View Full Version : Free documentaries online

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11/01/2009, 1:38 AM
View documentaries for free online here: http://snagfilms.com/
all advertising supported, so no charges
check out "kicking it" about the homeless world cup, including the Irish team


crap, just checked through the site, it appears the vast majority (if not all) of the films are "US only"

11/01/2009, 3:58 PM
Quite a few on here (http://www.onlinedocumentaries4u.com/)

Getting ready to watch Why we fight (http://www.onlinedocumentaries4u.com/2008/05/why-we-fight.html)

Why We Fight describes the rise and maintenance of the United States military-industrial complex and its involvement in the wars led by the United States during the last fifty years, and in particular in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The film alleges that in every decade since World War II, the American public has been told a lie to bring it into war to fuel the military-economic machine, which in turn maintains American dominance in the world.

A face
12/01/2009, 9:30 PM
Google Video had a good few as well, look up 'Loose Change'

Lev Yashin
13/01/2009, 12:20 PM
just had a quick look at the website (im in work and not able to watch anything) but i see "hoop dreams" is on there, Watch it, if you have never seen it, even if you dont have an interest in basketball, it is a fantastic doc.

13/01/2009, 12:45 PM
just had a quick look at the website (im in work and not able to watch anything) but i see "hoop dreams" is on there, Watch it, if you have never seen it, even if you dont have an interest in basketball, it is a fantastic doc.

The best documentary I've ever seen. In fact one of the best films I've everseen

13/01/2009, 12:53 PM
If we're recommending documentaries I'd like to put for Searching For The Wrong Eyed Jesus

IMDB Synopsis

Searching for The Wrong-Eyed Jesus is a captivating and compelling road trip through the creative spirit of the the South of the USA. Director Andrew Douglas's film follows "Alt" Country singer Jim White through a gritty terrain of churches,prisons,truckstops,biker bars and coalmines. This journey takes you through a very real contemporary Southern America,a world of marginalised white people and their unique and homemade culture. Along the way are roadside encounters with present-day musical mavericks including The Handsome Family, Johnny Dowd, 16 Horsepower and David Johansen; oldtime banjo player Lee sexton; rockabilly and mountain Gospel churches - and novelist Harry Crews telling grisly stories down a dirt track

14/01/2009, 5:12 PM
In THE ASCENT OF MONEY, author, economist and historian Niall Ferguson traces the evolution of money and demonstrates that financial history is the essential back-story behind all history.

You can watch it here (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ascentofmoney/featured/watch-full-program-the-ascent-of-money/24/)

Very well done. Two hours in length.



Lev Yashin
03/11/2009, 6:50 PM
Lads just wondering if ye could recommend some good documentaries for me (i know we had thread about a free site before from tetsujin1979) but it petered out pretty fast.

So has anyone got any good ones worth getting?

Personally Hoop Dreams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph2Y-epihlk) or Capturing the Friedmanns (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R10VjJgx1dU) are the best ive seen....

03/11/2009, 7:03 PM
not sure if they are strictly documentaries nor what sort of documentaries you are into but i loved both:

The Long Way Round and The Long Way Down with Charlie Boorman and Ewan McGregor on their motorbikes travelling around the world (London through Europe and Siberia to Alaska, New York then home in one & John O'Groats through Europe down Africa's northeast coast before transitioning to the southwest coast and into J'burg).

They just remind me of the fact that people everywhere are f*cking cool for the most part and the world is an amazing place.

03/11/2009, 8:36 PM
Deliver Us From Evil (2006)



Amy Berg investigates the life of 30-year pedophile Father Oliver O'Grady and exposes the corruption inside the Catholic Church that allowed him to abuse countless children.

A mix of victim stories and a disturbing interview with O'Grady provide a view into the troubled mind of the spiritual leader who moved from parish to parish, gaining the trust of congregations while betraying so many.


03/11/2009, 8:44 PM
Grizzly Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogYDUmIigw0)
Searching For The Wrong Eyed Jesus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sip9JvgFnQ) (everyone needs to check this one out)
The King of Pong (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMJZ-_bJKdI)
Man on Wire (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW1b3G2MN3Q)
Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zMakN-EMLg)
Taxi to the Dark Side (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX0MPcN08Zc)
When We Were Kings (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxN8NVTUKJ0)

TV shows you just really need to check out David Attenborough

03/11/2009, 8:46 PM
Religulous (2008)


Bill Maher interviews some of religion's oddest adherents. Muslims, Jews and Christians of many kinds pass before his jaundiced eye. Maher goes to a Creationist Museum in Kentucky, which shows that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time 5000 years ago. He talks to truckers at a Truckers' Chapel. (Sign outside: "Jesus love you.") He goes to a theme park called Holy Land in Florida. He speaks to a rabbi in league with Holocaust deniers. He talks to a Muslim musician who preaches hatred of Jews. Maher finds the unlikeliest of believers and, in a certain Vatican priest, he even finds an unlikely skeptic.


