View Full Version : Organisation of ss was a joke

28/03/2009, 10:10 PM
how bad was it? i bought tickets for ss was delighted to see i was in the section where the banter was in last game but then i had to sit for the whole game...im getting my money back

28/03/2009, 10:31 PM
Why did you have to sit for the whole game. I was in the SS tonight and I stood for the whole game. My knee is not the best for it but **** it.

28/03/2009, 10:37 PM
Why did you have to sit for the whole game. I was in the SS tonight and I stood for the whole game. My knee is not the best for it but **** it.

i was in section 320.

28/03/2009, 11:29 PM
Me too and I stood up the whole game and not a problem

28/03/2009, 11:30 PM
How exactly do you plan on getting your money back?

28/03/2009, 11:32 PM
false advertising. i bought tickets for being in the proper singing section which i wasn't in and thus they didnt fit their description which is outlined in the sales of goods and supply of services ac.

28/03/2009, 11:37 PM
false advertising. i bought tickets for being in the proper singing section which i wasn't in and thus they didnt fit their description which is outlined in the sales of goods and supply of services ac.

HOw many songs did you start?

28/03/2009, 11:38 PM
but you were in the singing section why did you have to sit down.

28/03/2009, 11:39 PM
look my tickets were for 320, anyone who looked could see nobody was standing there, even though its meant to be a bloody 'singing section' tbh i was ****ed off by it..would have passed off if we got 3 points but the draw has made me feel very angry.

28/03/2009, 11:41 PM
I was in 320 and everybody sitting in front of me and behind me were standing. I was in HH in 320 and the place was full of people standing and singing.

28/03/2009, 11:44 PM
i was in aa

28/03/2009, 11:45 PM
And how are you finding that. It seemed to work for Tony Adams:)

28/03/2009, 11:47 PM
That was just down from me and there seemed to be people standing there anyway but would not swear by it but for sure 3 or 4 rows in front of me were standing as were the same behind me. I know there was a few who post on here in row AA so I am sure they will post on here with their experiences

29/03/2009, 2:08 PM
I was high up in Hogan Lower just to left of the SS. I thought the SS was one of the few positives of the night. Without it the place'd have been a morgue the performance was so flat.

29/03/2009, 2:12 PM

Irish Ultra are you the lad with the glasses and the cap.

29/03/2009, 2:15 PM
look the actual signing section was class, but i thought the fai had informed everyone that in 320 and 321 it would effectively be for standing up and signing. where i was we had to sit down, why would i make it up. when i asked to move i was told i had to go back and sit at my seat.

29/03/2009, 5:13 PM
I was in 321 and stood for the whole game. Was in JJ and as far as I could see everyone in front of me was standing the whole way to the front. A steward did tell people to sit down at one stage but everyone just ignored him.

30/03/2009, 1:49 AM

Irish Ultra are you the lad with the glasses and the cap.

or are you the long haired blonde bird? (and I'm not asking that just because you whine like a little b**ch)

30/03/2009, 3:21 AM
They weren't that much of a joke. They exterminated six million jews

30/03/2009, 7:24 AM
have to say ss wasnt great given what i heard from all here was expecting constant singing. very little of that for that half i was there*

*long story but we had to go outat half time to check one of the lads into jurys across teh way,this little indian fella said he would let us back in(to be honest i didnt know you couldn't get back in anyway) and when we came back he didnt, then we found out that you aren't let back in once you leave. So ****ed off, one fella nearly hit a guard afterwards. Anyway met JD in jurys the following afternoon askedhim was this FAI policy he said no and that he was very disappointedto hear that. Gave me his email and took mine, told me to email him to remind him and next home game he would bring usdown to meet the players and stuff. I'd assume he isn't just saying it and to be honest I thought he was very down to earth and decent when talking to him.

Lionel Ritchie
30/03/2009, 8:49 AM
They weren't that much of a joke. They exterminated six million jews

In response to the thread title I was going to retort "...and Belsen was a gas" but your forthrightedness (new word born) does it better.

