View Full Version : Alan Shearer Newcastle Manager

02/04/2009, 1:40 PM
Shearer appointed Newcastle manager until end of the season with Iain Dowie as his assistant.

What are his chances of being a success?

02/04/2009, 3:02 PM
Shearer appointed Newcastle manager until end of the season with Iain Dowie as his assistant.

What are his chances of being a success?

Can see him doing much. When are the geordie's going to stop christening every one the messiah and stop thinking that unproven and other managers that have won f*ck all are going to bring them silver ware

Closed Account 2
02/04/2009, 3:11 PM
The club was doomed to fail once they got rid of Bobby Robson, the last manager to guide a non-big-four team into the Champions League group stages. I feel an element of sympathy for the fans, but in terms of the boards reckless management relegation would be a fitting reward for the last 5 or so years.

They'll probably survive simply because there is enough dross around the bottom of the Premier League that's as bad or worse than them, but he'll be no better than Kinnear (who was doing a solid if unspectacular job).

02/04/2009, 3:18 PM
I think it's a poor move by Newcastle. Even if he is good enough to coach them it's a dangerous time to be appointed. Even if an experienced manager took the job the task would be difficult. I'm surprised he took it given the circumstances. If it works out this season and he avoids relegation (possible) then he'll go down as a hero in Newcastle fan's eyes, but he may still fail next season. However, it's probably a good move in appointing Dowie as his assistant manager. That should help his cause.

05/04/2009, 1:06 AM
I genuinely thought he was smarter than this. Newcastle is a nasty job; a team full of crocks and egos which would take a superb manager four or five years and a whack of money to sort out. He'll get neither.

05/04/2009, 11:28 AM
Hopefully he won't show his face on MOTD2 again this season.

09/04/2009, 3:10 PM
He said he expects to be back on match of the day and not to give his seat away.

15/04/2009, 10:55 AM
Terrible appointment, what they need is stability with a proven and a no-nonsense manager who commands respect and start the season with realistic expectations. Taking a chance on an ex player just because it seems to have worked for West Ham is another mistake on their long list. Worst run club in the history of clubs, which is a pity because the fans are quality.

I don't understand the Ian Dowie appointment either. There is no way a man who has managed 5 clubs previous is going to sit in the background, especially with his personality. I think he reckons they will give him a shot after Shearer gets the boot.