View Full Version : Star Bars

16/11/2003, 12:21 PM
The job.

16/11/2003, 12:36 PM
Nah biy, theeeeeey're shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

Now flat Dairymilks on the other hand...:)

16/11/2003, 1:13 PM
partial to a bit of Tiffin meself...

A face
16/11/2003, 6:24 PM
Star bars are good for you !!

Scientifically proven ..... they are bleedin' wizard so they are !!

But ...... narrowly ahead of Boost Guarana i'll have you know.

They are Magic !!

Shed End John
17/11/2003, 2:15 PM
Way prefer Mars bars or Double Deckers, personally.

17/11/2003, 2:31 PM
Originally posted by Neil
The job.
couldn't agree more (for a change)

17/11/2003, 3:57 PM
star bars are the job like
review of the star bar :) (http://www.ciao.co.uk/Cadbury_s_Star_Bar__Review_5341523)

Star of the class

katiecottonsocks's opinion on Cadbury Star Bar written on 12.06.2003
katiecottonsocks's verdict on Cadbury Star Bar

Buy Now
Advantages: Yummy
Disadvantages: Still contains calories dammit!

i mean if its good enough for katiecottonsocks its good enough for me

17/11/2003, 4:16 PM
Flat Dairymilk and a packet of "Mighty" Munch (the real Monster Munch like, the Tatyo ones, the ones that used to have a little bio of a cyclops on the back, none of the crappy Walkers nonsense)

That combo is the job for away trips.

17/11/2003, 4:24 PM
Star Bars...class

can't beat a double decker though.

17/11/2003, 5:34 PM
anyone notice how Cadbury's have renamed their Caramel bars "Dairy Milk with Caramel"? Without telling anyone?

Sneaky b@stards

A face
17/11/2003, 6:27 PM

17/11/2003, 8:11 PM
Try a broken up Dairy Milk in a bag of Skips...


A face
17/11/2003, 9:10 PM
Sort it out lads.

Next you'll be saying deep-fried Mars bars .... Now that is knacker food if i ever saw it. Only people in Bristol and Birmingham are uncultured enough to play with their food to that extent :D

18/11/2003, 8:15 AM
Battered Mars Bars is a scottish dish........now battered STAR BARS would be an improvement......;)

STAR BARS do rule tho......MORO BARS arent bad either......

18/11/2003, 8:46 AM
You people are sick.
Star bars are toxic.

Mars bar straight form the freezer and a mug of coffee. Now that's lovely.

18/11/2003, 12:52 PM
I worked w a guy yrs ago who used wrap his mars bar in a slice of bread!

Im quite partial to a cold twirl, and im surprised no one has mentioend Crunchies.

18/11/2003, 1:08 PM
Originally posted by Gary
im surprised no one has mentioend Crunchies.

crunchies are right up there with toblerones (as billy connelly says 'a sweetie that hurts you') in the worst bar category


star bars rule, but only on days of the week with a 'd' in them ;)

18/11/2003, 1:37 PM
Drifters beat the lot, you mentalists.....

18/11/2003, 1:59 PM
Originally posted by Macy
Drifters beat the lot, you mentalists.....
Get out of here with that ****...

Star bars, Whole nut and yellow Snack bars are the only way to go

18/11/2003, 2:11 PM
No way purple snack bars are the business; and those cadbury's golden crisps.

18/11/2003, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by A face
Sort it out lads.

Next you'll be saying deep-fried Mars bars .... Now that is knacker food if i ever saw it. Only people in Bristol and Birmingham are uncultured enough to play with their food to that extent :D

Uhhhhhhh You'll Na be popular in Scotland where they invented the thing (the claim) came about after the Ice Cream wars (Class book BTW) apparently, but there they deep fry Pizza and all. Mucks

AH give me a Marathon any day

Shed End John
18/11/2003, 2:29 PM
Originally posted by Gary
Im quite partial to a cold twirl, and im surprised no one has mentioend Crunchies.

Have to admit to being quite partial to these two as well. Nestle Munchies slabs are top class also.

A face
18/11/2003, 8:53 PM
Originally posted by joe
sweetie that hurts you'

Classic ..... brilliant stuff !!

20/11/2003, 8:38 AM
This more for the old men amongst us but before all these E121 E123 etc were banned from foods all those bars (esp Mars) tasted a hell of a lot better. Thing I'm mad Cream egg is nothing compared to the old one. What wrong with rotting the teeth out of our heads aren't the dentists good enough to fix it???

P.P.P.P.P. Picked up a penguin bar the other day and I have to say the were crap nothing like the old ones outrage.

Classics Aface still a top munch. Over here we are stuck with the usual mars co. crap nnothing like the shoops at home row upon row of chocolate.

Thoose Twix biscuts ain't bad

20/11/2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Ruairi
anyone notice how Cadbury's have renamed their Caramel bars "Dairy Milk with Caramel"? Without telling anyone?

Sneaky b@stards

I think they've changed the chocolate used in them to that in the dairy milk bars. There's been a noticable change in the taste.

20/11/2003, 12:27 PM
Some quality, new products on the shelves of late.I'd advise yous to try Dairy Milk with biscuit (became my new favourite overnight) and also them Mars delight bars are a treat.

As for old skool,I have to say Macaroon bars;crunchy coconut and chocolate and easy on the pocket money too at only 10p!

20/11/2003, 2:23 PM
Slightly different but Wham bars are great. I found somewhere selling them a few months ago and it was like I was 9 again. :)

Shed End John
20/11/2003, 5:18 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
Slightly different but Wham bars are great. I found somewhere selling them a few months ago and it was like I was 9 again. :)

Been about 10 years since I last tasted/saw one of those. Didn't know they were still retailing.

21/11/2003, 8:19 AM
Originally posted by Shed End John
Been about 10 years since I last tasted/saw one of those. Didn't know they were still retailing.

You can also still get Gorgos in some places - the same idea as Wham Bars but they were green with black fizzy bits. Used to love them, but your teeth would be in ribbons for days after one. Always seemed to be worth it back then......

27/11/2003, 11:06 AM
Smarties bars lads
the job with a cup of coffee in the morning :)

27/11/2003, 11:14 AM
What are Star Bars?

First pub on the Moon?
