View Full Version : Bogey Team Going Down

25/11/2003, 11:26 PM
looks like are bogey team could be finally on the way down with derry beating bohs 2nite

be glad to see the back of those students forever

hopfully derry will stay up thru the play-offs

26/11/2003, 8:17 AM
and hopefully bray will beat Dublin shíty on Sat.....

it might not work out so bad after all........here's hoping anyway...

26/11/2003, 9:22 AM
Thank god. No more of the ****test football in the world.

pineapple stu
26/11/2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by jofyisgod
Thank god. No more of the ****test football in the world.

I suppose there would be an upside to not going to Cork any more!:D

We'd be back in a year or two at most.

26/11/2003, 12:47 PM
city 3-0 Drogs

Bohs 7 - 0 SPA

UCD 0 - 1 Lford

Waaaherfurh 1 - 0 Derry.

How sweet that would be.

Just to add to it, Bray to finish top, pipping Home Fram at the last sec, Limerick to make the play off.

Oh, and that small other matter that needs attending to as well, ending in a positive. What a day that would be!

26/11/2003, 1:09 PM
Originally posted by Gary
Oh, and that small other matter that needs attending to as well, ending in a positive. What a day that would be!

:D :cool:

26/11/2003, 1:35 PM
I'd love to express my joy about Derry winning and moving off the bottom BUT i don't want to jinx them!!

26/11/2003, 3:57 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
I suppose there would be an upside to not going to Cork any more

I think you've forgotten about Queenstown...Good Luck with them fish fiddlers..:D

26/11/2003, 4:04 PM
With all due respect to UCD fans, I can't wait to see the back of ye. so long

26/11/2003, 5:09 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
With all due respect to UCD fans, I can't wait to see the back of ye. so long

Agreed-Have fun with the Ramblers, lads:D

pineapple stu
26/11/2003, 9:37 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
I think you've forgotten about Queenstown...Good Luck with them fish fiddlers..:D

Nice to see youz are all ignoring the original point which is that Cork play rubbish football!:D

27/11/2003, 8:13 AM
My point was that if you think that City play shíte football (which is laughable considering you're a UCD fan) then I was suggesting that you'll find it a whole lot worse with the fish fiddlers...

27/11/2003, 8:25 AM
Originally posted by Éanna
With all due respect to UCD fans
Yeah you're at the risk of losing the respect of about 5 people there!

UCD are a boil on the arse of Irish football. Good ****in riddance.

27/11/2003, 8:35 AM
GOOD RIDDANCE to the smelly students!

The corner will ya ever log out of the shaggin forum,at least we agree on the above post;)

27/11/2003, 9:38 AM
Originally posted by Neil
UCD are a boil on the arse of Irish football. Good ****in riddance.

While i agree with you, its a case of Dweedle dum and dweedle dee. We are swapping one non entity for another in the case Of Dublin farm. Never thought Id say this, but cmon Bray, at least tyhey have a s emi decent griound with a few supporters.

27/11/2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Gary
While i agree with you, its a case of Dweedle dum and dweedle dee. We are swapping one non entity for another in the case Of Dublin farm. Never thought Id say this, but cmon Bray, at least tyhey have a s emi decent griound with a few supporters.

Even if they a bogey team i'd prefer UCD over Home Farm. Ok UCD got few fans etc... but have brought many good players into the league (like nursey team for the "big" dub 4). Home Farm on the other hand will just have the usual bunch of pale based mercenaries, have a worse ground & even less fans...


27/11/2003, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Éanna
With all due respect to UCD fans

Who says they're due any respect???

I think best case scenario now is UCD to go and Bray to come up automatically. In the play offs Limerick (if they can sort a ground) or Harps to come up at the expense of Derry.

pineapple stu
27/11/2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
My point was that if you think that City play shíte football (which is laughable considering you're a UCD fan) then I was suggesting that you'll find it a whole lot worse with the fish fiddlers...

Well now, let's examine why we've been your bogey team over the past few years, shall we?

Gunther Murphy - one style of football: hoof and hope. We have Clive Delaney; youz hardly get anything out of us because you're that predictable, that poor and that unable to change to any other style. In fact, so poor was Cork's play under Murphy that it's now immortalised in the name of your fanzine!
So you get rid of him and get in...Pat Dolan! Former manager of Set Piece Athletic. There's a little bit less hoofing, but not much.
UCD are generally regarded as being one of the better footballing teams in the league. This has changed in the last season or two as Doolin played an ultra-defensive style based on the counter, which has us in the position we're in now. Pete Mahon has come in and we've already played Derry and Waterford off the park twice and have held out fairly comfortably away to Pat's and Cork (for all our defence in the Cross the last time, we created by far the better chances).

But of course, try telling a Cork fan that their style of play isn't the envy of the rest of the league!:rolleyes: :D

pineapple stu
27/11/2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Who says they're due any respect???

What are you, a Rovers fan?


27/11/2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Gary
We are swapping one non entity for another in the case Of Dublin farm.
Yes, but, put it this way...

