View Full Version : Chicago or Boston

15/06/2009, 8:15 AM
I have 1200 worth of Delta Dollars that I need to book by the end of June. I am going to go to my brothers wedding in New York the end of October and then heading to Argentina for a week or two. On my way back I was going to spend a a few days in either Chicago or Boston.

What would people recommend. I hear Chicago is much better but it could also be pretty cold in November. Any views on this.

Oh by the way, this question could also be in the music section. I think both of them are rubbish bands.

15/06/2009, 9:39 AM
Never been to Boston, but highly recommend Chicago. I went in December and it was very cold, but everywhere has good heating so its not a problem ;)

Superb nightlife (area around Rush & Division streets are teeming with bars and clubs), lots to do during the day (museums, shopping, general sightseeing) and plenty of sports too.

Almost certain there was a thread on Chicago before. You'll get more info there

centre mid
15/06/2009, 9:54 AM
Chicago definetly, but it will be cold in November.

15/06/2009, 10:52 AM
Going over to Chi Town for a week meself in December for Bears v Packers :).

I've never been anywhere cold before (other than here obviously), is it much colder than it does be here that time of the year?

15/06/2009, 12:52 PM
yes, when i was there it was -4 fahrenheit in places (thats roughly -20 celcius)

And its windy...

15/06/2009, 1:22 PM

15/06/2009, 2:54 PM
have been to both and preferred Chicago (check out Dodge's post and catch a Bears game if you can) though i was there significantly longer (3 months) than Boston (5 days) and had no one in Boston to advise on good things to do. Boston is a bit rougher though has a bit more of a historical vibe in the downtown area and to be honest both places get freezing in the winter.

Free advice: if youre in Chicago, dont spray water from your mouth onto a car full of Mexicans...

15/06/2009, 2:57 PM
Free advice: if youre in Chicago, dont spray water from your mouth onto a car full of Mexicans...You can't just leave it at that, continue...

15/06/2009, 3:13 PM
its a long story... it was my birthday when we were there and a load of us went to a few bars and a couple of clubs. I was hammered and had the munchies so we went to this pizza shack across the road from the club. It specialised in making ultra-hot pizza so i manned up and took a slice of the "gringo-killer".

As soon as the first bite hit my stomach everything started turning and there was no holding back the puke. I stumbled out of the joint and veered down this alleyway with a couple of friends in tow and started ralphing my guts outta me.

As i was puking this SUV with blacked out windows (but full of dodgy mexicans) drove by with the front windows down and started laughing at me, they drove off and one of my friends went off to grab me some water. When he came back i started drinkin it and of course the car comes back for another laugh at the drunken irish fool. I had water in my mouth and decided it would be funny to spray it at the car..... yeah, not so funny... didnt realise that the drivers window was open and the water projection made a perfect line in through the window and all over the driver.

Car stops and guy cmes steaming out from the passenger side and legging it towards me - swings at me, i duck (and im thinkin yeah! nice one) but he catches me with a well aimed kick to the head as i duck. Follows up with a couple of punches to the face. Lip splits open and my mate pushes the guy off me and starts squaring up to this mexican.

Well then all the doors burst open and there must be 5 or 6 more mexicans advancing on 3 of us (im still in a bit of a heap :o ). It was looking grim until, luckily, this cop happens to be walking by the alleyway and sees the commotion and starts coming towards us. They do a filthy legger, hop into their car and drive away.

Cop proceeds to give me a lecture about how you might be able to do that sorta thing in Ireland but that mexicans generally carry kinves as a rule and i was lucky i got a few slaps and a kick to the head instead of a well placed stabs to the gut.

Fun times :D

Stay away from the "gringo-killer"

15/06/2009, 4:09 PM
Last year in December we had a -32 windchill one day and I think it was -10 in actual (fahrenheit) and it stayed like that for about a week...just man up ;). Also I think Boston would be just as cold.

I envy you Boo Boy, I haven't been to a Bears game in 10 years, the tickets are damn near impossible to get :(

15/06/2009, 4:47 PM
SkStu, that is the funniest thing I have ever read on this forum!

Spent last summer in Chicago...unbelievable city. Rush and Divison is a great spot alrite, but there are loads of other good night spots. Get a copy of red eye (free newspaper, can't miss 'em) and that will be a major help in getting to know the place.

Really can't recommend Chicago enough. Most pubs/clubs stay open 'til 3...4/5 at the weekends. In Boston, most places close at 2, at the latest...as far as I know anyway.

Never been to Boston, but have heard great things. Have a friend living over there at the mo, so am going over for a week in August. Going to Chicago again for a week.

Let us know what you decide on, Neil!

17/06/2009, 9:50 AM
yes, when i was there it was -4 fahrenheit in places (thats roughly -20 celcius)

And its windy...

double entendre....;) The buildings "move" with the wind :D

Ive been to both, a good few times and lived in boston for 9 months, i would recommend chicago. Rushe and division is good, but not as good as out by wriggleyville. Neil, you always seem to be up for a bit of craic and chatting to the locals, so i would def recommend chi town over bean town anytime.

Plenty of good recommendations on here, i actually liked the acquarium even if the staff left a lot to be desired. How they work in the "tourist/hospitality" sector is beyond me :rolleyes:

Couldn't recommend chi-car-go highly enough if you are up for going out having the craic and meeting people. Also the chicago institute of art is a must see, even for non art lovers like me!