View Full Version : UCD Fans

eL Bettor
06/05/2009, 10:04 PM
There seems to be a good few UCD fans on this site so I just thought I'd ask the question:
Why do you support UCD?
Did you study there or are you from the area in the vicinity of UCD?
Or is there another reason?

06/05/2009, 10:05 PM
Because it is the nearest club to where I live (before Rovers moved to Tallaght).

pineapple stu
07/05/2009, 8:44 AM

And yes, I went to UCD and starting supporting them while I was there.

07/05/2009, 1:07 PM
I grew up and still live a bit over a mile from the campus.

I did my undergrad there and am still doing my postgrad.

I started going to games after my little brother dragged me along to UCD-Coventry in a preseason tournament that also involved Dublin City - he was, if not a fan, then at least fond of Coventry at the time, and wanted to get some autographs. I met Pineapple Stu at the game - I knew him from elsewhere and soon became a regular in the group of singing fans he was part of. That group probably makes up half of the UCD regulars on this site.

We no longer sing much.

Aberdonian Stu
07/05/2009, 3:09 PM
I started going along during the early part of the 95/96 season as a friend's dad was (and still is) a lecturer in UCD. I started going regular during the 96/97 season, when I met Bald Student and a few others who were regulars.

Poor Student
07/05/2009, 9:12 PM
I'm pretty much equidistant from Pat's and UCD (and now Rovers). I started going to games neutrally in Belfield when I started studying there in 2002 just to check out the LOI but I almost instantly became attached to UCD. Fell out of attending shortly after that but I started going regularly again in 2004 and have been since.

08/05/2009, 5:01 PM
Live up the road from the ground, closest team to home. Started supporting the team aged about 13/14, dragged one mate to a game who dragged another mate, and before you know it there were a load of us there week in week out. Subsequently went to the UCD years later but my fondness for the club comes from it being the local club nothing to do with having studied there

09/05/2009, 6:13 PM
The 'D' in UCD.

I was between 13-14 and decided to pick a team from the LoI, so as UCD were from Dublin AND near bottom of the table, they were a shoe-in for the choice.

Because I wasn't from a very sporting conscious family (that's changed a good bit since) I only started going to LoI games about three years later. I've been making up for lost time every since.

eL Bettor may I ask, why are you asking? It's not the first question someone would ask a football fan.

11/05/2009, 8:04 AM
My wife lived across the road from UCD so on Sundays I could spend 3 hours with her and the mother in law or go an watch a game......

eL Bettor
12/05/2009, 1:12 AM
The 'D' in UCD.

eL Bettor may I ask, why are you asking? It's not the first question someone would ask a football fan.

I was just curious. I've never been to a UCD home game and on TV highlights of Belfield it always looked like you had practically no fans. I just felt that UCD are quite different to other clubs, as they are representing a university, rather than an area. I'm quite surprised that so many of you support UCD due to living in the vicinity rather than having studied there, so I have learned something useful!

I like Angus' reason best though!

13/05/2009, 4:03 PM
I was just curious. I've never been to a UCD home game and on TV highlights of Belfield it always looked like you had practically no fans. I just felt that UCD are quite different to other clubs, as they are representing a university, rather than an area. I'm quite surprised that so many of you support UCD due to living in the vicinity rather than having studied there, so I have learned something useful!

I like Angus' reason best though!

Thanks for the reply.

I have listened to the "UCD arn't the same as other clubs/arn't a real football club" all my football-going life. Thanks for another opportunity to promote what is the reality in football and counter the myths of football supporters.