03/11/2009, 8:48 PM
Also, I haven't seen it yet, but The Cove (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KRD8e20fBo) has been picking up rave reviews:


04/11/2009, 8:44 AM
When We Were Kings: Awesome, great doc. The scene where Foreman is pounding the bag and Ali walks by afraid to look - amazing

One day In September: About the Munich Games massacre. Set like a thriller, scary

Super Size Me
Bowling for Columbine
Roger and Me - still Moores best iMHO

My Penis and I - very frank doc about English guy with 3 inch penis!!!!!!!!

Any BBc wildlife shows are great - my fav was the Wild China series

pretty much docs, comedy and sport is what i watch on tv:)

jamie m
05/11/2009, 2:56 PM
Death In Gaza- About the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict with particular emphasis on the impact on Palestinian children. The director James Miller also planned a similiar film focusing on Israeli kids but sadly he died after been shot by an Israeli soldier during the making of the documentary.

09/11/2009, 5:00 PM
Death In Gaza- About the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict with particular emphasis on the impact on Palestinian children. The director James Miller also planned a similiar film focusing on Israeli kids but sadly he died after been shot by an Israeli soldier during the making of the documentary.

This was a good one, but if you are going to watch it expect some stuff they don't even have ratings for, 18+ is nothing.

Mad Moose
10/11/2009, 11:28 AM
Struggling to find the name on this one but I watched a fantastic documentary which followed a family in Baghdad through a year post the collapse of Saadam Hussein's regime. Its similar to Death in Gaza actually and I mean to buy that documentary.

If anyone can get the name of the one I'm thinking. I'm mixing it up a bit with something else here but basically the only chance of survival was to move the family out of Iraq and it follows them to Syria.

I like Tribe and Amazon with Bruce Parry. It reminds me of a fantastic documentary I watched a few years ago and I can't remember what its called but it was about an expedition into part of Indonesia and the first meeting with a tribe of people who hadn't met fellow man before. Similar to what Bruce Parry did in tribe. They live with the people and learn so much about them.

Got a few more I'll recommend. I need to check my collection.

jamie m
10/11/2009, 3:16 PM
[QUOTE=Harpsbear;1269291]Struggling to find the name on this one but I watched a fantastic documentary which followed a family in Baghdad through a year post the collapse of Saadam Hussein's regime. Its similar to Death in Gaza actually and I mean to buy that documentary.

If anyone can get the name of the one I'm thinking. I'm mixing it up a bit with something else here but basically the only chance of survival was to move the family out of Iraq and it follows them to Syria.

I havent seen it but is this the one you are talking about

Another really good one is The Road to Guantanamo, by Michael Winterbottom. Its part-documentary/part-drama based around the experiences of the "Tipton 3" who after 9/11 crossed into Afghanistan on their way to a wedding in Pakistan, were accused of been al-qaeda/taliban ans subsequently sent to Guantanamo bay. Whats really amazing about is the lack of bitterness they display despite the treatment they received.

10/11/2009, 4:39 PM
That was a well made doc, but when I saw it i didnt think that the 4 guys were that innocent - I mean they were in Afghanistan

10/11/2009, 5:53 PM
One documentary I really enjoyed was Canciones para después de una guerra (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066901/).

It's not a traditional documentary, it's just two hours of footage of the Spanish Civil War with music from the time playing over it.

Mad Moose
10/11/2009, 9:02 PM
[QUOTE=Harpsbear;1269291]Struggling to find the name on this one but I watched a fantastic documentary which followed a family in Baghdad through a year post the collapse of Saadam Hussein's regime. Its similar to Death in Gaza actually and I mean to buy that documentary.

If anyone can get the name of the one I'm thinking. I'm mixing it up a bit with something else here but basically the only chance of survival was to move the family out of Iraq and it follows them to Syria.

I havent seen it but is this the one you are talking about

Another really good one is The Road to Guantanamo, by Michael Winterbottom. Its part-documentary/part-drama based around the experiences of the "Tipton 3" who after 9/11 crossed into Afghanistan on their way to a wedding in Pakistan, were accused of been al-qaeda/taliban ans subsequently sent to Guantanamo bay. Whats really amazing about is the lack of bitterness they display despite the treatment they received.

Thats the one Jamie. Great documentary and well worth watching.

Mad Moose
10/11/2009, 9:03 PM
Death In Gaza- About the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict with particular emphasis on the impact on Palestinian children. The director James Miller also planned a similiar film focusing on Israeli kids but sadly he died after been shot by an Israeli soldier during the making of the documentary.

