View Full Version : FAI Officers Voice Concerns Over Lansdowne Ownership

09/02/2004, 11:34 AM
I read in the Sunday Business Post yesterday that some FAI Officers had voiced concerns over their monetary contribution to the Lansdowne Rd. project for which they'd have absolutely no ownership rights.
Have to admit, €41m is a lot to contribute when you consider that the FAI will still have to pay rent and have no claim on the venue.

The story is online here. (http://www.sbpost.ie/web/DocumentView/did-589755261-pageUrl--2FThe-Newspaper-2FSundays-Paper-2FNews.asp)

09/02/2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Peadar
I read in the Sunday Business Post yesterday that some FAI Officers had voiced concerns over their monetary contribution to the Lansdowne Rd. project for which they'd have absolutely no ownership rights.
Have to admit, €41m is a lot to contribute when you consider that the FAI will still have to pay rent and have no claim on the venue.

It was originally thought that the IRFU would continue to own the land on which the new stadium was built. However the stadium would be owned by a management company of which the government, IRFU and FAI would be partners. This is the absolute minimum to which the FAI should agree. Anything less and there is no point in the FAI making any contribution whatsoever to the new stadium.

For the IRFU to pay 41 million out of 300 million and continue to own the stadium "lock, stock and barrel" as one of their senior officials so eloquently put it, would make idiots of the government (not that difficult :D ). For the FAI to pay the same amount and own nothing would be a disaster. I am surprised that Fran and the boys apparently didn't examine this area before supporting the proposal.

yur man
09/02/2004, 12:40 PM
this all made sense a few weeks ago, it seems they are now havin second thoughts. have they forgotten that the fai revenue will go up

so what if the irfu get more profit as they wont be payin rent, its their land, but it will be a shared stadium

otherwise the fai can go get their own land and build their own stadium

09/02/2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by yur man
otherwise the fai can go get their own land and build their own stadium

Bertie, is that you?:D

09/02/2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by yur man
this all made sense a few weeks ago, it seems they are now havin second thoughts. have they forgotten that the fai revenue will go up

so what if the irfu get more profit as they wont be payin rent, its their land, but it will be a shared stadium

otherwise the fai can go get their own land and build their own stadium

Naw the IRFU will have to pay rent too, according to the Press Realeases at the time anyhow

yur man
09/02/2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
Bertie, is that you?:D

should have said TRY and get their own land and stadium AGAIN :p

Originally posted by SÓCcfc
Naw the IRFU will have to pay rent too, according to the Press Realeases at the time anyhow

looks like some of the fai officers didnt read them then

09/02/2004, 12:53 PM
My understanding is that the IRFU, the FAI and the gonernment all have a stake in the company that will own the new stadium and anyone (including FAI and IRFU) who wants to use it pays rent to this company. Presumably the IRFU will have a higher stake than the FAI as they provided the site.

10/02/2004, 10:39 AM
The FAI will more or less raise all their stake on advance sales of Premium tickets & Corporate boxes so that can essentially treated as new revenue that unavailable currently.

I don't think anyone will rent the land as such, just the IRFU take a 50 odd year pause in ownership...? I think all will happen is the IRFU, FAI, government or whopever will rent the stadium per event.

10/02/2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by pete
I don't think anyone will rent the land as such

You obviously didn't read the article then Pete?
The FAI have said they will have to pay rent.

10/02/2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Peadar
The FAI have said they will have to pay rent. But not to the IRFU, they'll pay it to a company that they own a stake in and the IRFU will do the same so the FAI will get some revenue from rugby matches unlike now and I'd imagine they'll pay less than they do now.