View Full Version : PC to HDTV?

21/01/2009, 3:30 PM
I got a driver last night that lets me use my PS3 controller with my laptop so i hooked it up to the HDTV but the picture quality isnt great i used the VGA output as i dont have a HDTV output (i think thats called a DVI)

I have a Nvidea 7600 graphics card so i put that up to top quality but it just makes eveything stutter. Its not a grat machine but its ok its a pretty new Lenovo laptop 4gb ram so it should be able to run most games ok. But its not, what settings do i need to look at or should i be looking for a better cable. should i put it from 60hz refresh rate to 72 .

Anytips ??

21/01/2009, 3:42 PM
have you got 100hz refresh rate, the refresh rate is the thing that makes monitors look like they flicker when on the tele etc. SO it could be that, it sounds like your PC is fast enough, what ram does your video card have?! I have a dvi output, and its class, just get a new video card with 512 ram or something like that. Trust me it will be better in the long run.

21/01/2009, 4:33 PM
Ill have a look when i get home see what i have but i know changing a card in a laptop can be a big job so i think ill have to stick with what i have.