So can we stop calling the singing section the SS now? :o


30/03/2009, 9:07 AM
Was in row p 320 as usual. Loads of kids on their fathers laps behind me whatever that was about. The Davin is fine if you are surrounded by people of a like mind. Then you can enjoy the game and get on with the singing. Spent the whole game listening to "Sit down mate, the kids cant see"

I understand that hes paid his money in but a singing/standing section is just that. Athmosphere was poles apart from the Georgia game but I believe that was down to the effort of the players. There was nothing for the supporters to sing about after 35 seconds.

Is it just me or do others get plonked beside people who like to give a running commentary and their expert view of the game, but sound like theyve never been to a game in their lives.

Bring back the reduced capacity in Lansdowne!!!

Drumcondra 69er
30/03/2009, 9:28 AM
Was in row p 320 as usual. Loads of kids on their fathers laps behind me whatever that was about. The Davin is fine if you are surrounded by people of a like mind. Then you can enjoy the game and get on with the singing. Spent the whole game listening to "Sit down mate, the kids cant see"

I understand that hes paid his money in but a singing/standing section is just that. Athmosphere was poles apart from the Georgia game but I believe that was down to the effort of the players. There was nothing for the supporters to sing about after 35 seconds.

Is it just me or do others get plonked beside people who like to give a running commentary and their expert view of the game, but sound like theyve never been to a game in their lives.

Bring back the reduced capacity in Lansdowne!!!

I was in 321, stood and sung for the whole game, atmospshere was very good, dreadful performance apart. Couple of people moaned and asked us to sit down at first and we told them this was the standing / singing section and that was that, everyone around us was stood the whole game to boot.....

30/03/2009, 9:54 AM
everybody sitting in front of me and behind me were standing.

Not an easy thing to do, I'd imagine.

30/03/2009, 10:01 AM
Was in row p 320 as usual. Loads of kids on their fathers laps behind me whatever that was about. The Davin is fine if you are surrounded by people of a like mind. Then you can enjoy the game and get on with the singing. Spent the whole game listening to "Sit down mate, the kids cant see"

I understand that hes paid his money in but a singing/standing section is just that. Athmosphere was poles apart from the Georgia game but I believe that was down to the effort of the players. There was nothing for the supporters to sing about after 35 seconds.

Is it just me or do others get plonked beside people who like to give a running commentary and their expert view of the game, but sound like theyve never been to a game in their lives.

Bring back the reduced capacity in Lansdowne!!!

Got the same thing .. so asked a steward could we sit somewhere else. So we moved down the bottom and again some father's with kids asked us to sit down. Had to move a couple of times .. it was no problem as there were plenty of spare seats .. but when it comes to italy game, I hope this is sorted out.

I missed the anthems ... what song was played when the teams came out onto the pitch?

30/03/2009, 10:04 AM
how bad was it? i bought tickets for ss was delighted to see i was in the section where the banter was in last game but then i had to sit for the whole game...im getting my money back

Could this be merged into the Bulgaria SS thread? Pretty negative title .. but i suppose it has provoked debate

30/03/2009, 10:14 AM
I was high up in Hogan Lower just to left of the SS. I thought the SS was one of the few positives of the night. Without it the place'd have been a morgue the performance was so flat.

Correct. I was in the Lower Hogan where there was little or no action until "Stand Up for the Boys in Green" made its way to us from the Singing Section. Apart from that you could hear a feather drop and well done to the Singing Section - without you nothing would have happened. Can we have "Alive alive oh" next time?

30/03/2009, 10:15 AM
Atmosphere only ok, consistent with all games in croker thus far. Im sorry but there is an element in the crowd these days that I just do not like. An element that are there to be entertained, paid good money for their seats and abuse players on a regular basis. Why oh why do these clowns turn up!!! As I heard one comment on the radio this morning, too many spectators and not enough supporters.

I was in upper tier in the cusack and there was one guy who ever 10-15 mins stood up looked at the crowd basically gave out to the crowd and asked are we hear to support the team or not before leading us into a chant or two and you know what it worked!! In fairness to the lad, he got people around me chanting, singing, standing up etc that would not have done so otherwise. Admittedly it was only for a few mins at a time but I take my hat off to this guy.
I have no doubt the Irish support on Wed night will be fantastic. I will not feel happy unless i leave the ground hoarse (and hopefully with a point in the back pocket).

30/03/2009, 10:37 AM
Correct. I was in the Lower Hogan where there was little or no action until "Stand Up for the Boys in Green" made its way to us from the Singing Section. Apart from that you could hear a feather drop and well done to the Singing Section - without you nothing would have happened. Can we have "Alive alive oh" next time?

