View Full Version : Fungus away

pineapple stu
09/03/2009, 2:25 PM
What's the best way out to Morton Stadium bus-wise?

Hopefully Ev and/or Shorty will be back or I think we could be in for a rough come-down bump.

09/03/2009, 2:40 PM
Is this the fun kind of fungus?

What's the best way out to Morton Stadium bus-wise?
A 16 or 41 from town I think.

09/03/2009, 3:39 PM
Cool, looking forward to this was at a couple of Sporting's games last year good craic. Get my five a day on Friday at least.

Hope Paul, Cronan and Darren are around.

They won the best Match Day atmosphere for the 2008. It annoyed some people sad people. Keep up the good work.

pineapple stu
09/03/2009, 3:40 PM
Is this the fun kind of fungus?
I would seriously doubt it.

Any good pubs about for beforehand? Missed going out to Morton when Rovers played there.

They won the best Match Day atmosphere for the 2008
They won best Match Day Arrangements.

09/03/2009, 5:45 PM
Saw Waterford v Fingal game on Saturday and Fingal weren't that impressive. Waterford were unlucky to get a point as they played the better football and got caught out from the corner within 45 seconds of their goal. Reckon a draw might be a possibility.

12/03/2009, 7:58 PM
Preview (http://extratime.ie/fixtures/detail/11309/0/).

Andrew Boyle unavailable as he is playing with the Irish Schools' team.

pineapple stu
13/03/2009, 8:49 AM

Dodgy and all as he was on Friday, that'd leave us without three centre halves if, as I assume, Shorty and Evan are still injured. Luke Hardy in for his debut?

13/03/2009, 8:53 AM
What's the best way out to Morton Stadium bus-wise?

Hopefully Ev and/or Shorty will be back or I think we could be in for a rough come-down bump.

Buses 41, 41 C, 33 from outside Irish Life in Abbey Street
Bus 16A and 746 from Westmorland Street/O’Connell Street

pineapple stu
13/03/2009, 8:54 AM
Excellent, cheers.

Aberdonian Stu
13/03/2009, 10:12 AM
I think, amn't certain, there's one a little past the stadium going towards the airport but otherwise your best bet is to drink in town.