View Full Version : FAI response to Farrelly

A face
25/02/2009, 9:11 PM
FAI response to claims made by Gareth Farrelly

FAI response to Gareth Farrelly’s claims in the Sun newspaper this morning:

1) Gareth Farrelly’s claim that he could not trust the FAI to resolve the issue of his unpaid wages is unfounded. All players who were due outstanding monies by Cork City FC and followed the club licensing process have received payment in full accordance with the agreements reached between the players, the PFAI and the club. This outcome was achieved following insistence by the FAI club licensing department that Cork City FC deal with these matters.

2) Gareth Farrelly’s decision to take his dispute over the payment of wages by Cork City FC last season to a national legislative body precluded the Independent Club Licensing Committee from including his case in their decision to award a license to Cork City FC. (FIN 1.04, FAI Club licensing manual).

3) Furthermore, Gareth Farrelly’s claims that the FAI could not have been trusted to represent his interests in a separate case involving the FIFA 3 club rule are equally misplaced. The FAI represented the cases of 8 players who were unable to play as a consequence of this rule to FIFA and was successful in all 8 cases. Gareth Farrelly was represented by his club’s solicitors and this case was unsuccessful.

Taken from www.eircomloi.ie (http://www.eircomloi.ie/news-centre/media-centre/february-2009/news/news/news-1/news/index.xml)

25/02/2009, 9:38 PM
While "payment in full accordance with the agreements..." is a bit of a weasel phrase, implying to a casual reader that everyone got all their money (as opposed to the agreed upon fraction of it), the response as a whole is (borrowing an expression I think is retarded) pwnage. Well done FAI. :) We criticise them often enough for not responding to negative press, but in this instance they've neatly met some less than fair criticisms leveled at them.

A face
26/02/2009, 12:48 PM
While "payment in full accordance with the agreements..." is a bit of a weasel phrase, implying to a casual reader that everyone got all their money (as opposed to the agreed upon fraction of it), the response as a whole is (borrowing an expression I think is retarded) pwnage. Well done FAI. :) We criticise them often enough for not responding to negative press, but in this instance they've neatly met some less than fair criticisms leveled at them.

Agreed, good to see the FAI not losing face on this. Hopefully ..... and it would be something that would impress me hugely, its something we'll see alot more of. Its completely pointless exercise accepting criticism for something they are not guility of like they have done in the past.

02/03/2009, 10:03 AM
Agreed, good to see the FAI not losing face on this. Hopefully ..... and it would be something that would impress me hugely, its something we'll see alot more of.
Except they look mightly stupid now, given it's clear that Cork City hasn't met the requirements of the licence by paying players.