View Full Version : Ireland V Poland Is it happening???

16/01/2004, 9:57 PM
I heard a couple of weeks ago that we are playing poland in a friendly out there in April. Anyone know anything about it?????

London Irish
17/01/2004, 12:47 PM
has been rumours... there are dates for April and May and I guess an away fixture would make sense....Poland in England's WC group and might see as a good opportunity...

best mate inschool was Polish...cracking place to visit..poles very friendly and love the Irish.....and oh yes obscenely attractive women...

btw BB what part of God's own county are you in????

17/01/2004, 3:51 PM
Poland have confirmed us as oppistion for april but the fai said this has not been confirmed, we were told this last night @ the supporters club meeting.

17/01/2004, 6:12 PM
Originally posted by sylvo
Poland have confirmed us as oppistion for april but the fai said this has not been confirmed, we were told this last night @ the supporters club meeting.
Bienvenido Sylvo de el condado de los caballos.

Was there in 1991 in Poznan, a bit of a dive. I'd be interested if they play in Krakow this time which is a beautiful town plus there is plenty to see nearby that doesn't require the involvement of alcoholic beverages or licensed premises.:D

Duncan Gardner
18/01/2004, 10:37 AM
In recent years their most used ground outside Warsaw has been Chorzow (in Silesia, fairly near Krakow).

18/01/2004, 2:55 PM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
In recent years their most used ground outside Warsaw has been Chorzow (in Silesia, fairly near Krakow).
That doesn't sound too far from Berlin or Prague then?

19/01/2004, 7:59 AM
Originally posted by lopez
Bienvenido Sylvo de el condado de los caballos.

Was there in 1991 in Poznan, a bit of a dive. I'd be interested if they play in Krakow this time which is a beautiful town plus there is plenty to see nearby that doesn't require the involvement of alcoholic beverages or licensed premises.:D

Went via Warsaw which was nice (well old town anyway). Cheap beer too.

Duncan Gardner
19/01/2004, 9:38 AM
Lopez- not really.

Quickest journeys by train

Krakow- Chorzow 1:45
Prague- Chorzow 6:45
Berlin- Chorzow 8:30

19/01/2004, 9:44 AM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Lopez- not really.

Quickest journeys by train

Krakow- Chorzow 1:45
Prague- Chorzow 6:45
Berlin- Chorzow 8:30
Oops! I forgot that there were countries in Europe with an even worse railway system than Britain.;)

22/01/2004, 8:04 PM
Hola Lopez,
Que pasa hombre, pasa nada here in da projects. Does the metropolitan line go as far as poland amigo.

22/01/2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by sylvo
Hola Lopez,
Que pasa hombre, pasa nada here in da projects. Does the metropolitan line go as far as poland amigo.
Most daze it don't go further dan Harrow into London.:rolleyes:

23/01/2004, 9:02 AM
I was at a question & answer session many years ago, Giles and Dunphy were on the panel. A questioneer from the floor asked why over the years, have Ireland played so many away friendlies in Poland.

To hilarious uproar Dunphy replied that an unnamed president of the FAI (a pig farmer I think from Sligo) had a unquenchable desire for the local ladies of the night, who could be had for a bottle of the local vodka.

I wonder have things changed.

23/01/2004, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by drummerboy
I was at a question & answer session many years ago, Giles and Dunphy were on the panel. A questioneer from the floor asked why over the years, have Ireland played so many away friendlies in Poland.

To hilarious uproar Dunphy replied that an unnamed president of the FAI (a pig farmer I think from Sligo) had a unquenchable desire for the local ladies of the night, who could be had for a bottle of the local vodka.

I wonder have things changed.
You'd never have thought this thing would have happened in a communist state. I think if it was down to 'gals' and 'drenk' Poland is no longer good value. Surely a visit to Nigeria or Thailand would be far better if that was the 'committee's' priority.

BTW, checked out BA from London at £88 plus taxes from Gatwick for two nights to Krakow if it does come off (pardon the pun:eek: :o )

23/01/2004, 11:37 AM
there is a large chance the match will be in Lodz.

23/01/2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by drummerboy
I was at a question & answer session many years ago, Giles and Dunphy were on the panel. A questioneer from the floor asked why over the years, have Ireland played so many away friendlies in Poland.

To hilarious uproar Dunphy replied that an unnamed president of the FAI (a pig farmer I think from Sligo) had a unquenchable desire for the local ladies of the night, who could be had for a bottle of the local vodka.

I wonder have things changed.

Oh yeah, I can just see Milo rubbing his hands together and grinning.

24/01/2004, 9:21 PM
Over here in Tanland there's been mass panic in the s#n and daily ex#ress (sorry to swear) about how 1.5 million Pole's and Solvakian's come may 1st when these nation's become member's of the eu, are going to flood into Laaandaaan (Londain) home to world leader's like, middle class cockney spice, (aka Victoria Beckham), dizzy rascal, eastender's Phil Mitchell and Chas 'n' dave, they reckon that come May the bus's and train's from Poland will be jammer's with people heading for geezerville, so if any body is driving to the match any chance of giving some of them a lift so the daily ex#ress can meet it's imaginary target.
By the way if any one back home don't know who Chas 'n' Dave are, check out Spurs cup final record's ( i know it's been a long time), the two ****ed looking fella's with the beard's are Norf Londaan's answer to Bach snd Mozart, Chas 'n' Dave.

25/01/2004, 1:01 PM
Chas and Dave. Weren't that who Ronald 'Sir, the president's lost his brain again' Reagan called the most in - love couple in the world (aka 'the butler's worst nightmare' and his late wife, 'Will Carling's worst nightmare')?

Did you see the picture on the cover of the Daily Excess. I think they went around looking for the dirtiest gitano baby imaginable. Probably asked his dad to stick his finger in his throat and make him chuck up for the price of a visa. Should have known that Kilroy - aka 'the man who has done more than anyone else to help Britain's race relations' (his words) - worked for them. For a in depth view of the former MP's views on foreigners (including his mother's country) see this week's Private Eye. Also quotes his love for Sasana which is shown by the fact that he lives in, er, Spain.:confused:

25/01/2004, 1:21 PM
i see kilroy's mate and good freind of Ireland julie birchill (#####) has a got a new job with the time's, i suppose they got her to give out about 1.5 million pole's coming into sassana after her hateful rant in the gaurdian about the Irish. I did'nt know old Ronald was a fan of Chas 'n Dave i thought he was a katchagoogoo fan and the scene in celtral America.