the build up to the Northern Ireland v Brazil game and an interview with Pat Jennings where he said "If we lose, I'll retire." They lost 3-0 and he retired. I'm sure it was his birthday the same day as well.
That may all have been something I dreamed up but I recite it as one of my early World Cup memories.

27/02/2004, 3:19 PM
Originally posted by SÓC
Pete makes an interesting point. Maybe a mod could make it a poll.

Do you support Northern Ireland?

I for one hope that they win every game they play, except against us of course.

Still didnt stop me laughing at the recent goal scoirng record though!
Back in the seventies I supported them. They were an Irish team playing in the BC and with a multi-ethnic team. I even got a shirt, which is finally going to a good home (DG's, even if there is little chance the curry chumper will fit into it).

There was nothing to suggest that there was any bigotry associated with the side. When I started following Ireland it was clear that this was a lie. Meeting Northerners on trips, people who were at the North games in 78 and 79. Call it political but from around the time that they called off the games in 81 I started losing interest in them. As a sixteen year old me and my father had an acrimonious squabble about them one night in Spain over them. My father was having none of it. They were Irish and he supported them just as much as the South. However it was the North games that I personally attended that brought home the bigotry of many of their fans. The Republic games were always a magnet for the lunatic fringe, but even I found it unbelievable. I tend to be indifferent to their results but still hope they hammer the tans. My father incidentally changed his mind, even long before the Lennon b*llocks or indeed whatever Bingham allegedly done.

27/02/2004, 3:48 PM
Originally posted by Peadar
Did they play Spain in 82 as well as 86?

they beat them 1-0 in '82, lost 2-1 in '86

27/02/2004, 6:33 PM
Originally posted by SÓC
Do you support Northern Ireland?

No. Never ever. Hope they rot.

27/02/2004, 9:06 PM
I've got a love- hate relationship with the north. They were the first Irish team I remember watching ( I was 7 when Espana 82 was on and it left an indelible impression on me concerning International football - the games were incredible and NIs victory over Spain was unbelievable ).

I didn't know anything about our attempts at qualifying and how we were done out of it - My dad was a confirmed Gaelic man (How this changed after Italia 90!)

I think NIs achievements in football are incredible but like Lopez I have experienced some of the lunatic fringe who latch on to games against the "beggars". Part of me thinks "F*** em, they don't want us to win" and part of me wants them them to win.

Duncan Gardner
01/03/2004, 9:00 AM
Credit where it's due, to Brendy. Embittered, yes, but brief, direct and honest. This has absolutely nothing to do with football, does it? He doesn't like anything about Northern Ireland, starting with the name. Live with it Brendy, because it ain't going away anytime soon...

Lopez, I'm genuinely puzzled by what you say. First, as we've discussed many times, the atmosphere at NI games in the 70s and 80s was much worse than now. Reflecting both the greater degree of violence and tension locally, and also bigger crowds and the wider problem of hooliganism. This wasn't really covered in the outside media, but I remember as a kid going to matches how edgy the atmosphere could be. And you haven't forgotten the death threats to George Best or the Provo bombs at Windsor, I hope.

You're indifferent to NI results? This is a joke, right? You're obsessed by them! As evidenced on this forum again and again.

But you dislike the 'Tans' more. Well, thanks very much for that. Most of the rest of us have moved on from the Anglo-Irish War, as it ended about 40 years before you and I were born, like. I'm sorry you and your friends were glassed in a Kilburn pub, but does the entire English nation have to carry a stigma for this ad infinitum?

A few years before that, I was in a pub in Wembley (the Windermere, you probably kow it) one Saturday evening just after an England- Scotland game. I'd been, but everyone else was just gathering for an engagement party. Many were completely indifferent to the match. That didn't stop my friend Janet taking a pint glass in the face when some English and Scots lads kicked it off. Do I drone about Culloden or Bannockburn as a result? No.

Moving forward to 1997, when we met on that wet and windy night in Cardiff for the 0-0 draw. Am I right in thinking that when you were thumped at that game, it was by a fellow Irish 'fan' who objected to your London accent? If so, shouldn't you consistently apply the same censure to your own team as you do to England and Northern Ireland?

