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View Full Version : Blocking UCC

13/02/2004, 9:38 AM

A user from UCC has been posting abusive messages on Foot.ie, and registering new handles when banned. The last time they registered my name as a handle, which is stepping over the line in my view. I was preparing a complaint to the UCC helpdesk about this when it occurred to me that there's a fair chance of UCC blocking access to Foot.ie if I do, as they've done before for different reasons. This would be unfair to the other UCC Foot.ie users.

With that in mind, I'm going to hold off on complaining this time and I'm putting policing this user in the hands of UCC Foot.ie users. One of you will know who "Guerzy" is, so it's up to you to get him to stop. If the user comes back again, I will report them to the UCC helpdesk and you'll have to take your chances that they might block access to the site permanently. If that happens, I won't make any efforts to get the blocks lifted.

If you think I'm bluffing, ask a user on abel.enterprise-ireland.com to visit Foot.ie.


15/02/2004, 6:41 PM
i spend most of the day in ucc on foot.ie so this is bloody annoying.

A face
23/02/2004, 5:27 PM
Guerzy, chill the bean feen .... you did the dog on it, fair nuff .... hold up now mate. Dont push the boat out for everyone else !!

02/03/2004, 11:30 PM