View Full Version : National Sports Exhibition - Club Fundraiser

17/04/2009, 9:27 AM
Guys, the junior club I manage was approached last week with a great idea to raise funds. Appearently there is a huge international sports conference on in Dublin this year. We bought 2 tickets and an overnight hotel room for two for €300. We raffled the tickets between the 23 coaches in our club at €25 a man. Martin O'Neill and Noel King are the football guys at this thing. We made enough to pay for a set of jerseys which may not sound like a lot but as with every small club, money is tight and it makes a difference.

Feel free to PM me and I'll give you the company's number

17/04/2009, 11:14 PM
Wouldnt mind going to this - can you pass on the details?
Much appreciated

17/04/2009, 11:54 PM
All the details are at http://www.sporttracker.ie/cms/coaching_seminar/home.php

It's some line up they have