By the way, though I normally support whoever you are playing, there are exceptions. Scotland and England, obviously, but as Davros will remember, also the Dutch in qualifying for WC 2002. I wasn't happy at the way they tried to get round a current drugs ban for at least one of their players. Anyone got a duster for my halo? :)

01/03/2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Lopez, I'm genuinely puzzled by what you say. First, as we've discussed many times, the atmosphere at NI games in the 70s and 80s was much worse than now. Reflecting both the greater degree of violence and tension locally, and also bigger crowds and the wider problem of hooliganism. This wasn't really covered in the outside media, but I remember as a kid going to matches how edgy the atmosphere could be.
Well as I never went to the games I wouldn't know either. And as you pointed out, neither was it mentioned in the media. The consensus was, right up to the decline of the NI, that it was the only place in Ireland where nationalist and unionist stood shoulder to shoulder.

The truth as you knew then, and I knew from around 1981, was different. I used to get Shoot! and there was a letter in there from a unionist kid circa 1981 who already pointed out that far from this being the case, most RC kids he knew supported the south. Blimey! Even in the days before the Republic existed as some of the dorks on ourweeminds would like to believe. My first game was in September 81 and I remember NI based supporters then. Perhaps not enough for a dozen Ulsterbus coaches that clogged the roads around Lansdowne Road at the Czech game in 94, but sufficient to tell me that something was amiss with the NI team. Dropping the NI was political. I just don't support British teams.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
And you haven't forgotten the death threats to George Best or the Provo bombs at Windsor, I hope.
You haven't forgotten about Loughinisland 94? Six people shot in the back watching the Italy v Ireland game. Doesn't get much of a mention on ourweeminds does it? 'Oh but they weren't NI fans!' :rolleyes: Were the provos who threatened Bestie (didn't the UDA/UVF threaten him aswell? Something in the back of my mind tells me this was the case?) or planted the bombs, RoI fans. Is there a point to your statement?

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
You're indifferent to NI results? This is a joke, right? You're obsessed by them! As evidenced on this forum again and again.
You think I look up to see how Northern Ireland are doing? Take it as read DG, but I don't. I've been to one NI game in my life that didn't include the Republic. And you know the reason why I went to that particular game.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
But you dislike the 'Tans' more. Well, thanks very much for that. Most of the rest of us have moved on from the Anglo-Irish War, as it ended about 40 years before you and I were born, like.
The Anglo-Irish war has continued in a mutated form up until 1998. Perhaps, surprisingly for a proto-Marxist, you follow the British line that the Northern Ireland 'troubles' were a classic example of intra-national 'tribalism' with the poor, impartial, Tommy in the middle keeping the peace, but there are others that see this as a conflict over nationalism, exasperated by British cowardice, a botched partition and a sectarian one party muppet state financed and approved from 'the mainland'. BTW, this isn't just the SF line, but also that followed by Fine Gael and the Irish Labour Party during the conflict and led to the Anglo-Irish agreement of 1985. Difference was that the latter didn't see how blowing people up solved anything.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
I'm sorry you and your friends were glassed in a Kilburn pub, but does the entire English nation have to carry a stigma for this ad infinitum?
Ahhhhh? The old anti-British line. Just when you think that DG has a brain, he reverts to type. U can take da bwoy out ov da 'hood but u can't take da 'hood out ov da bwoy? Seeing that you've read my previous posts (you tried to have them erased remember) this piece of stereotyping is not worthy of any response except this: I pay my taxes and used to pay top rate NI contributions. If you don't like what I say, then vote BNP.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
A few years before that, I was in a pub in Wembley (the Windermere, you probably kow it) one Saturday evening just after an England- Scotland game. I'd been, but everyone else was just gathering for an engagement party. Many were completely indifferent to the match. That didn't stop my friend Janet taking a pint glass in the face when some English and Scots lads kicked it off. Do I drone about Culloden or Bannockburn as a result? No.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Moving forward to 1997, when we met on that wet and windy night in Cardiff for the 0-0 draw. Am I right in thinking that when you were thumped at that game, it was by a fellow Irish 'fan' who objected to your London accent? If so, shouldn't you consistently apply the same censure to your own team as you do to England and Northern Ireland?
Well as I have previously explained, this was an altercation between two Irish fans. As I don't remember meeting you, it probably also had something to do with me being very p*ssed. So you never had a row or a punch up with one of your fellow fans? If you had one would it stop you supporting NI?

