View Full Version : Rovers cause riots in oriel

08/04/2009, 12:17 AM
tonight was a disaster off the pitch game meant nothing compared to what happened after it http://www.orielweb.com/dundalktalk/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif
myself and 3 mates (1 of them was a girl) ,standing by spar then all of a suddem everyone started running
seemed like there was loads rovers fans coming from train station that werren't at the game
we went jumped the wall and tried to get back into oriel ,,however a lad with a baton threatened myself and the girl i was with to get out http://www.orielweb.com/dundalktalk/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif
i then saw my other two mates to get them away safe .the four of us aged 16/17
we then ran up carrick road as we thought there was loads of rovers fans down that town area
to our horror, we walked on fastly and then got as far as mace on acrrick road and looked back and saw huge numbers of rovers lads all in green and white
we then went into the lis na dara estate (to which was empty dublin buses waiting on them )
and we then ran straight into the estate, had to hide in a back garden as we were terrifed ..house was unoccupied so we were grand we kept hearing shouts
so we were afraid to go out .we stayed their for over 20 mins ..just so we would be safe ...
whilst in the garden i rang the guards and they said they couldnt come for 30mins (understandable as they were all out at the riots)
so i then hung up and waited another while
then we went on down about 10:30 probably
we went passed oriel okay everyone gone got as far as friary (pearce park side) and heard a shout so we ran back up garda station then the lads had to get home we went down friary(jockeys area) we then saw four lads in black they shouted and chased us we then went bk up garda station and decided right we'll go down friary(peaarse park as soon as we could) so we went on down and got as far as ice house hill and looked back and saw lads running at us
we then made our way to a mates house and okay

but tonight was a disgrace .........we are aged 15/17 just into football...well as a lot of users on this know me i am just mad about the football and sleep live it you know ......
but everything we had to go through was just sick

08/04/2009, 12:23 AM
Could you elaborate at all?
Were Shams fans actually rioting?
What exactly happened?

08/04/2009, 12:23 AM
.........we are aged 15/17 just into football...

Any chance of getting into grammar?

08/04/2009, 12:30 AM
sorry if it's mixed up but i was typing it quickly and that...
well we were going out of ground basically ....with rovers fans in the ground kept behind that were at the game,when suddenly in huge numbers rovers lads came from train station to out exit stopping us from getting out with batons threatening everyone and hitting most people
i was terrified and still am shaken as i can't believe it
i am disgusted

08/04/2009, 12:34 AM
Talk about a drama queen Danny!...punctuation would help

From Orielweb poster...

There was trouble before the game at the home enterance. It was some idiot stewards fault. 100-150 Rovers came up the road signing Rovers songs. They had no visible colours. About 20 yards from the entrance they started chanting 'Dundalk'. My father and I were coming facing them and spotted them a mile off. The stewards let them in the home gate with cops watching!! They then charged where the frisking was going on. A couple of thumps were swung.

bit clearer - i dunno why there were less Gardai than at the Bohs match as Rovers games are always more.. erm eventful both on and off the pitch. MNS will be interesting next Monday.

The accommodation for away fans in Oriel is dreadful, i have no love for Rovers support but the conditions they were expected to stand out in were horrible.

08/04/2009, 12:35 AM
There was something before the game and some young Rovers fan was held in the Garda station, that was it.

Peaceful night imo.

08/04/2009, 12:40 AM
the trouble after the game was just sick tbh

08/04/2009, 12:43 AM
the trouble after the game was just sick tbh

Im not having a go at you but what are you on? There was fcuk all happened after the game! All fans were moved away that was that apart from the Rovers fans who wouldn't leave without the young fella that was arrested earlier in the night!

08/04/2009, 12:45 AM
What a load of complete horse****. All Rovers fans were kept inside Oriel for 15minutes after full time then forced to wait on the road outside Oriel for another 15 minutes before the Gardai escorted us back to our cars and buses. No trouble whatsoever

08/04/2009, 12:46 AM
drama queen? maybe i am but look dundalk lads being having batons in their facesby ...fights breaking out.all hell breaking loose
i was chased all around my own town by dublin knackers til 11pm
now that's not dramatic that's the truth

as i said the trouble was caused by rovers lads that came from train station after the game.....
either they werent allowed in/were late or are banned from loi games
all the same they were rovers

08/04/2009, 12:50 AM
I don't know what game you were at:confused: Absolutley NOTHING happened apart from the Rovers fans on the hill st bridge, that was it!

