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02/04/2009, 2:26 PM
Dunno if it was brought up in ant other thread (cant read them all as I have somewhat of a life) . On local radio today in Waterford Noel is adament he scored the goal and wants to be credtitde as such, I thought he got the last touch at the time and a mate of mine said the same after the game when I called out to the house , might be interesting to hear what Robbie has to say on the matter . Discuss:p

02/04/2009, 2:28 PM
i have watched it a few times and i am convinced its hunts goal, i raised it on another thread..

02/04/2009, 2:33 PM
until i hear robbie says he didnt touch it, im giving it to robbie.

02/04/2009, 2:36 PM
I think it was Hunt's goal also now after watching it 10 times. For the walts who slat Robbie on here i wish he had of got it.

Wonder if Dunphy would have been so harsh on Trap for taking off Doyle if he realised who actually scored. :rolleyes:

02/04/2009, 2:38 PM
(cant read them all as I have somewhat of a life)

Who you trying to convince us or yourself :D

02/04/2009, 2:38 PM
Watched it from a great angle (can't find the link though) and it's 60-40 keane's goal. Hunt seemed to get a slight touch before Keane smashes it.

02/04/2009, 2:39 PM
And who set it up , but sure the guy is a drunk gambler

02/04/2009, 2:43 PM
link to the goal


a 60-40 keane goal LOL, it's either 100% his or 100% Hunts.

02/04/2009, 2:43 PM
maybe hunt touched it before robbie banged it in, look at robbies celebration. now if he didnt touch it surely he would have went to hunt to celebrate ? plus i cant see him claiming he scored it if he clearly didnt.

Colbert Report
02/04/2009, 2:47 PM
very immature stuff from hunt. who cares who scored the goal? it is a team game for christ's sake.

02/04/2009, 2:54 PM
very immature stuff from hunt. who cares who scored the goal? it is a team game for christ's sake.
Posted on another thread:
“I saw the ball coming down and Caleb (Folan) getting the knock down,” said the Reading striker. “Robbie was there and we both went for it but I got a toe to it and it went in. I went one way to celebrate and Robbie went the other after him (Folan).

“Eventually I had to join in with them but I was on top of Robbie shouting down at him: “It’s my goal, it’s my goal,” and he was there just laughing.


Immature? Did you forget a smiley?
Why would Noel not claim the goal if he believes he scored it!?

02/04/2009, 2:56 PM
Yeah credit it where credit is due, i am sure you would claim it also especially if you were not a regular starter.

02/04/2009, 2:57 PM
of course you'd claim it , strikers are ego maniacs , not surprised they both claim it !
but i think it's hunts...

02/04/2009, 3:00 PM
Given that it would be his first for Ireland, I'd say that's why he'd want to claim it. On top of the fact that he believes it's his. It may be a team game, but players obviously still want to get individual accolades. What it Hunt never scores "again" for Ireland?

02/04/2009, 3:07 PM
Would say 100% Hunt based on Andy Grays rule of direction of the ball after contact , Hunts run is directly in line with the angle of the ball going into net.

Colbert Report
02/04/2009, 3:10 PM
I really couldn't care less who scored the goal. Hunt can **** off and go sit in the corner with Stephen Ireland if he thinks this is an important issue.

02/04/2009, 3:11 PM
I really couldn't care less who scored the goal. Hunt can **** off and go sit in the corner with Stephen Ireland if he thinks this is an important issue.

how would you like someone else taking credit for your work?

bottom line is ireland scored against italy but why shouldnt hunt make his case??

02/04/2009, 3:13 PM
I really couldn't care less who scored the goal. Hunt can **** off and go sit in the corner with Stephen Ireland if he thinks this is an important issue.

Say you were considered good enough to play for Ireland. Wouldn't you be a little peeved if, after scoring what you considered to be your first goal someone else is given, and claims, all of the credit? I know I would. I mean, it would be his first goal for us.

Putting him in the same sentence as Ireland just because of that is unfair. Why should he be ostracised for attempting to claim credit for something that he believes is his.

