View Full Version : Pierre Ennis

30/01/2004, 6:31 AM
:confused: read in the "Liffey Champion" lst night that Pierre Ennis has not signed for Dublin City & is looking at signing for Kildare County, on the basis of playing under 21 GAA for Kildare as well. He said Dublin City, would not let him play GAA as well. Think the GAA might not be too happy either!!

30/01/2004, 9:26 AM
There was a rumour similar to this going around not too long ago. I believe someone on this page replied and said it was all done and dusted:confused:

Heard Pierre Ennis on Newstalk a while ago and he didn't shirk from the "Dublin City player" tag that he was given...

If it is the case that he isn't signed and is kicking up a fuss then we could be in a real pickle in the defender department...and with time quickly running out...:(

Hopefully we'll hear that he attended training on the 1st and that all is hunky dory, fingers crossed.

30/01/2004, 11:07 AM
talked to rocky, he signed last night!