View Full Version : John Brennan Sunday World

12/01/2009, 10:28 PM
Any one read the article yesterday with heading including "death knell for Irish soccer"
The sunday world has never given pittance of coverage to LOI but as soon as its down kick us in the face and create more bad publicity. I appreciate that things are bad but for a paper that never gives us the time of day why dont they mind their own business on this occasion
Complaints to john.brennan@sundayworld.com :mad:

A face
12/01/2009, 10:37 PM
Any one read the article yesterday with heading including "death knell for Irish soccer"
The sunday world has never given pittance of coverage to LOI but as soon as its down kick us in the face and create more bad publicity. I appreciate that things are bad but for a paper that never gives us the time of day why dont they mind their own business on this occasion
Complaints to john.brennan@sundayworld.com :mad:

Has anyone got the article? Can someone scan it?

12/01/2009, 10:51 PM
Sorry i dont and scanner is broke. Can anyone else put it up please

This is letter i sent

Mr BrennanThe sunday world has never given pittance of coverage to LOI but as soon as its down kick us in the face and create more bad publicity. I appreciate that things are bad but for a paper that never gives us the time of day why continue to make a bad situation worse. In my opinion its typical comfort journalisim, make no informed suggestion of remidies and give the barstooler typical premiership fans your paper so gladly caters for another reason to refute their national league as a joke . If the sunday world would like to do somthing positive for the league, give greater coverage of "a much improved product" that you so rightly discribed in your article and help to silence the "death knell" that is impending.

12/01/2009, 10:56 PM
In fairness any coverage is better than no coverage.

I agree though with your point, that the papers are too keen to write on all the back news stories. They should donate the same amount of space to good news like Drogs champions league campaign, Bohs League form and the FAI cup final.

12/01/2009, 11:32 PM
In fairness any coverage is better than no coverage.

Great urban myths of our time, No. 573....

13/01/2009, 9:36 AM
Great urban myths of our time, No. 573....

Great pontifications from Steve No. 32,293....

Can you not respond to someones posts without trying to be funny? It is incredibly annoying.

Getting back to the OP. This isn't just restricted to the League of Ireland. 'Bad' news and controversy sells papers. The Sunday World is the largest selling Sunday paper in the country which is sadly an indicment of the times we live in.

It is largely dominated with stories on gangland, death, sleaze etc. You never see an article on the front page of it about good deeds and works of charity. Same as you never get any coverage of our domestic matches.

You are right that the paper never gives us any postive coverage but to say that the Sunday World is kicking us in the face is as sensationalist as hacks like Brennan.

The league is on its knees and that has nothing to do with tabloid rubbish like the the SW.

13/01/2009, 10:59 AM
I find it funny that you find steve funny

13/01/2009, 11:06 AM
I'm supporting Pats over 20 years. As long as I have been, certain sections of the Irish media have been trying to write the league off. We've put up with plans to have a Dublin team in the Scottish League (Ray Treacy and Eamon Dunphy take a bow), the Dublin Dons plan, Plans to move Clydebank here (FFS), campaigns to pull Irish sides out of europe and every year most newspapers talk about irish football being at his deathbed.

We'll survive, and they'll continue to watch the TV

13/01/2009, 4:00 PM
Its a Knacker/Skanger newspaper catering to the mentally ill who are obsessed with reading about murders and then saying things like "what is society coming too...all this violence". Yet they only buy the rag so they read about their favourite gangland celeb or drug dealer.

I knew somebody worked there once and he told me that every journalist or editor at the SW were either alkies, recovered alkies or sitting in their own **** and **** in a dying out clinic.

13/01/2009, 4:04 PM
I'm supporting Pats over 20 years. As long as I have been, certain sections of the Irish media have been trying to write the league off. We've put up with plans to have a Dublin team in the Scottish League (Ray Treacy and Eamon Dunphy take a bow), the Dublin Dons plan, Plans to move Clydebank here (FFS), campaigns to pull Irish sides out of europe and every year most newspapers talk about irish football being at his deathbed.

We'll survive, and they'll continue to watch the TV

Well said. I cannot recall a time were the alikes in Irish media were not writing off the league as dead. That's not hyperbole - this mantra of their's has been running for at least 30 years and in that time the LOI has gone from strenght to strenght in terms of attacting supporters and quality football.

It really goes to show that journalists have no power really. The LOI has survivied longer than most Irish journalists livers.

The only thing Sunday World journos hit faster than the bottle, is the English countryside in a light aircraft on their way to get more booze in another country becuase there isn't enough drink in this one to keep them going.