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View Full Version : Yippee - FIFA OK for Lansdowne Road

06/01/2004, 8:02 AM
FIFA has confirmed that the Irish soccer team will be allowed to use Lansdowne Road for the forthcoming World Cup campaign.

The first qualifying game is next September, and it was feared the FAI would have to take the game to the UK because FIFA will no longer allow temproary seating be used for games in Lansdowne Road.

However, a report in The Star newspaper today claims that FIFA have confirmed to them that it has no objection to the continued use of temproary seating.

more on www.rte.ie

06/01/2004, 8:40 AM
thats good news, what happens after the wc quals when its decided to develop the ground we will be back to square one....

lets hope the fai uses the time to get another ground to play at rather than leaving it to the last minute.

06/01/2004, 9:42 AM
I am delighted that we will playing in Ireland during the World Cup qualifiers. :)

But I hope that the stadium issue isn't now pushed under the carpet only to rear its ugly head in two years time at the end of the next campaign.

06/01/2004, 9:57 AM
This could put a new emphasis on Abbotstown being developed, ie we continue to play at Lansdowne until Abbotstown gets built, then move there and whatever development is needed at Lansdowne can get the go ahead.

As you say I really hope this doesn't mean any discussions on a new stadium is quietly pushed aside.

06/01/2004, 10:17 AM
I'm truly delighted aswell. I don't go to home games and a move to Luton would have been brilliant. But in all seriousness, Ireland must play their games in Ireland. All parties concerned have two years to get their act together. However don't put on any money that they will. BTW, what were those odds again on Ireland staying at Lansdowne?

06/01/2004, 11:05 AM
The Government are expected to opt for a 50,000 all seated stadium at Lansdowne Road with the possibility of the FAI establishing their HQ and a training facility at Abbotstown. The FAI would be in favour of building all weather pitches out there and this would appear to suit Bertie.
Having been in the 55,000 seater Amsterdam ArenA when it wasn't full and lacked atmosphere, I think that 50, 000 is more than enough for both rugby and football in Ireland.
The notion of FIFA allowing temporary seating in Lansdowne Road is surely only on the basis that a permenant solution is being developed?
Either way it looks likely that the games will be staged in Ireland. GAA pundit and former player Pat Spillane made some positive comments on the Croke Park issue at the Sports Personality of the Year Awards before a large audience of concerned parties.
Ireland v France in Croke Park would be an historic occassion!

06/01/2004, 11:08 AM
Apparently according to Des Cahill...Fran Rooney said fifa are not against us using lansdowne providing their is committments put in place for further on down the road.

anyway..its good they are to be played in lansdowne

06/01/2004, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure this is good news for the long term. It means the stadium issue will probably be pushed aside for now and there's less chance we'll end up playing in Croker too. For the new plan to go ahead they have to knock Lansedown down don't they?

06/01/2004, 12:19 PM
I don't think this is the case Slash/Ed.
From what i understand, we've only been allowed to proceed with the bucket seats because there are definite plans in place.

I think the redevelopment of Landsdowne will be pushed through, so there will be a time when we have to find an alternative, hopefully all parties involved in making those decisions will have more foresight than has been shown recently.

06/01/2004, 1:20 PM
Originally posted by Slash/ED
I'm not sure this is good news for the long term. It means the stadium issue will probably be pushed aside for now and there's less chance we'll end up playing in Croker too. For the new plan to go ahead they have to knock Lansedown down don't they? This will give another two years or so for the GAA to open up Croke Park though so I would think there's more chance of playing there when Lansdowne is being done up.

06/01/2004, 1:28 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
I think the redevelopment of Landsdowne will be pushed through, so there will be a time when we have to find an alternative, hopefully all parties involved in making those decisions will have more foresight than has been shown recently.
Bucket seats should only be allowed if there are concrete plans to put the stadium issue to bed. I don't want to see Ireland play abroad, but if it needs FIFA waving a big stick then so be it. Hope this opportunity is not lost.

06/01/2004, 1:35 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
This will give another two years or so for the GAA to open up Croke Park though so I would think there's more chance of playing there when Lansdowne is being done up.

Puts less pressure on them to open it though, it had looked like we'd have it by April.

Anyway lads, look at this, claims and counter claims.


This is really becoming a farce.

06/01/2004, 1:44 PM
Originally posted by Slash/ED
This is really becoming a farce.


06/01/2004, 3:05 PM
Odds now that the govt will continue to delay any decision hoping the GAA bail them out.

Was interesting to see the FAI put pressure on the govt for a decision recently & even the IRFU jumped in claiming they needed a better stadium to increase revenue.

