View Full Version : Fingal 0-1 UCD

13/03/2009, 10:32 PM
Kilduff scoring with five minutes to go. Wonderful result which leaves me optimistic for the season ahead.

UCD: Barron, Harding, Shortall, Leahy, Boyle, Bolger, Reilly, Finn, Kilduff, McMahon, Mulhall. Subs: E McMillan, Creevy, Ward, Nangle, Brennan.

13/03/2009, 10:40 PM
Good result for ye. Thought Kilduff looked good for Kildare last season, he'll get ye a good few goals this season i'd say.

13/03/2009, 10:56 PM
Two for two already. Our record for a season is 15, so if he keeps going, he might give that a run.

13/03/2009, 11:12 PM
Fair play tonight lads. Terrible stuff from us.

13/03/2009, 11:42 PM
U.C.D.s number 8 was best player on pitch tonight.

pineapple stu
14/03/2009, 12:16 AM
Delighted with that result. Has to be said, Fingal were awful, which was amazing given the players in their squad - Quigley, Paisley, Frost, Maher, McFaul, Gannon, Kirby, Zayed, Doyle, O'Neill. Basic errors; letting the ball run under their foot, poor passing, hoofing and what have you. Pitch was in awful nick too (rumours of a rabbit infestation mid-week?) which didn't help.

Looked like we were going to be overrun in the first ten minutes, but we came back well into it. Kilduff missed a couple of great chances before scoring; the defence, while still shaky, was much better than last week and there's a rumour Maccer even smiled at the end of it.

Watch now as we lose to Monaghan next week.

14/03/2009, 12:36 AM
...there's a rumour Maccer even smiled at the end of it...
Never has the phrase, "Pictures, or it didn't happen" been so appropriate. ;)

The Lep
14/03/2009, 3:55 AM
To be fair, BOTH teams were poor with U.C.D deserving the win.

14/03/2009, 9:50 AM
Yeah. but they had an excuse:D. We didnt.

14/03/2009, 10:19 AM
Kilduff looks a really classy player, can see him getting a lot of goals this year. Barron looked more composed too, I'd say that once we get 4 or 5 games under our belts, the team will gel a lot more and we'll only get better from there. With the players Fingal have, they don't really have the same excuse of inexperience but the same is probably true of them.

Respectable away support there too, must have been the bones of 50. I was talking to a Fingal fan after who was surprised at our numbers as he'd heard there were only 60-something at the Limerick game last week. :eek:

Poor Student
14/03/2009, 1:05 PM
Fifty? It felt closer to twenty or thirty to me but I'd be glad to be wrong.

I have to say, I was very sceptical of the whole Fingal project but I feel a lot more respectful of them after that game. Santry felt a very welcoming venue. There was one very minor incident of one of our kids having chips thrown at him by a few other kids but even the young lad wasn't bothered. Otherwise the atmosphere felt very friendly. There was a good young crowd for a First Division game and the club appear to be doing a decent job at growing themselves as establishing community links. The ground was well staffed and there was a decent club shop and good food.

On the pitch Fingal were less than impressive though. They played or looked nothing like the First Division galacticos they appear on paper. They didn't look hunry for the game or win at all. It's hard to know if they will gel or are now going to continue to stutter under the pressure of a poor start which has given their potential title rivals a 5 point head start.

I was impressed with our lads though. They were very energetic and hungry. Their inexperience showed at times with some poor decision making but overall I felt they moved the ball well and continually kept their movement up up front to work chances. The quality of the goal was apalling but no one is going to complain about that. I still worry about the centre half pairing and Bolger as a partner for Finn in the middle but we will hopefully continue to improve as the team plays together.

Special mention should go to Shorty. I thought he was going to be run ragged by Conan playing on the left side of defence. He performed very well and kept Byrne snuffed out all night. A feeling I haven't had for some time, I'm really looking forward to our next game.

14/03/2009, 10:03 PM
Where did all the fans come from?

Report (http://extratime.ie/fixtures/detail/11309/2/). Can't make out the new sponsor- think it says 1, but it looks like there's something written in the ring.

Looking forward to my first game this season after the start we've had, won't be able to make a game until Kildare at home though.

15/03/2009, 12:38 AM
Can't make out the new sponsor- think it says 1, but it looks like there's something written in the ring.
http://www.ucdhighperformance.ie/images/HPCbanner2.gif (http://www.ucdhighperformance.ie/)

15/03/2009, 1:21 PM
Fifty? It felt closer to twenty or thirty to me but I'd be glad to be wrong.

I have to say, I was very sceptical of the whole Fingal project but I feel a lot more respectful of them after that game. Santry felt a very welcoming venue. There was one very minor incident of one of our kids having chips thrown at him by a few other kids but even the young lad wasn't bothered. Otherwise the atmosphere felt very friendly. There was a good young crowd for a First Division game and the club appear to be doing a decent job at growing themselves as establishing community links. The ground was well staffed and there was a decent club shop and good food.

On the pitch Fingal were less than impressive though. They played or looked nothing like the First Division galacticos they appear on paper. They didn't look hunry for the game or win at all. It's hard to know if they will gel or are now going to continue to stutter under the pressure of a poor start which has given their potential title rivals a 5 point head start.

I was impressed with our lads though. They were very energetic and hungry. Their inexperience showed at times with some poor decision making but overall I felt they moved the ball well and continually kept their movement up up front to work chances. The quality of the goal was apalling but no one is going to complain about that. I still worry about the centre half pairing and Bolger as a partner for Finn in the middle but we will hopefully continue to improve as the team plays together.

Special mention should go to Shorty. I thought he was going to be run ragged by Conan playing on the left side of defence. He performed very well and kept Byrne snuffed out all night. A feeling I haven't had for some time, I'm really looking forward to our next game.

Cheers. Its not often we get some positive comments. All the best for the rest of the season.

pineapple stu
19/03/2009, 6:21 PM
The game just featured on Nationwide, bizarrely. Caught a glimpse of us heading out of the ground. :) Had the sound down, and only spotted that stupid effing fox which made me turn the sound up. A general piece on Swords, I think they're doing.

20/03/2009, 4:17 PM
Capital D. And not bizarre to have a Dublin subburb featured on a programme about Dublin. Very good piece on Sporting Fingal interviews with Conan, the Official involved with the matchday/security, Council executive and of course a number of fans.
It was a good piece and worth watching.

pineapple stu
20/03/2009, 4:27 PM
Mea culpa. Very similar shows, and as I said, I wasn't paying attention. it was the very last item on the show.

I stand by my bizarre comment though. RTÉ showing First Division football? Come on!