View Full Version : Cartoon debate

23/01/2004, 6:55 PM
Well, which is currently the best of this lot.

I would have to say ive never been a fan of King Of the Hill(Bobby is a jerk), or South Park (way to hit or miss, not to mention gratuitous use of bad language). Family Guy is good, if not a bit one Dimensional. The Simpsons is on a sharp decline, and i hate saying that. The fatc it has come to using sexual innuendo really shows an attempt to help a floundering product. That said, a few of the newer episodes have been way back up to standard, ie the one where Homer was attacked by a Bear and the England episode.

But Futurma, is the bees knees. Every character is brilliant. Frys stupidity is almost worth aspiring to, and the Doctor is hilarious. Its storylines are ridiculous, and is just very funny. cant believe they decided to chop it.

anyway, what are u ppls thoughts on this raging issue???

23/01/2004, 9:39 PM
How can you even compare any of these with the Simpsons man? The Simpsons is a contendor for best T.V series, let alone cartoon, ever

24/01/2004, 7:18 AM
family guy is the most consistently funny, the laughs per minute ratio is higher than all the cartoons listed. Quagmire is one of the small screen's greatest creations EVER (Quagmire, standing by a window naked, window slams shut, Q calmly reaches for the phone.... "Hey 911? It's Quagmire.... yeah it's stuck in a window this time".... giggity giggity)

The simpsons is dying a slow and painful death and looks like it may have jumped the shark, futurama's clever but thinks its better than it is (that being said Zoidberg is one of my favourite characters EVER), king of the hill is sh!t on a stick, seriously.

South PArk makes me laugh I have to say, once you get past the bad language that annoys ol Grandad GWA and crap animation it's actually extremely clever satire, touching issues that the other cartoons wouldn't, and couldn't.

Current fave episode is the one where Cartman paints a face on his hand, calls it Hennifer Lopez, ends up getting a recording contract out of it and getting engaged to Ben Affleck. Priceless. Or the one where the kids find out that Earth is actually a reality tv show for Aliens. Inspired genius I'd say.

btw GWA, Family Guy and Futurama have been cancelled, so they can't currently be the best, because there isn;t any episodes currently being made, so therefore, currently they can't be included in the poll by your current rationale.


24/01/2004, 3:08 PM
Futurama is really good. Family guy has its moments but both of them cannot be comared to The Simpsons. King of the hill is shocking and south park has gotten boring after they said the same jokes for every Fuc*ing episode

25/01/2004, 1:45 PM
Simpson's gotta be the best one by far, pure class.

25/01/2004, 4:33 PM
The Simpsons, by a long way. Sheer brilliance. Still reckon the new ones are up to scratch, but surely they'll have to stop eventually....?

Futurama, Family Guy and King of the King are also pure class. But there's not enough episodes of them. Couldn't believe it when Futurama and Family Guy were stopped, they have brilliant characters.

As for South Park, was entertaining the first half dozen times, but got old really quickly.

pineapple stu
25/01/2004, 4:39 PM
Doh! Voted for The Simpsons by reflex before seeing the "currently" bit. Would have to say Family Guy than - classic stuff at times! Don't know what it's up to now though...

26/01/2004, 8:01 AM
voted for Family Guy....
The simpsons is far and away the best over the long haul, but i haven't seen a good 'new' episode in a while. Family Guy is packed with laughs and great characters, definitely the current best.
King of the Hill is rubbish, South Park not much better. I find Futurama a bit hit and miss, but then i never got into it really.

26/01/2004, 8:16 AM
ruairi.....some great news for ya..........

fox are making another series of Family Guy. This is due to the fact that DVD sales for the last series outsold most othere series last year. They have comissioned a new series..They don't know yet whether it'll be straight to DVD tho...but who cares..another series of Family Guy is the J.O.B.

26/01/2004, 8:29 AM
Simpsons still the best, although no sky so not necessarily totally up to date one's I'm watching....

King of the Hill is the only other one I've seen much off - okay.

Never really liked South Park tbh.

max power
26/01/2004, 9:33 AM
simpsons by a long way, it just kills off all the competition, Futurama, Family Guy 3/4 seasons ???? the script writing in the simpsons just gets better and anyone who says its on a decline must not have seen the recent episode for the UK, homer just keeps getting better.

no matter if he's homer, max power or mr x he is still the man !!!

26/01/2004, 9:34 AM
Family guy is up there with the Simpsons almost IMO. Stewie is just excellent in it. Some of Peter's lines are excellent. My fav was when he found out he had a great grandfather who was black. He tried to go to some Civil Rights meeting but was booed loads. He won them over with this beauty. "I was there with you my Brothers when the Gouch beat up Arnold."

Futurama is excellent too, Fry is mad, Bender has is moments but the Doctor and the Captain (whats his name again?) make the show.

King of the Hill is tolerable, nothing more.

max power
26/01/2004, 9:37 AM
what you have to ask yourself is would family guy and furturma still be as fresh in 10 years, i don't think so. as much as i like them, they are all hanging onto homers 3 hairs wanting to be funny week after week.

pineapple stu
26/01/2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by max power
what you have to ask yourself is would family guy and furturma still be as fresh in 10 years, i don't think so.

That wasn't the question though - the question was which is currently the best. The Simpsons has been poor over the last two or three years to be honest.

Some great lines in Family Guy though - easily the match of anything from the Simpsons. Stweie's "Good God, I've been adopted by a Benetton ad!" when he's adopted by a family with about eight other adopted kids of ethnic origin. Or when he's tieing up the bully who's robbed his trike and his mum comes down and asks him what he's doing - "We're playing house." "What kind of house?" "Emmm...Roman Polanki's house!" Classic!

max power
26/01/2004, 12:39 PM
currently family guy and futurama have been cancelled so wha ya on about ?????

pineapple stu
26/01/2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by max power
currently family guy and futurama have been cancelled so wha ya on about ?????

Family Guy's up for a new series above?

I know Futurama's cancelled - didn't mention it though.

The Simpsons is going downhill - we will win you over!!!:D :D

max power
26/01/2004, 12:46 PM
max power will never be won over, homer is his life !!!!!

but king of the hill is just sh*t.

pineapple stu
26/01/2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by max power
but king of the hill is just sh*t.

WIll let you away with that one! The South Park movie was okay, but the series isn't great either.

max power
26/01/2004, 12:53 PM
there are only so many ways to kill kenny and have a cool jesus fighting the devil, jebus on the other hand is always funny.