IMO the FAI & the IRFU should continue to pressurise the govt on an organised basis now.

06/01/2004, 7:04 PM
Originally posted by pete
Odds now that the govt will continue to delay any decision hoping the GAA bail them out.

Was interesting to see the FAI put pressure on the govt for a decision recently & even the IRFU jumped in claiming they needed a better stadium to increase revenue.

IMO the FAI & the IRFU should continue to pressurise the govt on an organised basis now.
Spot on. Its turning into a joke.

IMO, best approach would be IRFU and FAI to approach the GAA asking for permission to use Croke park for a limited timeframe- e.g. 3 years, during which time a new stadium could be built/ landsdowne rebuilt. Surely the land landsdowne road is on is worth a mint?!

1. Approach GAA to use Croker for 3 years, thereby making it easier for GAA hardliners to take "It won't be forever."
2. Sell Landsdowne for development
3. Play in Croker while building a new stadium somewhere like Abbotstown using governemnt grants and the revenue from selling Landsdowne.


07/01/2004, 11:01 AM
The only thing wrong with that Éanna is that lansdowne is so accessible and there is always a great buzz in the pubs before and after the games...that will be lost in abbotstown as we will all just sit in a traffic jam for hours before and hours after..

anyways if it meant getting a new stadium I would gladly give that up..but Lansdowne is my preference

Bald Student
07/01/2004, 11:02 AM
It said in the indo today:

that wherever the stadium is built that Abbotstown could still hold the "FAI's administrative and technical headquarters, as well as a stadium ... capable of accommodating 10-15,000 spectators.

... Rooney has hinted to the government that, aside from underage and ladies internationals, Eircom League clubs may also use the stadium for European matches, exhibition games, or even as tenants should a merger take place down the line."

If the government is goung to build an eircom league sized stadium would it not be more sensable to build it for an eircom league team to use, instead of in Abbottstown?

Is there any reason why this stadium for underage / ladies internations could not be built for example in Tallaght. It would save the govenment some money because Rovers could contribute the land and meet the running costs of the statium. It would have obvious benefits for Rovers and the stadium would be used more often and located in a populated area with transport links (including a Luas), as opposed to Abbottstown.

I only picked Rovers as an example, but if the government is going to build a stadium of that size, there are plenty of clubs in soccer and other sports who would be happy to use it. Building it in Abbottstown seems a bit of a waste.

07/01/2004, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Bald Student
Is there any reason why this stadium for underage / ladies internations could not be built for example in Tallaght. It would save the govenment some money because Rovers could contribute the land and meet the running costs of the statium. It would have obvious benefits for Rovers and the stadium would be used more often and located in a populated area with transport links (including a Luas), as opposed to Abbottstown.


10-15k stadium in Abbotstown would be a waste.

07/01/2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Bald Student
It would have obvious benefits for Rovers...
Not really. Any viable national stadium would need to be at least 30,000 all seated. It would cost Rovers more to open the stadium than they'd generate in gate receipts. I think the suggestion was more along the lines of if an EL team eventually could get crowds of 20,000+.

07/01/2004, 12:29 PM
i don't agree it'd need to be 30,000. we're not talking about a stadium to host full internationals here, more Bertie's face saving excercise. better off pumping the money into Tllaght as was suggested and doing that job properly in an area that is well serviced in terms of infrastructure and easy to get to, unlike Abbottstown.

07/01/2004, 5:39 PM
Originally posted by Ozymandias
The only thing wrong with that Éanna is that lansdowne is so accessible and there is always a great buzz in the pubs before and after the games...that will be lost in abbotstown as we will all just sit in a traffic jam for hours before and hours after..

I agree. The infrastructure that would required for Abbotstown would increase the real cost of the stadium considerably.

07/01/2004, 6:20 PM
The Irish team aren't going to play in Abbotstown, only the U21s and other youth teams if any of thjem at all. It will be 15,000 they say and house the FAI headquaters and all the facilities needed. There's no reason why they couldn't simply build that in Tallaght and do domestic Irish football a favour, or do what the rumour is, and build it in Abbotstown but let EL sides groundshare and use it.

08/01/2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Slash/ED
The Irish team aren't going to play in Abbotstown, only the U21s and other youth teams if any of thjem at all. It will be 15,000 they say and house the FAI headquaters and all the facilities needed. There's no reason why they couldn't simply build that in Tallaght and do domestic Irish football a favour, or do what the rumour is, and build it in Abbotstown but let EL sides groundshare and use it.
What's wrong with the present system of playing U21 and youth games around the country? Abbotstown sounds like the Bishopstown fiasco of the mid nineties in Cork. Poor crowds, no bars and no public transport access. Surely the money spent on another stadium could be spent on improving an existing ground in Dublin or stadiums around the country?