God forbid if one of those horrible clubs was to be in Europe, who would you want representing Ireland?
A ****in college or Dublin City?

Imagine if we drew Prague Institute of Technology in the InterToto... you'd think the Czech League was a joke

27/11/2003, 12:58 PM
Surely it doesn't matter where the team comes from Neil, once they are an actual real club?
I'd be happy to see UCD go down, but I would prefer UCD to Dublin City anyday.
DC do not have any fan base, ground, ambition, plans.
They have some guy who manages to get money to keep them going, and thats it. I'd much prefer UCD to represent the league than a private plaything.

27/11/2003, 2:25 PM
No way,get UCD out of the E premier now.It's a joke, we are the only country in Europe with a college team in the top flight.At least the latvian league wont be able to hold that over us any more.

UCD DOWN(Hopefully)

27/11/2003, 4:21 PM
Originally posted by Neil
God forbid if one of those horrible clubs was to be in Europe, who would you want representing Ireland?
A ****in college or Dublin City?

Imagine if we drew Prague Institute of Technology in the InterToto... you'd think the Czech League was a joke

Yeah, I've always found it kind of embarrassing that we have a college playing in our top league. That said, Dublin City are nearly as much of an embarrassment, however, where they differ is that Dublin City may in time have the potential to build some sort of a fan base. UCD never will.

Lets just hope they both disappear though as first division obscurity really is the best place for them.

27/11/2003, 4:25 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
But of course, try telling a Cork fan that their style of play isn't the envy of the rest of the league!:rolleyes: :D
Its nothing to do with the football we play, its just that we never seem to be able to beat ye, and its very irritating. I have a lot of respect for UCD fans, in fairness, and I would rather see them in the Premier than Dublin City. patsh is spot on, at least UCD have somehting to offer, DC have absolutely nothing. Much as I hate to say it, I agree with Gary, I'm praying that Bray can do it at this stage.

27/11/2003, 4:36 PM
The only thing I'll miss about UCD is the chance to sing:
"Feed the students,
let them know it's Xmas time...."

pineapple stu
27/11/2003, 4:39 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
It's nothing to do with the football we play, it's just that we never seem to be able to beat ye, and it's very irritating. I have a lot of respect for UCD fans, in fairness, and I would rather see them in the Premier than Dublin City. patsh is spot on, at least UCD have somehting to offer, DC have absolutely nothing. Much as I hate to say it, I agree with Gary, I'm praying that Bray can do it at this stage.

Nothing to do with you on the football Éanna! 'Twas NorthoftheLee I was pointing that out to (let's be fair - Cork's style is fairly poor, and it has affected your ability to beat us in the past). At least you had the sense to separate the club and the fans, which is more than can be said for some others!

pineapple stu
27/11/2003, 4:43 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Yeah, I've always found it kind of embarrassing that we have a college playing in our top league.


[/QUOTE] Originally posted by Colm
Dublin City may in time have the potential to build some sort of a fan base. UCD never will.[/QUOTE]


If you're going to make comments as to why you hate UCD, at least have some sort of logical back-up for it! Otherwise it's just petty, immature rubbsih you're posting.

27/11/2003, 4:50 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu

If you're going to make comments as to why you hate UCD, at least have some sort of logical back-up for it! Otherwise it's just petty, immature rubbsih you're posting. [/B]

Let's be honest, how many years have UCD been in the Premier division and how has their fan base developed in that time? It would appear that the interest simply isn't there, even within the college itself. A lot of ye have even said so yourselves.
I despise Dublin City and would be delighted if they went out of business but, being honest, they do have potential. UCD don't, you're only kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

pineapple stu
27/11/2003, 4:56 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Let's be honest, how many years have UCD been in the Premier division and how has their fan base developed in that time? It would appear that the interest simply isn't there, even within the college itself. A lot of ye have even said so yourselves.
I despise Dublin City and would be delighted if they went out of business but, being honest, they do have potential. UCD don't, you're only kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Last season, the club decided to focus more on the surrounding areas for its fan base - starting links with two local underage football teams, running a soccer camp for six weeks during the summer with the players as coaches, stuff like that. We've started up a Supporters' Club, which has over 150 members. We've got a catchment area of some 250,000 people - more than the population of Cork City. This season, our support has been increasing steadily, both with casual onlookers and people who are joining in singing and chanting. At some home games this season, we've had more than 20 people singing throughout a game - it's obviously not much, but it's three times what we had a year ago, which flies in the face of you saying we had no potential. There's no reason why it shouldn't continue to increase (because of the catchment area). And it's still more than Bray or Dublin City are going to have.

27/11/2003, 5:25 PM
Gunther Murphy - one style of football: hoof and hope. We have Clive Delaney; youz hardly get anything out of us because you're that predictable, that poor and that unable to change to any other style. In fact, so poor was Cork's play under Murphy that it's now immortalised in the name of your fanzine!
So you get rid of him and get in...Pat Dolan! Former manager of Set Piece Athletic. There's a little bit less hoofing, but not much.
UCD are generally regarded as being one of the better footballing teams in the league. This has changed in the last season or two as Doolin played an ultra-defensive style based on the counter, which has us in the position we're in now. Pete Mahon has come in and we've already played Derry and Waterford off the park twice and have held out fairly comfortably away to Pat's and Cork (for all our defence in the Cross the last time, we created by far the better chances).