08/04/2009, 12:55 AM
if someone else said all this you would believe them and that's the truth
i couldn't care less, i haven't a bit of respect for you anyway

08/04/2009, 12:58 AM
drama queen? maybe i am but look dundalk lads being having batons in their facesby ...fights breaking out.all hell breaking loose
i was chased all around my own town by dublin knackers til 11pm
now that's not dramatic that's the truth

What were you doing around there at 11pm when the game was finished at 9:40?





08/04/2009, 1:01 AM
if someone else said all this you would believe them and that's the truth
i couldn't care less, i haven't a bit of respect for you anyway

I take it that was aimed at me? First of all there were no riots in Oriel, Nothing happened after the game from what I seen and heard (but I won't say anymore because Skstu would have a fielday) Rovers fans were moved down towards the Hill street bridge, and when I left the ground they were still inside singing. So how you met any Rovers is beyond me.
Also I don't care if you have any respect for me! Nothing major happened, that's all.

08/04/2009, 1:03 AM
as i said the rovers lads werent at the game and came from train station area.....
what was i doing at 11pm? eventually getting home after being chased into an estate where two rovers buses were near to.....
i am a lier?
believe what you want i couldnt care less to be honest

08/04/2009, 1:06 AM
Why the fcuk would you start a thread sayin there was riots in Oriel?
Fair enough you might have came across a few Rovers cnuts but ffs no need to make that big adeal out of it.

08/04/2009, 1:09 AM
various reports they thrased local bar/restaurant windsor
and that seem's reliable from what i was told also
maybe not riots more rovers cause mayhem but pillowcase off now

08/04/2009, 1:12 AM
Would you ever **** off, nothing happened the Windsor. Your full of sh!t and this thread is pointless.

08/04/2009, 1:14 AM
as i said the rovers lads werent at the game and came from train station area.....
what was i doing at 11pm? eventually getting home after being chased into an estate where two rovers buses were near to.....
i am a lier?
believe what you want i couldnt care less to be honest

So let me get this straight - Rovers fans who didn't go to the match but instead decided to travel 60 miles from home on a wet Tuesday evening to hang around a train station in order to ambush you with batons and chase you around housing estates in Dundalk for an hour and a half in the pis*ing rain? All the while a massive Garda operation was in progress in the exact area to make sure both sets of fans were kept apart?


08/04/2009, 1:17 AM
well people said the rovers lads were one's banned from loi grounds and couldnt get in ...i am going on what i was told there
and a lot said windsor was smashed....if it wasnt then its wrong but just saying thats what i heard

08/04/2009, 1:19 AM
I have no clue what you are on about but nothing happened after that game. Good luck in Tallaght and Dalyer...:rolleyes:

08/04/2009, 1:20 AM

08/04/2009, 1:38 AM
I take it that was aimed at me? First of all there were no riots in Oriel, Nothing happened after the game from what I seen and heard (but I won't say anymore because Skstu would have a fielday) Rovers fans were moved down towards the Hill street bridge, and when I left the ground they were still inside singing. So how you met any Rovers is beyond me.
Also I don't care if you have any respect for me! Nothing major happened, that's all.

:p :D

08/04/2009, 4:29 AM
"the difference between fact and fiction is that fiction has to be credible "mark twain.

08/04/2009, 6:34 AM
hey dannydundalk,

Was your bebo page down and you had to post that crap here instead or what?



08/04/2009, 6:39 AM
Mushrooms are bad kids...

Say no to drugs.




08/04/2009, 7:12 AM
Complete and utter nonsense. Will the mods please take the responsible action and remove this thread. Also, dannydundalk has taken a major back-track here by saying "People said this" and "I heard that"....Surely this is posting uncoroborrated (sp) 'facts' and should be removed forthwith. Mind you, the thread casts aspersions on Rovers so I'm sure it will be allowed to run as usual. By the way, Dunny, it's good to see an intelligent poster on this thread offering some honesty.

