View Full Version : How would you react....

26/07/2009, 1:54 AM
if Red Bull came into town and decided to rebrand your club 'Red Bull Dublin' or something like that? Its a bit mad, just seen there they formed a Red Bull Leipzig and they plan on winning the Bundesliga within 10 years.

Imagine they promised massive investment in the way of players and infrastructure?

26/07/2009, 6:43 AM
I imagine it'd be an all-out tactical dogfight, followed by a light dinner.

Ravioli, ham, possibly some wine......

26/07/2009, 9:17 AM
They would go for Sligo surely? ready made nickname and all.......

The Bit O'Red Bull

26/07/2009, 9:30 AM
if Red Bull came into town and decided to rebrand your club 'Red Bull Dublin' or something like that? Its a bit mad, just seen there they formed a Red Bull Leipzig and they plan on winning the Bundesliga within 10 years.

Shamrock are already making overtures in that direction. ;)