But of course, try telling a Cork fan that their style of play isn't the envy of the rest of the league

Jaysus boy you're really touchy..........you made a comment about not having to go to Cork anymore cause the football was shíte and all I said was if you think we're bad you'll have to put up with the fish fiddlers next season..................

as for UCD, dont be going on about teh hoof football bullshít....City played a lot of great football at home last year, unfortunately, the worst performance came on the final game of the season against ye lot.....but with ye playing 5-5-0 we expect shíte games against ye lot and thats what most fans hate about ye.one of the better footballing teams me arse.....other fans would agreee, UCD games are usually terrible, it aint a coincidence...so dont harp on about ye lot playing great football and mocking Cities play.., plus the fact ye're a nothing club, the small amount of fans ye have are a great credit to the club but the club itself aint a great credit to the league...RANT over.....

27/11/2003, 5:25 PM
Originally posted by DolansWaistcoat
No way,get UCD out of the E premier now.It's a joke, we are the only country in Europe with a college team in the top flight.

I couldn't be bothered checking but think might be a college in the Romanian top division?

27/11/2003, 6:15 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
This season, our support has been increasing steadily

ya, i saw all 3 of ye in the away section against us at the cross a few weeks back:D

27/11/2003, 6:22 PM
Originally posted by pete
I couldn't be bothered checking but think might be a college in the Romanian top division?
there's a good few teams in latin american e.g. Universidad de Chile

27/11/2003, 6:22 PM
Originally posted by thecorner
ya, i saw all 3 of ye in the away section against us at the cross a few weeks back:D

I think you'll find there was only 2 of them actually!:D

pineapple stu
28/11/2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
there's a good few teams in latin american e.g. Universidad de Chile

There's three in Chile - Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Concepcion and Universidad Catolica. Uni Craoiva are the Romanian team. There's one in Azerbaijan too... For the record, the Romanian and Azeri teams are both fourth in their respective leagues, so there is potential in the idea.

Anyway, it's not like we just take all the CAO applicants and pick a team from them - we bring back players from England or the best schoolboy players just like any other team. We're only called UCD because we play there and have a link with them - not because it's a team made up of those who have gotten into College. There's no difference between the likes of Longford being a part-time team and their players having jobs and us being a part-time team and out players being students.

And I didn't hear that many slagging the Latvian league when youz played a team of metal workers in the InterToto two years ago! And European people don't think less of the League of Ireland because we have a "college" team in it - very few people in Europe actually care, surprisingly enough!

pineapple stu
28/11/2003, 1:03 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
City played a lot of great football at home last year

Never saw any of it myself in the last couple of years - and that includes games against Pat's (the single worst eL game I have ever seen in my life!) and Derry in the Cup semi last year. If your fanzine can openly slag Cork's style of play, then there must be something up! I've seen many good games involving UCD - mainly against Rovers, and one brilliant game in Europe - but rarely against Cork for some reason. Granted in the last couple of years, we've played far too defensively because Doolin turned into a tactical muppet, but our reputation is for passing football and Cork's isn't.

And to your other point - of course I'm touchy - wouldn't you be if Cork were where we are?!:D

pineapple stu
28/11/2003, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Colm
I think you'll find there was only 2 of them actually!:D

Wow Colm - is that a record for the most posts in a single thread without contributing one intelligent idea?

28/11/2003, 4:33 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
Wow Colm - is that a record for the most posts in a single thread without contributing one intelligent idea?

28/11/2003, 6:04 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
Wow Colm - is that a record for the most posts in a single thread without contributing one intelligent idea?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What's your point?
There were only 2 UCD fans at the game.
UCD do belong in the 1st Division.
End of story.

28/11/2003, 6:20 PM
Originally posted by Colm

UCD do belong in the 1st Division.

We don't want them. They should go in the AUL

pineapple stu
28/11/2003, 6:58 PM
Originally posted by Colm
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What's your point?
There were only 2 UCD fans at the game.

Actually, thecorner seems to have better eyesight than you.

We're hardly going to go from no fans to a team which brings 1000 to Cork overnight are we? Cork is the last place you'll see any improvement 'cos it's so far away. Home games, then Dublin games, then the likes of Drogheda (already done a bus there - that's never happened before) and Longford, then Cork and Derry.

Making progress. Which you, through some bizarre logic known only to yourself (especially as you haven't shared it with the rest of us) have automatically decreed impossible.

30/11/2003, 12:30 PM
If ucd only brought 2 fans to City,they should at least be able to match that if not better it when they play Cobh ramblers in the final game of next season,sure they'll both be battling for that well sought after eight spot in the 1st div:D

Farwell UCD,thanks for the memories;)