02/04/2009, 3:59 PM
Andy gray would deffo give it to hunt and from the angle behind the goal i would too it matters because hunt shook things up a bit i thought and to cap that with a goal away to the world champions is a big thing for a young irish player and would put him in the frame to be used more often by the manager,id be gutted to have that taken away from me and he has every right to claim it,to compare him to a sulking s.ireland is ridiculous by the way.

02/04/2009, 4:16 PM
how would you like someone else taking credit for your work?

bottom line is ireland scored against italy but why shouldnt hunt make his case??Because its a team game, and unlike tag rugby they don't award a different amounts of point depending on who scores. Deflections happen all the time and players don't feel the need to cry about it. Lack of respect for the captain as well, don't wash your dirty linen in public.

Razors left peg
02/04/2009, 4:20 PM
No idea who got it,both have good claims it looks like........... but do I care???
At that stage I would have been happy even if it went in off the defender

02/04/2009, 4:26 PM
When asked to describe the goal to someone without a stream I said "Keane prodded it in", however it seem the 'prodder' was Hunt not Keane. After seeing blurry streams several times it really is impossible to tell, you can make a case for either.
It was puzzleing that both of the players were not togeather in the celebrations, the camera stayed on Keane, Noel did not seem to be in the shot. I think you would need super slow-motion to sort it out. But at the end of the day the important thing was the goal not who got the final touch.

pineapple stu
02/04/2009, 4:28 PM
It's clearly Keane's goal from the first replay. And it's quite probably Hunt's goal from the second. Don't UEFA review these things and correct errors, however technical?

Doesn't matter anyway.

02/04/2009, 4:46 PM
The defender might have got the final touch - he is not claiming it though.

02/04/2009, 4:47 PM
keans goal all day long,hunt was stretching for it and i dont think he could have gotten that power when stretching for it

02/04/2009, 4:56 PM
Bloddy pikey's always trying to nick everything, seriously though its poor form to handle it public the way he did. I think it was more Keanes' goal anyway although it is debatable.

02/04/2009, 4:59 PM
Poll ?

Dun Laoire
02/04/2009, 5:12 PM
I've noticed something on the youtube clip that might just clear things up. If you notice @ 0.29 to 0.32 hunt leans over to his ankle then walks off gingerly. Could that suggest that keane in fact kicked the back of hunts foot which gave the ball the extra power that forced the little roundy fella into the net?

02/04/2009, 5:30 PM
the ball was actually whipped into the net - it was more than a prod. Keane's shot is more likely to have sent the ball into the net the way it went in. I think its Keane's goal.

02/04/2009, 5:30 PM
I've noticed something on the youtube clip that might just clear things up. If you notice @ 0.29 to 0.32 hunt leans over to his ankle then walks off gingerly. Could that suggest that keane in fact kicked the back of hunts foot which gave the ball the extra power that forced the little roundy fella into the net?

Interesting I was about to post this:-

On this one at 0.48 it looks like all three, including the defender, make contact with the ball at the same time!!
A video is made up of still pictures so mment of contact may not have been recorded.


I think Keane actually makes contact with Noels foot, infact I think you can see on the video how Noels foot sort of flails up in a manner which suggests that it had been kicked, so I would agree with you there. Still it is hard to be certain.

02/04/2009, 5:39 PM
I think it's Keanes' goal. Take a look at this- seems to show that Hunt kicked too high and Keane was the one to make contact.


Colbert Report
02/04/2009, 5:43 PM
Noel Hunt needs to go away. Stop trying to steal other people's goals. We don't need whiny bitches like him in the squad.

Dun Laoire
02/04/2009, 5:48 PM
Noel Hunt needs to go away. Stop trying to steal other people's goals. We don't need whiny bitches like him in the squad.


You 100% sure it's not Noel Hunts?

Colbert Report
02/04/2009, 5:49 PM
My point is that it doesn't matter a lick. Noel Hunt should be happy he gets to play for his country. I don't need some bum crying and whinging that our captain 'stole' his goal. Go away.

Dun Laoire
02/04/2009, 5:53 PM
My point is that it doesn't matter a lick. Noel Hunt should be happy he gets to play for his country. I don't need some bum crying and whinging that our captain 'stole' his goal. Go away.

Not to us it doesn't but i think if Hunt feels he was the one who scored and got credited for the goal it would only do his confidence the world of good which of course would be to our benefit. I'm not so sure he's crying and whinging about it either.