The difference between that and Kilburn is that that was a premeditated attempt to injure fans on the basis that we are all IRA supporters. Are we all IRA supporters DG? The attack was classical English hooligan cowardice. Creep up on a quite bar then blitz it from the outside. No attempt to get in though. Might pick up an injury...or damage the Stone Island.

Shame, but probably not unsurprising, that you can't see the difference here.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
By the way, though I normally support whoever you are playing, there are exceptions. Scotland and England, obviously...
Can't believe that? DG calling me anti-English and supporting his biggest rivals against the English suggests an amount of hypocrisy on your part. Why the anti-Englishness DG? Or is it just a case that it's alright to be anti-English only if you have a British passport.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
...but as Davros will remember, also the Dutch in qualifying for WC 2002. I wasn't happy at the way they tried to get round a current drugs ban for at least one of their players. Anyone got a duster for my halo? :)
Can we have that w*nker smilie added on here please, Adam?

Duncan Gardner
01/03/2004, 10:33 AM
Mi-aooooow! :D

Give me until tomorrow for a full reply lads, but some excellent spleen and straw man arguments from the top-rate taxpayer there. Have you posted my BNP card with that replica shirt, then?

PS We'll probably offer it as a memento to the Depeche Mode theme bar in Tallinn. Thanks.

01/03/2004, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Mi-aooooow! :D

Give me until tomorrow for a full reply lads,
Should be sober by then...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
but some excellent spleen and straw man arguments from the top-rate taxpayer there.
I know. Sadly still not part of the master race.:( Dole book and outside sh*tter still qualifies as a higher rung in the tan caste system if it's located in DGville.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Have you posted my BNP card with that replica shirt, then?
Now, now Dunc. You know you've got one already. Gimpsuit on the way this afternoon.

Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
PS We'll probably offer it as a memento to the Depeche Mode theme bar in Tallinn. Thanks.
Hmmm??? Research girl should be at home in that place. Sounds just like the pub me and Davros wanted to take him. :eek: Be gentle with him, BIG BOY!!!

01/03/2004, 11:48 AM
I would find it hard to define support for any national team other than our one. However I do with Northern Ireland well when they play as with Scotland and Wales. England area different story and quite complicated.

I've been to the last 3 NI v RoI games at Windsor, the B game in Portadown in 90 and the youths qualifier at the Oval in 99. I've also seen quite a few Limerick away friendlies at places like Ballymena, Bangor and Dsitillery not to mind a Dundalk friendly away to Crusaders. I've also attedned plenty of Irish league games with the most recent being Limavady v Dungannon on the afternoon of the Derry v Limerick playoff semi final.

NI v RoI senior games do attract a lunatic fringe. I was sitting right behind some of them at the 93 game. This was grossly exaggerated by the media here. Sadly there are a minority of sectarian bigots on both sides in NI and yes they probably will turn up next time we play there. We may well have to suffer the same problem ourselves too as we also have a minority of sectarian lunatics in the Republic some of which have discovered that it is okay to watch that "foreign garrison protestant game" and support Celtic and now Ireland. I noticed a remarkable similarity between the bigot behind me at the Ireland v Denamrk game in 2002 and the one in front of me at Windsor in 93 - swop a Celtic jersey for a Rangers scarf and "dirty proddie/orange *******" for "fenian ******* taig scum" otherwise you couldn't tell them apart. The one in Dublin hurt a lot more not least because I'd arranged tickets for 16 Danish colleagues to attend.

I actually took great prid ein the fact that NI fans could come to Lansdowne and sit in the middle of our fans without any problems for the return games here. I'm not sure you could sit in the East Stand with a Union Jack now supporting NI.

NI did have cross community support in 82. At a programme fair in Belfast just before the 2002 World Cup one fan showed me a newspaper photo of himself and his mate in the crowd at the Spain game - his mate was wearing a celtic jersey. Thousands of southerners used to go to Windsor before the troubles. A couple of guys travelled from Limerick for the Ireland v England game in 1946 at Windsor and there were special trains for the game in 66 from Dublin to see the world champions.

I reckon it was the mid 80's to mid 90's that the worst of the sectarianism happened at Windsor. By all accounts it is very much a family atmosphere now and I do hope to make a game there soon.