08/04/2009, 7:53 AM
tonight was a disaster off the pitch game meant nothing compared to what happened after it http://www.orielweb.com/dundalktalk/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif
myself and 3 mates (1 of them was a girl) ,standing by spar then all of a suddem everyone started running
seemed like there was loads rovers fans coming from train station that werren't at the game
we went jumped the wall and tried to get back into oriel ,,however a lad with a baton threatened myself and the girl i was with to get out http://www.orielweb.com/dundalktalk/images/smilies/icon_redface.gif
i then saw my other two mates to get them away safe .the four of us aged 16/17
we then ran up carrick road as we thought there was loads of rovers fans down that town area
to our horror, we walked on fastly and then got as far as mace on acrrick road and looked back and saw huge numbers of rovers lads all in green and white
we then went into the lis na dara estate (to which was empty dublin buses waiting on them )
and we then ran straight into the estate, had to hide in a back garden as we were terrifed ..house was unoccupied so we were grand we kept hearing shouts
so we were afraid to go out .we stayed their for over 20 mins ..just so we would be safe ...
whilst in the garden i rang the guards and they said they couldnt come for 30mins (understandable as they were all out at the riots)
so i then hung up and waited another while
then we went on down about 10:30 probably
we went passed oriel okay everyone gone got as far as friary (pearce park side) and heard a shout so we ran back up garda station then the lads had to get home we went down friary(jockeys area) we then saw four lads in black they shouted and chased us we then went bk up garda station and decided right we'll go down friary(peaarse park as soon as we could) so we went on down and got as far as ice house hill and looked back and saw lads running at us
we then made our way to a mates house and okay

but tonight was a disgrace .........we are aged 15/17 just into football...well as a lot of users on this know me i am just mad about the football and sleep live it you know ......
but everything we had to go through was just sick

I dunno where to start to tell you were your wrong so ill just say it YOUR WRONG

08/04/2009, 8:23 AM
Is Harps the only fans in LOI to have a good relationship with Rovers fans?

This looks like one of those American comedy scenes where some of the guys on the college football team chase the nerds around for the craic.

LOL, hiding in a persons garden in an estate :p

All hell broke loose yet no-one else saw it?

This Friary, which evidentally looks like its down by either pearce park or jockeys area,seemed to be a popular area to run into.

A best seller is on the cards me thinks. If a book deal falls through im sure Hollywood would lap it up. :D

Damn Rovers scumbags, never liked them.

08/04/2009, 8:30 AM
I don't know what game you were at:confused: Absolutley NOTHING happened apart from the Rovers fans on the hill st bridge, that was it!

Dunny in fairness just because you didn't see it didn't mean it didn't happen. The incident before the game did happen and heard it from many sources. The incident after the game was apparently caused from lads who were not even at the match. The vast majority of the Rovers fan's that were at the match were well behaved apart from the minority who kicked down the security fence and charged the stand and the were giving Mansaram racist abuse.

08/04/2009, 8:33 AM
This looks like one of those American comedy scenes where some of the guys on the college football team chase the nerds around for the craic.

Or set it to the Benny Hill music :D

08/04/2009, 8:33 AM
Total bull****, i was at the train station about ten and stayed in the car to warm up ,i left around quater past ten and went to mcdonalds sat and eat it and saw **** all,one of my mates lives accross from the windsor and der was some trouble with young dundalk fans and a few rovers fans but the two sets were involved so **** off and grow up and the nxt time get and adult to take you to the matches if you get scared by people shouting(for the record im a drogs fan and was at the match purely because im a football fan)

08/04/2009, 8:54 AM
I saw two incidents

1/ The mob of around 20 rovers fans arriving late intent on getting into the home end when they knew the other 380 or so rovers went into the away section (completely different entrance)

This crew knew exactly what they were doing, trying to pass themselves off as Dlk fans and rushed the security and had to charged back onto the main street

2/ Another rush of fans from the away terrace at the sending off, and some got into the stand

Apart from these two incidents, from what I saw the majority of rovers fans were ok, highly charged but seemed to be decent enough

Cant comment post game, as i had other priorities, like driving home to my family !

ps the game was a pure robbery win !