08/01/2004, 11:18 AM
Waste of time exactly building a national stadium out of the city, no buzz, no pubs, no nothing, it would really **** people off stuck in jams etc.

08/01/2004, 11:32 AM
We badly need a stadium.

I'm agnostic on the venue.

Abbotstown would mean continued use of Lansdowne until it was finished and no planning issues but the downsides re being out of town and lack of atmosphere around the area do apply.

Lansdown ewould mean game sin the UK for a couple of years and horrendous planning problem swith the most influential people in Dublin lining up to object. Great location though and game can be a real day out.

If the government go either way I'd be thrilled. If they bury a decision until after the next election in a quango then it will be a disaster.

08/01/2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by gspain
We badly need a stadium.

I'm agnostic on the venue.

Abbotstown would mean continued use of Lansdowne until it was finished and no planning issues but the downsides re being out of town and lack of atmosphere around the area do apply.

Lansdown ewould mean game sin the UK for a couple of years and horrendous planning problem swith the most influential people in Dublin lining up to object. Great location though and game can be a real day out.

If the government go either way I'd be thrilled. If they bury a decision until after the next election in a quango then it will be a disaster.
Agree. Damned if we do and damned if we don't. I can't see how residents can object, through planning laws, to replacing a crumbling old stadium with a new stadium that holds exactly the same capacity. I would have thought that argument would come into it if houses or a factory are built there.

I'm no expert but the venue should be a fait acompli. There is no legitimate grounds for residents to object so that they can effectively wipe Lansdowne Road as a sporting venue off the map. Anyone here work in a planning department?

Playing outside the country, and there is still no guarantee that it will come to that, would be a small sacrifice worth paying if there was movement on the stadium issue. Trouble is, there is no movement. Anyway there is always plan C. Croke Park. :rolleyes:

08/01/2004, 1:34 PM
Lopez, you're right that a rebuilt, similar proportioned Lansdowne Road should be a fait accompli, but it won't be. There'll be an avalanche of objections from the privileged few who happen to live around the stadium (and probably someone like An Taisce who'll want to preserve Lansdowne as it is for its historical value!!) because thats the way the planning process works. They'll claim the stadium will "overshadow" their houses and cause a "loss of amenity" to the area and other such nonsense since a stadium already exists there, but it'll hold everything up nonetheless.

Any objection no matter how stupid and petty it sounds has to be heard and investigated by An Bord Pleanala which can take anything up to a year for a decision due to heavy backlogs of cases around the country. Even if they decide to give the plan the go-ahead the objectors can take the case to court (much like the Carrickmines fiasco lately) and tie it up even longer there.

It happens all over the country with various developments - nothing ever gets started quickly if theres even one objection. Meanwhile the cost of the projects begins to soar due to all the hold-ups - incredibly frustrating and unnecessary but its what'll happen.

08/01/2004, 2:32 PM
Originally posted by MikeW
...the cost of the projects begins to soar due to all the hold-ups - incredibly frustrating and unnecessary but its what'll happen.
I never thought I'd say this, but we could do with Eoin O'Duffy here as Taoiseach.:D

Still, I'd hate to see those two cottages go.

08/01/2004, 3:30 PM
A snail scuppered the Kildare bypass and cost the taxpayer millions.

The M50 final stretch will be the most expensive road in the history of the planet (source newstalk 106 breakfast show this morning). Every crank in the country has had their day in court here

One gaa man caused Rovers endless hassle in Tallaght.

The smoking ban is being delayed and delayed as we speak.


Now you are trying to build a stadium in the back gardens of the most influential people in this country. How many barristers et al live nearby and don't want to live near a building site for a couple of years?

A sweet deal was also done on the social housing legislation when it came to Ailesbury Road (D4) and the builder managed to provide them elsewhere.

08/01/2004, 10:07 PM
Hey, MikeW, you said that An Taisce will want to preserve Lansdowne for it's historical value!!

Does that include the ****ehouses

09/01/2004, 10:06 AM
The only reason I'd think that An Taisce would want to keep any part of Lansdowne Road would be as a monument to poor taste in architectural design. We get the same cranks here. The land that Arsenal had their eyes on near Kings Cross was turned down because someone wanted to keep these huge monstrosities of gasometers from being knocked down. I've got one behind my house and if they knocked that down my house price would rocket.:rolleyes: The irony is that these people will end up destroying a true piece of heritage, namely the oldest site in the world still used for international football and rugby.

Could a change in the law help here?