Windsor is in a Loyalist area although it is just a short walk from the Lisburn Road which is a mixed middle class suburban/shopping area. I can see why many nationalists would be reluctant to walk thorough the Village but otherwise couldn't see a problem in going.

Other than the few bigots that come out for the big games I've found NI fans to be very freidnly and no problem at all. No issues at all at the underage games where you'd only have the real fans.

I do contribute to OWC and find them fine. I have never seen NI as rivals

Another point to remmeber is that the opposiution to an All Ireland team is not about sectarian bigotry or about getting on together. It's about identity - and just ask how you'd feel if one national team for these islands was suggested - even if they did play Amhran na Bhfiann after GSTQ.

02/03/2004, 9:22 AM
All quiet on the DG front! Let's hope that Double Bhunda Madras with Pillao Rice and Vindaloo Chakha Khan hasn't waylaid him. :D

Everything counts (in large ammounts)!

02/03/2004, 1:29 PM
Originally posted by davros
Think I'm right in saying one Irish lad passed on that day,after falling drunk onto the tube line;The urban myth?being that he was being pursued/thrown by Tan hooligans(DON'T KNOW THE EXACT CAUSE).
No one died that day by falling/being thrown on any tube around London. I worked on the Fleet Line (renamed the Jubilee line circa 1977 in honour of the 25 years of being on the rock 'n' roll of the German lady and her equally idle Greek consort) so am well informed about any incidents. A year later a Barstadolona fan almost got splattered at Baker Street when he decided to wave down a tube train a la Formula One style with a huge flag. Drink was involved and I knew the driver who nearly killed the eejit.

No doubt the lad that who was given a jolly Rogering by some sex starved mooslims in Istanbul eight months later (and regurgitated in 99 by the ooh ahh Daily Star) was equally another urban myth.:rolleyes:

03/03/2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Mi-aooooow! :D

Give me until tomorrow for a full reply lads...
Two days gone and still no sign of DG and his 'full reply'. :(

03/03/2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by lopez

No doubt the lad that who was given a jolly Rogering by some sex starved mooslims in Istanbul eight months later (and regurgitated in 99 by the ooh ahh Daily Star) was equally another urban myth.:rolleyes:

That story did the rounds in 91 and gave us all a real fright. Hope it was an urban myth but certainly believed it at the time.

03/03/2004, 1:06 PM
Originally posted by gspain
That story did the rounds in 91 and gave us all a real fright. Hope it was an urban myth but certainly believed it at the time.
I was told that story at Istanbul airport by this late middle aged lady the morning after. With news that fast, there may well be something more to the story than a line in the Daily Tarts suggests, which to me is disturbing. It's easy for us to come down hard on Turkey - I was in Alanya (flew to Antalya) in 89 for a holiday with Conchita and we giggled as we saw one lovestruck middle aged geezer drew a heart in the sand for another - but this sort of thing happens anywhere if you fall out of the wrong bar. Just before going to Denmark in 92 there was a gang rape of a bloke in Hampstead, N London.

What a pick of venues we had in that group, although Euro 2000 was worse. Even a couple of mates in Poznan kicked off with the local boneheads.

03/03/2004, 3:40 PM
I've got mpegs of that Houghton miss (which, viewed with the equanimity afforded by the passage of a decade, wasn't all that bad) and Quinn's goal, together with some other bits and pieces, if anyone wants 'em.

The Sheliban
04/03/2004, 7:03 AM

As Sheridan says, perhaps it doesn't look quite as glaring on re-showing, though the least he could have done was get it on target.

05/03/2004, 1:52 PM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner

Give me until tomorrow for a full reply lads, but some excellent spleen and straw man arguments from the top-rate taxpayer there. Have you posted my BNP card with that replica shirt, then?

Sadly DG has contacted me privately and is refusing to answer my questions.:( He has also sent back the gimpsuit. :( It transpires that he's insulted that I said he already had a membership card of the BNP. :rolleyes: God knows what he would have done if had been called a bigot, a gimpmaster (both copyright of Research Girl) and a fascist (AndyH), like myself. :D

Also, he's upset by my throwing 'around public accusations about my dishonesty.' :confused: Hoping he's feeling better next week.