08/04/2009, 9:16 AM
I saw two incidents

1/ The mob of around 20 rovers fans arriving late intent on getting into the home end when they knew the other 380 or so rovers went into the away section (completely different entrance)

This crew knew exactly what they were doing, trying to pass themselves off as Dlk fans and rushed the security and had to charged back onto the main street

2/ Another rush of fans from the away terrace at the sending off, and some got into the stand

Apart from these two incidents, from what I saw the majority of rovers fans were ok, highly charged but seemed to be decent enough

Cant comment post game, as i had other priorities, like driving home to my family !

ps the game was a pure robbery win !Charge the stand me hole i was sat right beside the away dugout and they broke through the barrier allright but it was to get into shelter and once they got under the stand they started dancing and signing, "racist abuse" your wrong as i only heard one gob****e shout something and he was told to shut up.

08/04/2009, 9:24 AM
This thread is still allowed to run even though anyone with half a brain sussed that it was the most made up pile of ****e we`ve seen here for a long while?????

08/04/2009, 9:33 AM
Charge the stand me hole i was sat right beside the away dugout and they broke through the barrier allright but it was to get into shelter and once they got under the stand they started dancing and signing, "racist abuse" your wrong as i only heard one gob****e shout something and he was told to shut up.

Fair enough about the racist abuse Just heard from someone that some stuff was shouted didn't get any more details. It's still one person too many shouting stuff.
As for the barrier, it was only a few that kicked it down the rest if the fans followed in after. I originally thought that they were trying to get in from the rain but was told by a few people this morning that they were trying to get at the linesman straight after the sending off. Like i said it was only about 4 or five with one fella that seemed to be the ringleader.
Is a coincidence that both the linesman and ref were standing near the players tunnel until the rovers fan's calmed down?

08/04/2009, 10:07 AM
dunny wtf is your problem? just because you didn't witness this you say that he is telling lies and is a drama queen . I was there and I witnessed all of the above. Its a disgrace that innocent fans can't go to a football game without been terrified .

Black and White
08/04/2009, 10:07 AM
All I can say on the issue is that upon leaving Oriel walking past the train station entrance there was a large group of people in the car park(presumably getting their cars) and next of all 2 squad cars came flying up the road withtheir sirens on and about 5-6 guards each side of the road legging it up to Oriel. I didnt see anything as it was p!ssing rain and there where alot of people about so!All I can say is that there was a select few Rovers fans trying to cause something on the groundsa that when Bradley was red carded, they knocked over the barrior to prevent them getting behind the dugouts and ran towards the tunnel in which the stewarts puuled out the steel tunnel out to prevent them from meeting the Dundalk fans under the stand the far side.

After the game aload of them jumped up onto the walls surrounding the pitch and a few where actually over the wall so!Make what you like of it, I dont care!

08/04/2009, 10:27 AM
I think the thread title is a bit OTT and dannydundalk was obviously a bit out of sorts when writing it.

However unfortunately the incidents before and after the game did happen. I was one of the last to leave the ground after being in the shop and when I got out there were about 20 rovers "fans" (and I use the word fans loosely) pinned in the entrance on the old hotel by the Gardai, they were trying to get by the guards to start a fight. Eventually they started moving them down the road and unfortunately for me, my dad and others they were across the road from us all the way to the bridge. We were trying to figure out how they got out but from reading other stuff it seems they were not at the game and they might have been the lads who tried to get into the home section before the game and were refused entry.

On the racism stuff I was on the shed side so didn't hear anything but it was actually a rovers fan on orielweb that mentioned it and said it was not on, so fair play to him.

I'm not trying to stir anything up against rovers as the fans at the game were fine and in good voice, but people are suggesting that this stuff didn't happen and I seen it with my own eyes, so lay off dannydundalk, he may be a bit emotional after what happened to him but most of what he says is true.

08/04/2009, 10:28 AM
The original story at the top of this thread is a bit thin.It could do with a few Orc's and Elves and a Lord of the Rings type huge battle scene where Rovers fans led by the evil Lord Sauron laid siege to Oriel Park:p.
In fairness,maybe it did happen but just the way you describe it Danny makes it hard to follow.It might be better if you make your complaint to the gardai though and not here.