02/04/2009, 5:53 PM
A similar thing happened in the 1979 FA Cup Final. David Price & Brian Talbot both seemed to connect with the ball at the same time.

02/04/2009, 6:00 PM
Noel Hunt needs to go away. Stop trying to steal other people's goals. We don't need whiny bitches like him in the squad.

Why would he put his neck on the line if he didnt genuinely believe it was his ?

And if its a team game then we give out golden boot awards?

02/04/2009, 6:24 PM
the ball was actually whipped into the net - it was more than a prod. Keane's shot is more likely to have sent the ball into the net the way it went in. I think its Keane's goal.

The ball bounces before it was goes into the net, it hits the ground shortly after it was struck.
I think Noel prods it down and Keane acually hits the bottom of the defenders studs (or rather the defender got a block in on his shot/foot) and Noel prods it below their to boots. However I change my mind every time I see it but that is my latest 'theory'.
Or Noel hits the defenders leg as he blocks Keane and the defender has the last touch?

02/04/2009, 6:57 PM
Still looks like Robbie's to me imo.

02/04/2009, 7:02 PM
its actually ridiculously hard to tell. I think that maybe Hunt miskicked/overkicked slightly and Keane shot it in under his foot - my latest theory...

02/04/2009, 7:13 PM
This is the best screenshot I can do of the goal, Hunt's leg is nowhere near to the ball, Keane is making clean contact
You can download the goal in slow motion here: http://tetsujin1979.googlepages.com/RobbieKeaneVSItaly.mpg
It's only a few second long, I'd recommend using the slow motion option in VLC to view it

02/04/2009, 7:13 PM
Bloddy pikey's always trying to nick everything, seriously though its poor form to handle it public the way he did. I think it was more Keanes' goal anyway although it is debatable.

Bloody tallaghfornians always trying to nick everything, seriously though its poor form to rob it in public the way he did. I think it was more Hunts' goal anyway .

02/04/2009, 7:15 PM
I don't need some bum crying and whinging that our captain 'stole' his goal. Go away.Harsh, I'd claim it too if I were him but I'm sure he's not moaning about it.

02/04/2009, 7:22 PM
Impossible to tell. For a while I was convincede it was Hunt's.

However Robbie's run to the sideline claiming the goal was very convincing and if you watch Hunt's immediate reaction it's to chase Keane to congratulate him. If I were Hunt and I was sure it was mine I'd have run in my own direction.

02/04/2009, 7:24 PM
This is the best screenshot I can do of the goal, Hunt's leg is nowhere near to the ball, Keane is making clean contact
You can download the goal in slow motion here: http://tetsujin1979.googlepages.com/RobbieKeaneVSItaly.mpg
It's only a few second long, I'd recommend using the slow motion option in VLC to view it

Its definitely Keane's goal. I watched it a few times before now and thought it was Keane's and this picture confirms it.

02/04/2009, 7:24 PM
This is the best screenshot I can do of the goal, Hunt's leg is nowhere near to the ball, Keane is making clean contact

I'd still say that Hunt did make some contact with the ball beforehand, but I think Keane definitely got the final touch. I'm not certain who got the decisive touch that forced it in though, but I'd say that it was more than likely Keane.

02/04/2009, 7:26 PM
However Robbie's run to the sideline claiming the goal was very convincing and if you watch Hunt's immediate reaction it's to chase Keane to congratulate him. If I were Hunt and I was sure it was mine I'd have run in my own direction.

Well, in interviews he did say that he was about to start to but that Robbie had already made off and everyone was following him. He also said that after joining Robbie he was shouting to him that it was his goal. Whatever, I still think it was Robbie's though.

02/04/2009, 7:29 PM
Noel has been quoted as claiming it. We await to hear what Robbie says - until then, for me, its still an open question.

Some of the comments about Noel in this thread as a disgrace by the way. Allright if directed at an opposition player, but very nasty stuff when aimed at one of our own.

Den Perry
02/04/2009, 7:54 PM
And who set it up , but sure the guy is a drunk gambler

actually, who did set it up?

02/04/2009, 7:56 PM
actually, who did set it up?

Folan headed it on. I think it was initially a long ball from Given (possibly a free kick).