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Gerry Desmond
25/09/2001, 3:26 PM
Just like to put on record that the 2nd half Sunday was the best CCFC have played in about 2 full years, IMO. Well done, it was lke old times - the Hoops pinned back and the crowd screaming for the lads!
Mention of the Hoops (ie the team, not the 'supporters') cannot pass without awarding them the new title of Hoofing Kings of Ireland. Not even City at their worst ever approached launching so many missiles in so short a space of time! What a shame to see Pat Deans in particular resort to such unbecoming football. He really impressed me as midfielder any time I saw him in action there.


25/09/2001, 4:29 PM
Definitely best football seen since the season before last.

Yeah i hear Deans is rated very highly as a central midfielder & sure knocked in a few cracking goals from distance last year. One to watch i think....

26/09/2001, 10:27 AM
Agree with ye on that one. That was some of the best football I've seen City play in a long time.