View Full Version : silence at landsdowne rd

the 12 th man
19/11/2003, 7:04 AM
was there something wrong with my volume button on my tv or was there a serious lack of sound last night at the match.????like there was about 35 mins in each half devoid of any crowd chants at all !!!!!!!!

19/11/2003, 8:44 AM
I was on the north terrace last night. There was fu*king nobody there. The stewards had half the terrace closed off and in the other half there was only a single row of people along each metal barrier. There was a lot of 12/13 years old at the match who are not known for starting chants.

The music before the match was crap, Emma Burton's music does not inspirer a crowd. And the version of the fields wasn't as good as the Celtic FC version (and i'm not a celtic fan).

The crowd like the team were lethargic in there chanting. What is needed here is less talk and more action by us on foot.ie. We need to start a foot.ie chanting group or something. We should get a group of 50-100 people together on the south terrace and sing/chant for the entire match and try and raise the crowd, like the EL boys do on the north.

Anyone interested?

19/11/2003, 9:54 AM
Originally posted by ProfFrink
What is needed here is less talk and more action by us on foot.ie. We need to start a foot.ie chanting group or something. We should get a group of 50-100 people together on the south terrace and sing/chant for the entire match and try and raise the crowd, like the EL boys do on the north.

Anyone interested?

Thats the best thing I've heard since signing up to foot.ie.The South Terrace is a morgue since the El fans left but it is bigger and if we had some lads who would keep singing for the whole match it could make a real difference.

There's about 4 of us who go to every game,so were in!:)
(it's a start at least)

19/11/2003, 10:03 AM
it was like a morgue.

loads around me didn't even really celebrate the third goal, it was like peoplem just weren't interested to be honest.

Pauro 76
19/11/2003, 11:43 AM
Never heard a televised game with such silence.... the attendance seemed grand, but the atmosphere.... i know we're on a downer since the Basel episode, but surely a bit of encouragement wouldnt go astray?

19/11/2003, 5:52 PM
Originally posted by ProfFrink
What is needed here is less talk and more action by us on foot.ie. We need to start a foot.ie chanting group or something. We should get a group of 50-100 people together on the south terrace and sing/chant for the entire match and try and raise the crowd, like the EL boys do on the north.

Surely we are the EL boys on the north terrace? And in any competitive games, it would be bloody hard to get a block of tickets for the south terrace. Why not just add our voices to the north, and hope the people in the other sections catch on at times - other than the booing of (ex)Rangers players.

19/11/2003, 8:50 PM
Originally posted by John83
Why not just add our voices to the north,

Sadly,though the El fans have done all they can to lift the team over the last year,the singinging seems to remain at this end and the North is not very large.
If we had another group of vocal supporters in the larger south,there could be noise from both ends and maybe it would instigate the whole ground into noise?

20/11/2003, 12:50 PM
Are there any other east stand regulars out there who want to give these north/south boys some competition on the noise-making stakes?

20/11/2003, 1:20 PM
We have a bucket load of friendlies before our next competitive game. We should use these to 'convince' the FAI that we are worth being allowed to block book for the south. I'm not saying that this is going to be easy, all you guys have to do is give it a chance and for the next friendly we all buy tickets for the south terrace and start proving to the FAI that we are serious. But we need about 100 people so once again so with myself and Beavis?

20/11/2003, 2:26 PM
East Stand has a lot of VIP types but actually better than the West Stand which has zero atmosphere.

20/11/2003, 8:41 PM
I have to agree with an earlier post and say that this is the most intelligent thread that I have seen since I signed up to Foot.ie

The atmosphere at the match was dire . There would be more cheering at mass fo the love of God . I know friendlies are a chance for people to bring kids and whatever but the average age of the crowd was no more than 20 (it appeared that way to me anyway) . By the by did anyone see the scuffle in the South Terraces between some (young) 'fans' and the stewards ? what was that about? The problem I find at the matches is if you try to start a chant or a song you get laughed at or shouted out of it .
I think the Idea of a Foot.ie Supporters club if you will would be a good one in theory but what happens when we have a competitive Home Intwernational . Surely we wouldn't get a ticket . But if one was to set one up I would be delighted to be involved. And I'm sure I could drag others along too .

20/11/2003, 9:27 PM
Originally posted by Pogsly
what happens when we have a competitive Home Intwernational . Surely we wouldn't get a ticket

The FAI made many efforts to liven up Lansdowne over the Euro 2004 with all the gimmicks they brought in like playing music over the intercom,getting in a Celtic PR man and that stuff with holding up the green,white and orange pieces of paper (although the big flags have a good effect).I think they would be more than willing to grant us a block booking section(as with El fans) if we could 'prove' ourself as a vocal group of supporters.

We've been complaining about Lansdowne being dull for too long,it's time to do something about it.

BTW if your looking to bring up the average age of the support,our group can't assist too much,were all 23!

I spent many of my early years in the schoolboy stands and quite frankly it's a joke.Lads throwing bottles and generally acting tough and some birds going there just to try get fellas!!Most there don't care whats going on the pitch cos they get in for £2.
Scrap the schoolboy stands!!
Scrap the schoolboy stands!!

21/11/2003, 12:57 PM
ProfFrink emailed me about the idea of a Foot.ie Supporters Club, suggesting that we set up a forum for it. I think it's a great idea, but wasn't that why For Fans (http://foot.ie/f67.htm) was set up? :confused:


21/11/2003, 1:31 PM
New thread in the For Fans about the Foot.ie Supporters Club.