Come down and join in with us. I tried getting it going a couple of times on Sat. Fair play Saint Tom gave it welly as he knows all the words.

30/03/2009, 11:27 AM
Atmosphere was not as bad as previous games, but definitly an element of people who are serching for the band wagon and thought that Saturday was going to be it, smaller and more hardcore support at the Georgia game. I was in 321 just above the exit and at one point told to sit down and watch it on the screen above my head as Hunt was trying to get the ball accross, told the auld lad that this was not the opera...sooner we get back to LR the better.

30/03/2009, 11:30 AM
The Singing Section atmosphere was alright. The first 20 minutes I was elated because it felt like an away game but it died badly by the second half. It's easy to sing when you're just after scoring, doing it when it's difficult is where it matters most (and I don't mean the predictable few Ireland,Ireland chants following an opposition goal). The schoolboy kids who have attached themselves, singing 'Lets go fookin mental', are quite annoying.

That said, it was definitely a vast improvement on the home games I'm used t. I hope it will build with each game as people sort out where to go etc.

30/03/2009, 12:20 PM
I think I'm just in front of the foot.ie/ybig folk in 321. Atmosphere was good (felt it wasn't as prolonged as the Georgia game) but could be better.

I still think we're still too spread out. I approached a steward before kickoff as most people I could see were sitting and I was a bit worried. He explained that the dark blue seats would be for standing and the lower down light blue seats for sitting.

There's 6 months till the next competitive home games. Thats plenty of time to get it right. I would suggest that people who may not necessarily know each other, but want to be beside those singing, to offer their seat numbers to the SS control on ybig and get this into the FAI office.

There are plenty of people now aware of this site and the ybig site, and a concerted effort on our behalf to condense people together would only help. Did anyone notice a difference in the people around them from the previous match? We certainly did.

I'd treat the SS (or the Hedge as I've heard it called) as a trial for when we get back to Lansdowne so we can hit the ground running so to speak, because we'll need to turn the Road into a fortress, as Croker certainly is not.

30/03/2009, 3:32 PM
Cant wait to get back to Lansdowne. Haven't had the same buzz inside or outside Croker since we left.

30/03/2009, 4:55 PM
*long story but we had to go outat half time to check one of the lads into jurys across teh way,this little indian fella said he would let us back in(to be honest i didnt know you couldn't get back in anyway) and when we came back he didnt, then we found out that you aren't let back in once you leave. So ****ed off, one fella nearly hit a guard afterwards. Anyway met JD in jurys the following afternoon askedhim was this FAI policy he said no and that he was very disappointedto hear that. Gave me his email and took mine, told me to email him to remind him and next home game he would bring usdown to meet the players and stuff. I'd assume he isn't just saying it and to be honest I thought he was very down to earth and decent when talking to him.

ah very touching, anyway can I have his email please:p

30/03/2009, 7:34 PM
I was with neil and I thought that it was great. The 20-30 blokes/birds who were around us gave it their best. There is only so much we can do...if the rest can't be bothered to join in then its not our problem.

Throat just recovered for Bari...bring it on!!:D

30/03/2009, 7:56 PM
we were in 326 in the lower hogan and thought the SS did a great job. They definitely got our section up off their arses a few times to join in. I loved the way the poxy mexican wave died a death every time it reached the SS. Well done to all. It will take a while for it to come together but it's a start. We will defintely be asking to be moved to the SS for the next round of matches .

30/03/2009, 9:51 PM
I thought I created a very good atmosphere. Cant beat being ****ed at a match for making noise!