08/04/2009, 10:32 AM
Charge the stand me hole i was sat right beside the away dugout and they broke through the barrier allright but it was to get into shelter and once they got under the stand they started dancing and signing, "racist abuse" your wrong as i only heard one gob****e shout something and he was told to shut up.

I never mentioned racist abuse in my post. Also I did make the point that the majority of rovers fans were ok last night, so get down off your high horse.

Moderator, close this topic now. Although it has to be mentioned the Galways v Dlk one was allowed run for over a week.

08/04/2009, 10:33 AM
All I can say on the issue is that upon leaving Oriel walking past the train station entrance there was a large group of people in the car park(presumably getting their cars) and next of all 2 squad cars came flying up the road withtheir sirens on and about 5-6 guards each side of the road legging it up to Oriel. I didnt see anything as it was p!ssing rain and there where alot of people about so!All I can say is that there was a select few Rovers fans trying to cause something on the groundsa that when Bradley was red carded, they knocked over the barrior to prevent them getting behind the dugouts and ran towards the tunnel in which the stewarts puuled out the steel tunnel out to prevent them from meeting the Dundalk fans under the stand the far side.

After the game aload of them jumped up onto the walls surrounding the pitch and a few where actually over the wall so!Make what you like of it, I dont care!This is utter ******.i was der at ****ing pitchside and witnessed it all,the tunnell was pulled out before it kicked off as it is always pulled out for half time. no one tried to get the linesman they shouted and ran over buts its a bit ott to say they broke it down to get him cause all the had to do was climb the wall as he was straight in front of them.
As for getting on the wall yes they did after the match but they DID NOT GET OVER IT

Rovers Maniac
08/04/2009, 10:45 AM
DannyDundalk and his boys looking for the nearest garden


Another snap taken by Danny of Shamrock Rovers fans and their various modes of transport.


What was the score? Did DUndalk lose this by any chance :p

08/04/2009, 10:50 AM
Danny Dundalk

Not for the first time on here you have been warned by a lot of people about your childish behaviour, if you cannot be bothered to sit down and have a think about your comments, just dont bother posting in future.

08/04/2009, 11:11 AM
I think the thread title is a bit OTT and dannydundalk was obviously a bit out of sorts when writing it.

However unfortunately the incidents before and after the game did happen. I was one of the last to leave the ground after being in the shop and when I got out there were about 20 rovers "fans" (and I use the word fans loosely) pinned in the entrance on the old hotel by the Gardai, they were trying to get by the guards to start a fight. Eventually they started moving them down the road and unfortunately for me, my dad and others they were across the road from us all the way to the bridge. We were trying to figure out how they got out but from reading other stuff it seems they were not at the game and they might have been the lads who tried to get into the home section before the game and were refused entry.

On the racism stuff I was on the shed side so didn't hear anything but it was actually a rovers fan on orielweb that mentioned it and said it was not on, so fair play to him.

I'm not trying to stir anything up against rovers as the fans at the game were fine and in good voice, but people are suggesting that this stuff didn't happen and I seen it with my own eyes, so lay off dannydundalk, he may be a bit emotional after what happened to him but most of what he says is true.

I think that was the main body of Rovers fans that the Gardai held back in Oriel and on the road outside as you describe above. About 200 us and we were not trying to start a fight. Yes we were singing, yes we were chanting 10 men we only had 10 men etc a few of the younger lads were jumping up and down but nobody tried to break through the Garda cordon. The people at the front were even having a bit of craic with the Gardai. I dont know his name but that Garda inspector who was in charge was brilliant to us all night and explained why he had to hold us for so long on he road because they were trying to move the Dundalk bebos away from the area down past the bridge.

08/04/2009, 11:34 AM
Nah in fairness hulahoop this was not the main body of rovers fans. The rovers fans were still in the ground when this happened. I got the text less than five minutes after leaving the ground the rovers fans were kept in for 15. Few lads on our forum were saying it was lads that were refused admission.

08/04/2009, 11:41 AM
this thread is gas - please dont stop it mods!:D
(funniest thing on foot.ie since Gretna)

stop press - football fans shout and roar, and give it large - wow fancy that

08/04/2009, 11:43 AM
No evidence, no thread.