View Full Version : Moaning Ba*tards

15/11/2003, 10:25 AM
just wondering if city have a monoply of moaning ba*stards , a guy in his 50s in front of me last nite constantly moaned at everything city did las nite in particular billy and george.Agreed it wasnt a classic but no matter what city did he complained well he cheered derek everytime he headed the ball 20ft in the air.I couldnt understand why he even went to the match as nothing kept him happy.Just to pi*s him off we exagerated our support for any little thing city did but he didnt even cop on to what we were doing.

15/11/2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by THENORTHSIDER
a guy in his 50s in front of me last nite constantly moaned at everything city did las nite in particular billy and george.
Was this at the front of the shed?

15/11/2003, 1:45 PM
I sure I know that fella at the front of the Shed. Is he the big baldy fella with the moustashe? He usually wears a red jacket.
He actually never has a good word to say about his beloved City.
We call him the Gruntler

15/11/2003, 2:43 PM
I agree with you northsider there are a lot of moaning ba*tards in the X especially in the shed from my own experience,for example last night there was a guy standing behind me kept goin on to his buddy about what was wrong with each city player who happened to be on the ball at that time,george has no pace etc.The thing that mad me laugh though was when we scored the guy screamed his lungs out.Don't get me wrong though that kind of fella is in the minority must people just go to enjoy the game and support the team.

15/11/2003, 3:35 PM
Originally posted by Snatch
I sure I know that fella at the front of the Shed. Is he the big baldy fella with the moustashe? He usually wears a red jacket.
He actually never has a good word to say about his beloved City.
We call him the Gruntler
No, the guy I'm thinking of is small, may be retired, thinks every player for City is Pele, except Billy and George. The abuse he gives them, or I should say used to give them, no matter what they do is unbelieveable:confused:

15/11/2003, 3:38 PM
oh god there is more ,the guy im talking about is in the derrynane rd side around the half way line.When the derry guy was booked for a high tackle on hoggy half way line first half people were calling for him to be booked this guy was shouting to shut up it was an accident!! needless to say he sits on his own

15/11/2003, 3:42 PM
agree they are in the minority but its annoying to have to listen to them,several times i was going to ask him why bother coming but after him telling people to shut up when hoggy was fouled even with my northside upbringing i thought it better to leave it go but i will be avoiding him from now on

17/11/2003, 2:11 PM
well at least people are saying something, not like the majority of the people in the St. Annes side
who would'nt open their mouths if you paid them.

17/11/2003, 2:16 PM
maybe its cause so many people have been normalised to the quality of the premiership that they fail to see
our own style of play-wether you like it or not,.

over saturation of all things premiership must be having a detramentall effect on peoples abilty to judge

17/11/2003, 2:31 PM
Originally posted by THENORTHSIDER
oh god there is more ,the guy im talking about is in the derrynane rd side around the half way line.When the derry guy was booked for a high tackle on hoggy half way line first half people were calling for him to be booked this guy was shouting to shut up it was an accident!! needless to say he sits on his own

This is a very depressing thread. Ive been sitting on the Derryname Rd side all season long (with my daughter). She wont go to the family enclosure as she doesnt like the view so we generally sit about the halfway line. There are a couple of right moaning *******s around there and one has a voice like a foghorn. Ive spent the last few home games moving around trying to find a spot where I can sit in peace, support the team and encourage the players without having to listen to these idiots who constantly shout abuse at Georgie in particular and everyone else in general.

I was seriously considering a season ticket(s) for next season but the thought of being subjected to more demented ranting (earlier thread) in the other stand is definately putting me right off the idea.

Its a definite downer
