View Full Version : End Of Season

23/11/2003, 11:28 AM
suppose it has to come to an end some time but what r we gonna do for the next 4 months:(
with the games coming thick and fast the last 3 weeks, we were never short of a game to go to

while summer soccer is a good thing, does anyone agree that we will really miss the games during the xmas perriod

ah well, time to go into hibernation

23/11/2003, 2:03 PM
Might spend xmas with the loved ones,or do ya have any one to love,the corner?;)

Seriously its a balls though especially with the Cl games finishing as well until march or whenever.

What are ya getting Greg for xmas,the corner?would you like to present him with the best player in the WORLD award,go on I know you'd love to,ah go on:p

23/11/2003, 4:54 PM
Originally posted by DolansWaistcoat
What are ya getting Greg for xmas

greg will be gone after sunday

have that from a very reliable source

A face
23/11/2003, 5:56 PM
Originally posted by thecorner
greg will be gone after sunday

thecorner is going to "send the boys around" and "they gonna take this wiseguy for a little spin". Little Tommy and Fat Tony are gonna "keep a close eye on him". They are quoted as saying "We just wanna have a little talk with him, he's a good kid"

We gonna find Greg at the end of the lee with his feet in a cement block !! :)

A face
23/11/2003, 6:03 PM
Hey kid, here's a twenty, now shhccram .... beat it !! (http://www.babygrande.com/fat_tony/images/fat_tony.jpg)

An' remember ..... you didn't see nufinn' !!

23/11/2003, 6:29 PM
Naw a Face,the corner is'nt gonna send his boys around to 'talk' to Greg.The corner has heard from his relieable source at 'old sh*tford' that fergie has Greg earmarked as Keanos natural replacement when he goes to celtic next year.

I heard the deal will fall through though as Greg's wage demands are much too high.Fergie even said he'd throw in his 50% share of the 170 million pound racehorse 'the Rock' but Greg was having none of it,he's city through and through.

All together now..........GREG 'O FOR IRELAND!!!!

Is that you the corner I hear singing,sing up bud :D

23/11/2003, 8:10 PM
hopefully greg will be gone at the end of the season i dont like this im bigger than cork city attitude he has devolped. dont rate him as a player either so hopefully this is true what u say the corner

24/11/2003, 1:23 AM
3 cheers for the service greg gave


24/11/2003, 8:39 AM
horay?:confused: :D

gregs a solid player. we shouldnt let him go, he'll end up at waterford or dublin city or someone and come back to haunt us.

24/11/2003, 10:52 AM

24/11/2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by golly
dont like this im bigger than cork city attitude he has devolped.
what attitude is that? ****in muppet :rolleyes: We need players like Greg- if not in the team, at least in our squad.

24/11/2003, 12:25 PM
I think it would be a disaster to get rid of Greg. He always wears his heart on his sleeve when playing for City and although he might not be the most creative of players the amount of possession he wins is enormous. He is the player who is put in to break up the opposition attacks and I think he does whats required of him.

Think it would be foolish to get rid of him unless a suitable replacement is brought in first

24/11/2003, 12:33 PM
A the corner my friend you are up to your old tricks again. You must have some one on the inside of cork city cos you hear a lot of things. I think you are talking a lot of sh-t and you no you are Greg for Ireland and pat please don't take any notice of that rubbis the ' corner' is saying.

24/11/2003, 1:50 PM
Originally posted by Eric
I think it would be a disaster to get rid of Greg. He always wears his heart on his sleeve when playing for City and although he might not be the most creative of players the amount of possession he wins is enormous. He is the player who is put in to break up the opposition attacks and I think he does whats required of him.

Think it would be foolish to get rid of him unless a suitable replacement is brought in first
my thoughts exactly. what he needs is a decent playmaker beside him. This season, he's had a winger and a central defender with him in the middle, which hardly makes his job any easier.

Shed End John
24/11/2003, 2:54 PM
Originally posted by thecorner
suppose it has to come to an end some time but what r we gonna do for the next 4 months:(
ah well, time to go into hibernation

Personally, I'll be cheering Munster on to some sort of a comeback in the Celtic League, and (hopefully) to Heineken Cup glory. At the same time, I'll be trying to get over my busiest time of year in college (January onwards) and consoling myself with the fact that the new season isn't really THAT far away.:)

24/11/2003, 4:03 PM
Rugby? What a silly sport.

I shant be watching any of that mud eating anyway. Id rather have my eyes gouged out that tolerate that cráp.

24/11/2003, 4:59 PM
Originally posted by Shed End John
Personally, I'll be cheering Munster on to some sort of a comeback in the Celtic League, and (hopefully) to Heineken Cup glory.

Do you have to bring egg-chasing into every discussion?
We know you like it, we don't understand why you like it but we know you do so there's no need to keep going on about it.

24/11/2003, 5:16 PM
The worst part about the off-season is all the Hypership on TV. And you don't have many City topics to divert your friends attention away from it with. Pure hell biys.:mad:

25/11/2003, 6:40 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
what attitude is that? ****in muppet :rolleyes: We need players like Greg- if not in the team, at least in our squad.

the attitude dat saw greg QUIT the club because he got droped and was told to get his head sorted. greg quit only to b talked back. dere is no need 4 the ****in muppet sh!t

26/11/2003, 9:00 AM
Originally posted by golly
the attitude dat saw greg QUIT the club because he got droped and was told to get his head sorted. greg quit only to b talked back. dere is no need 4 the ****in muppet sh!t

Wait a sec ffs the only thing we know is that Dolan and Greg had a disagreement, and Dolan gave him a few days to think (according to the Echo). We havn't heard anything since except rumour.

Dont believe anything until it's been officially denied.

26/11/2003, 9:36 AM
Ive heard from a very good source that these rumours are utter twaddle. There may have been a disagreement, but Greg is fully committed to Dolan and CCFC.

take that for what its worth anyway.

26/11/2003, 10:52 AM
Thats it,spot on.We have to wait and see what happens.There is a lot of stories going around, and 9 out of 10 are probably bullsh*T.Everybody seems to have a ''reliable'' source telling them stuff.

GREG 'O FOR IRELAND...........

26/11/2003, 4:24 PM
Originally posted by golly
the attitude dat saw greg QUIT the club because he got droped and was told to get his head sorted. greg quit only to b talked back. dere is no need 4 the ****in muppet sh!t
there's every need for it becuase its ******. There was no problem, it was media rubbish and i heard that from the horse's mouth

26/11/2003, 4:53 PM
Fine no problem i admit i was wrong i heard from one of his colleagues at city and thats why i said it who is obviously a liar