View Full Version : Palm Pre

12/05/2009, 8:59 AM
Nothing happening in here, so here's a spurious thread. Am I the only one waiting in breathless anticipation for the Palm Pre? I'm nearly always in a handset-in-waiting phase, but where usually it's just a silly "I'm looking forward to my upgrade when it comes", I actually want this one and damn the upgrade! :)


12/05/2009, 10:55 AM
Some info?!

Lev Yashin
13/05/2009, 12:24 PM
As they used to say on soccer AM when it was good....."WHAT IS IT?"

13/05/2009, 1:03 PM

13/05/2009, 1:48 PM
info from you i meant, not general specs from a google ;)

Very good im assuming thats a gif image of some sort?! :D

17/05/2009, 8:48 PM
I loved my Palm Vx years back. Real innovative company, but they lost their way around the time of the Treo IMO.

The Pre looks great, it will be interesting to see it up against the revised iPhone and some of the new Android handsets.

19/05/2009, 12:13 PM
6th June (US launch)



20/05/2009, 1:02 PM
Won't be out here until August I reckon. There's been accusations of supply manipulation against Palm, which would be suicide in my view. Apple can get away with that because they've been at it for years and they have a very particular* market. Palm needs to play the underdog if they want to win the battle agains the next iPhone, Android and possible Zune handset.


* READ: gullible

02/09/2009, 12:34 AM
Won't be out here until August I reckon. There's been accusations of supply manipulation against Palm, which would be suicide in my view. Apple can get away with that because they've been at it for years and they have a very particular* market. Palm needs to play the underdog if they want to win the battle agains the next iPhone, Android and possible Zune handset.


* READ: gullible

Sorry to drag up an old thread but any sign of the Pre showing its face in Ireland? US reviews I've read all seem great and their Ap Store has really taken off.


02/09/2009, 11:32 AM
O2 confirmed they're getting it, or rather Telefonica did. October or November, more likely the latter. I'll be holding off a while, they had problems with the hardware in the US, and the app store is improving but a long, long way off what it should be.

02/09/2009, 8:32 PM
O2 confirmed they're getting it, or rather Telefonica did. October or November, more likely the latter. I'll be holding off a while, they had problems with the hardware in the US, and the app store is improving but a long, long way off what it should be.**i.e. Apple's App Store.

Hows that for gullible? :D

I saw an article somewhere in the last week that said that Blackberry is actually increasing their already dominant share of the smartphone market. Not sure of the Pre's sales figures but the initial Android devices have been a complete failure. Very poor battery life (even for a smartphone) and poor features, not helped by Google releasing all its apps for other platforms giving very little incentive to choose Android OS.

02/09/2009, 8:44 PM
Actually from a consumer's point of view, I wouldn't consider Apple's App Store the ideal model. Apple does stuff for Apple, not consumers. Palm's mistake was not hiring a rake of developers on board to get the SDK out sooner, and make the store more professional. They'll get there, but it might be too late. There's also a major risk that they'll just try to emulate Apple, which isn't the way to go. They need to do their own thing, not what somebody else is doing. That's what makes WebOS so cool.

I haven't seen an Android handset that appeals to me, but I was under the impression that power handling is better now. I've had a Blackberry, I'll never have a Blackberry again. Granted it was the Bold, which was underpowered out of the box, but the underlying functionality was awful anyway. I had phones 5 years ago that were better. Then again it's executives that love them, and executives are useless muppets anyway.