31/03/2009, 12:27 PM
i was in section 320 row k. there was no standing there except "stand up for the boys in green". most of the chanting/singing was starting behind us alright. it is going to be hard though for that to be a section where you are stand, because we only bought our tickets in a van at gills corner an hour before the game, so i guess most people who were in the same boat didnt know what the crack with this section was.Unless people specifically know that they are expected to stand in the singing section they are going to tell you to sit down, especially if they have children with them,

31/03/2009, 2:32 PM
We were in 321,,we had seats in different sections of it but we walked in, saw 3 empty seats together..and took them. by the time the game started there was 8 of us standing in a section for 3 seats!! us 3, a few of our mates and the 3 guys that actually had tickets for the seats. They didn't care cos the craic/singing was brilliant. and to be fair to the stewards..they never said a word to us! getting better and better..it'll be ready for Landsdowne :-)

31/03/2009, 3:31 PM
We were in 321,,we had seats in different sections of it but we walked in, saw 3 empty seats together..and took them. by the time the game started there was 8 of us standing in a section for 3 seats!! us 3, a few of our mates and the 3 guys that actually had tickets for the seats. They didn't care cos the craic/singing was brilliant. and to be fair to the stewards..they never said a word to us! getting better and better..it'll be ready for Landsdowne :-)

i think those were our tickets parklife. was it around SS in 321?

31/03/2009, 5:07 PM
Could well have been...not too sure..it was just as you walked out from the exit on the right hand side....???

31/03/2009, 5:38 PM
ya we were down a few steps from that actually. not right on the exit, it was around there that there was a good group of lads constantly getting chants going and that song we love you we love you we love you

31/03/2009, 5:40 PM
I couldn't make the game but the atmosphere came across really well on TV. Most of the chants spread throughout the stadium and when everyone sang it was as loud as you'd get at any match last Saturday night. You could hear We Love You chant throughout the game even though it was only the SS singing it.

Great pics of the section by soccerc too!

31/03/2009, 5:50 PM
where are the pics he took?!

EB well then the SS must have been better than the last game as i couldn't hear it at all on TV and to be honest the SS wasn't great, there wasn't constant singing and when a chant would start it died down fairly quickly and it also wasn't continuous. I was always singing on my own, after hearing it start behind me, and started to chant my usual from lower cusack "come on you cnuts and sing" to get people around and in front of me to start singing.

31/03/2009, 6:12 PM
where are the pics he took?!

EB well then the SS must have been better than the last game as i couldn't hear it at all on TV and to be honest the SS wasn't great, there wasn't constant singing and when a chant would start it died down fairly quickly and it also wasn't continuous. I was always singing on my own, after hearing it start behind me, and started to chant my usual from lower cusack "come on you cnuts and sing" to get people around and in front of me to start singing.
I was at the very back of the SS and most of us back there sang throughout the whole game and tried to keep the signing going after the final whistle. Granted, I couldn't see the whole section but the longest pause I heard was about 20/30 seconds and that was on no more than 2/3 occasions.

31/03/2009, 6:27 PM
EB well then the SS must have been better than the last game as i couldn't hear it at all on TV
This is a clip from RTE's coverage after going 0-1 down to Georgia:

Blank out the commentators and listen to the crowd. You probably wouldn't notice the singing if you weren't listening out for it but listen to the 20 second period after 2.00mins (before the fields of athenry). That's about all the background noise you would have got vs Georgia if it wasn't for the singing section.

The atmosphere in the singing section vs Georgia was very good but the atmosphere vs Bulgaria sounded excellent. At least the first half as I was fairly drunk for the 2nd half.

/soccerc's pics are in this thread page 2 I think.

31/03/2009, 7:42 PM
I was in Hogan Lower 325 (or 327). I can categorically say there was no inclination among anyone in nearby sections to do anything other than sit and watch quietly. The SS gamely tried all night to get something going and to some success. Without them there'd have been far less singing, I'm sure of it. Good work to all involved.

06/04/2009, 6:04 PM
that stand up for the boys in green gets a bit annoying after a while...it is similar to the mexican wave...
still good idea to have a dedicated singing section...altho I prefer to watch the match myself..

07/04/2009, 8:47 AM
that stand up for the boys in green gets a bit annoying after a while...it is similar to the mexican wave...
still good idea to have a dedicated singing section...altho I prefer to watch the match myself..

Agree with that. I find it as annoying as fcuk. I know people will suggest Im a boring sod, who cant be arsed getting out of his seat etc.... but if Im honest I find it tedious and a lazy way of supposedly creating atmosphere with its repeated airing. Ole Ole, Mexican Wave and Stand up....all equally annoying IMO.

And before anyone says, "you do something better", I can't, Im useless at that sort of thing and generally Ill be happy to go with what "The Hedge" will be pumping out in games to come.....................no doubt its repetoire will expand!!