View Full Version : YBIG 17 ready online

05/02/2009, 1:49 PM
YouBoysInGreen Issue 17

YBIG 17, the latest Republic of Ireland fanzine for the upcoming World Cup Qualifier against Georgia is now available to read ONLINE and to DOWNLOAD!!
Read the mag Online at www.ybig.ie
or DOWNLOAD the latest issue from YBIG.ie by Clicking Here

Roll on Georgia and get behind the 12th man and the Singing Section
stand in Croke Park!!

Enjoy the read,
the YBIG lads....
Look out for the latest issue around Croke Park next Wednesday, and
there will be plenty available in the Singing Section in the lower

Claret Murph
05/02/2009, 2:00 PM
Juat had a quick look , very good as always , I tip my hat to you .

I will pick one up on match night . :)

05/02/2009, 4:53 PM
Lovely. That'll get me through work tomorrow.