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20/03/2009, 1:00 PM
Think there was less traffic & the protest stared later than advertised.

20/03/2009, 1:37 PM
I was more thinking they treated it as if they had tourist fare in the back.

That would the guys coming from Airside (airport direction) ;)

20/03/2009, 2:12 PM
If somebody opened up a shop nearby selling the same products as I do who could I complain to? Who would listen if I marched down the street - Nobody would!
Taxi drivers - examine your options - if you are not happy with how much you are earning then come up with another plan like everybody else would have to do. I have enough on my plate trying to make ends meet without having to listen to whingers who want an easy ride. Rant over :)

20/03/2009, 5:21 PM
hey , rant away isn't that what boards are for:p

20/03/2009, 7:49 PM
If somebody opened up a shop nearby selling the same products as I do who could I complain to? Who would listen if I marched down the street - Nobody would!
Shop keepers offer their goods at prices mostly independent of government regulation though, so the analogy isn't perfect.

20/03/2009, 11:21 PM
public relations officer for Taxi Drivers for Change, said the organising committee "didn't realise" the protest clashed with Daffodil Day, adding "it's probably too late to call it off".

5 minutes max.

No, the drivers had to earn less public support by holding it on a charity day. Shoot...foot... :rolleyes:

21/03/2009, 1:28 PM
Taxi organisers call for National Strike (http://www.independent.ie/national-news/taxi-drivers-planning-strike-for-april-1-1681320.html)

Members of the Taxi Drivers for Change group announced a strike scheduled for April 1 after their demonstration over the deregulation of licensing failed to make much impact on traffic in Dublin.

Gardai had anticipated serious traffic jams as convoys of taximen clogged up the capital's major transport arteries and the roads around Dublin Airport. But the drivers decided to reduce the scale of their protest after being criticised for holding it on the same day as the Daffodil Day campaign.

So they hold a protest on a charity day & now want a strike on April 1st. I doubt a taxi strike will be noticed because they are independent traders & not everyone with obey. Will just mean work for them & the buses.

While taxi fares are regulated it is only a maximum fare. I see ad in the Irish Times last week with large taxi form offering 10% discount on account fares.

23/03/2009, 8:39 AM
If somebody opened up a shop nearby selling the same products as I do who could I complain to? Who would listen if I marched down the street - Nobody would!
Well certain shops are restricted, such as pharmacies. However, I would handle it the same as most of irish retail does - just collude and match price, everyone's a winner except the customer.

30/03/2009, 11:37 AM
Taxi Strike today with taxi ranks picketed.

After the poor turnout for previous protest I wonder will backing of most Unions mean more drivers participate.

30/03/2009, 2:01 PM
Taxi Strike today with taxi ranks picketed.

After the poor turnout for previous protest I wonder will backing of most Unions mean more drivers participate.

Looks very poor, i think the protest is fizzling out. i notice they didn't try & strike on a Saturday night:rolleyes:

30/03/2009, 4:46 PM
i notice they didn't try & strike on a Saturday night:rolleyes:

Would the union have to pay them something or is that just for longer strikes?

30/03/2009, 8:34 PM
Would the union have to pay them something or is that just for longer strikes?

Two groups are federations as far as i can make out & one just a protest group. Siptu drivers are the only ones in a real "union" as far as i can see. Did you see the elvis guy on the TV3 news saying their union didn't allow non cork born people:confused:

31/03/2009, 11:06 AM
Did you see the elvis guy on the TV3 news saying their union didn't allow non cork born people:confused:

I heard this was on the radio but can't find link anywhere. Apparently he said only for Cork people but no proof that any non-Cork person had applied. Thats not really racist is it? ;)

01/04/2009, 6:48 AM

Cork taxi driver Lama Niankowe claimed he was told the “union” was for Irish drivers only when interviewed on Monday as taxi drivers nationwide held a 24-hour stoppage in protest over conditions in the industry.

Mr Niankowe worked through Monday’s action.

Speaking to the media on Monday in response to Mr Niankowe’s claim, Mr Coughlan said “our constitution does not allow us to take on any non-nationals at the moment”.

Yesterday, Mr Coughlan said this was not meant as a racist comment and the association was open to all nationalities.

01/04/2009, 12:52 PM
Speaking to the media on Monday in response to Mr Niankowe’s claim, Mr Coughlan said “our constitution does not allow us to take on any non-nationals at the moment”.

Yesterday, Mr Coughlan said this was not meant as a racist comment and the association was open to all nationalities.

Surely a we are not racist but..... moment...


17/04/2009, 6:13 AM
A protest by hundreds of taxi drivers led to rush-hour traffic congestion in Dublin's city centre yesterday.

Traffic was disrupted, especially on O'Connell Street, after hundreds of drivers parked outside the offices of Taxi Regulator Kathleen Doyle, in Fitzwilliam Square, in a demonstration against her administration which they claim has all but destroyed the industry.


i saw this yesterday. No garda approval . I saw one taxi driver tell another on a rank "were going to block the fu$king city". This was at about 3.00pm. Gardai will have to move in if this keeps up.

17/04/2009, 9:46 AM
i saw this yesterday. No garda approval . I saw one taxi driver tell another on a rank "were going to block the fu$king city". This was at about 3.00pm. Gardai will have to move in if this keeps up.

Definitely an air of militarism coming into their protests. That is not the way to get sympathy & they can strike for weeks for all I care.

17/04/2009, 10:25 AM
Just heard on the radio 30 of them "stormed the office".& had a sit in Not very fair on the staff there & possibly dangerous.

06/05/2009, 6:41 AM

Their demands are being backed by the Labour Party, which yesterday announced it is calling for a two-year moratorium on new licences to keep the number of taxis at 27,000.

Labour's potential coalition partner Fine Gael has said it will not be backing the calls for a moratorium.

Its interesting that while FG & labour aren't going to the public as a potential coalition & both going it alone, the reality is that people see them as the alternative government. They should be showing a united front on issues. Taximen aren't popular at the moment, don't know if this will help Labour.

06/05/2009, 10:45 AM
Its interesting that while FG & labour aren't going to the public as a potential coalition & both going it alone, the reality is that people see them as the alternative government. They should be showing a united front on issues. Taximen aren't popular at the moment, don't know if this will help Labour.

I believe a freeze on taxi licence would be illegal without new legislation.

Poor decision by Labour & parish pump politics at its worst. I am not saying other parties would not make similar decisions but that is not fix this country. What other special interest will they do deals for?

09/05/2009, 7:11 AM
Taxi group to protest in Dublin
Saturday, 9 May 2009 07:56
A group calling itself Taxi Drivers for Change is due to stage a protest in Dublin this afternoon.

The organisers accuse the Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, and the Taxi Regulator, Kathleen Doyle, of not listening to their concerns.

They are also protesting against a €247 increase in their renewal fees, which they say was done with no warning or consultation.