I planned to buy that one recently. I might well consider adding it to my collection too.

ken foree
27/11/2009, 3:39 PM
Encounters at the End of the World - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MImYM87jOtU

Deep Water - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDs67LfPYPU

Riding Giants - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADy8f6t4Ri8

09/12/2009, 1:56 PM
The Devil and Daniel Johnson

Brilliant insight into cult music figure Daniel Johnson (inspired a litany of bands including Nirvana) who suffers from manic depression - as funny as it is thought-provoking.


dan o d
09/12/2009, 10:27 PM
fran assistant manager!!!

A face
14/12/2009, 9:56 PM
Great thread. Gonna have to take a bit of time and have a look. Some good stuff there already.

23/12/2009, 12:43 PM
Some Kind of Monster. A documentary about the making of the Metallica album, St. Anger. I recommend this to anybody who is into music of any kind. The band really don't come out well from it, but I admire them for releasing it, warts n' all.


Mayo Red
24/12/2009, 8:23 AM
Interesting repeat on RTE lastnight of Secret Billionaire -- The Chuck Feeney Story. The man has given approx. $1.2bn in donations already to Ireland alone, along with funding projects in 6 other countries. His charity now has a deadline to give away their last $3 billion before 2016. An amazing story!

Maybe we could interest him in the LOI!!;)


13/01/2010, 9:41 AM
Watched Documentary last night on Sky3.
Its was about a boy in Fiji, He was tied up for 22 years.
Anyone see it?

13/01/2010, 9:47 PM
Anyone know any good travel/history documentaries about the Middle East or China?

Closed Account 2
13/01/2010, 9:55 PM
if you like reading books, Robert Kaplan is your best bet

Mayo Red
13/01/2010, 10:14 PM
Anyone know any good travel/history documentaries about the Middle East or China?

Episode 3 I think of Michael Palins Full Circle covers him travelling in China, although probably somewhat out of date now as it was filmed in the mid to late 1990's if I'm not mistaken. Anything to do with his travels though I find is always well worth watching.

As regards the Middle East, I've only watched about 20 minutes of Ross Kemps two part special on Israel and Gaza shown on Sky there lately, seemed pretty good though.

14/01/2010, 12:00 AM
if you like reading books, Robert Kaplan is your best bet

I'm about read out at the moment. Been trying to get through as much as possible since November and still have a huge pile on my bedside table to get through. Robert Fisk alone will take a month!

But I'll search out Mr Kaplan ;)

Mayo Red, I like Palin so will definately look for that episode. Can't stand Kemp so might steer clear of the second recommendation. :p

14/01/2010, 11:36 AM
Should def try Paul Merton In China, was on channel 5 a while back but there are still a good few old torrents of it around. Was hilarious, not as good as his Indian one but worth watching all the same. See he has a new one out as well in Europe - great:)

Mad Moose
18/01/2010, 9:06 AM
Anyone know any good travel/history documentaries about the Middle East or China?

Check out the BBC production of Wild China which is approx 350 mins long.I have it.Just haven't watched it yet.

pineapple stu
18/01/2010, 9:24 AM
Anyone know any good travel/history documentaries about the Middle East or China?
Never seen it and don't know anything about it, but have at least heard of Meet the Stans (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3143462.stm) on BBC. Don't see it on amazon, though, but there's YouTube clips if you really want!

Mad Moose
31/01/2010, 6:59 PM
For anybody interested in African history there are a series of programmes uncovering the Lost Kingdom's of Africa on BBC4. I'm watching the 3 one at the minute which is based on a lost civilisation in Benin. The first two feature Nubia and Ethiopia.

You won't be disappointed.

31/01/2010, 7:20 PM
I'm about read out at the moment. Been trying to get through as much as possible since November and still have a huge pile on my bedside table to get through. Robert Fisk alone will take a month!

But I'll search out Mr Kaplan ;)

Mayo Red, I like Palin so will definately look for that episode. Can't stand Kemp so might steer clear of the second recommendation. :p

Michael Wood when he follows Alexander the Great (In the footsteps of Alexander) goes through Uzbekistan and a number of ME countries.

Purely for the ME some historical docu's like the Crusades (Terry Jones) and if you go on google video and check out Timurlan/Tamerlane there are some very interesting choices that cover the Asian republics and China.

10/02/2010, 2:01 AM
Anyone know any good travel/history documentaries about the Middle East or China?

Like weecountyman say Michael Wood is an excellent presenter on the Alexander the Great programmes. He has also done ancient Yemen, it's not an 'Inside Yemen' rubbish.

At the moment Diarmuid MacCullough is the BBC's favoured son for 'History of Christainity'
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00ntrqh [not available in my area, maybe it's available in your area.]
There's one of these series every few years, one from the past had a small balding presenter can't find it now.

Kate/Katie Humble of animal programmes did a Frankincense Road series. She carries unprocessed frankincense from Oman or further east through the Arabian penisula and Petra (Jordan). Because it is now the year 2010 a large amount of each programme deals with Islam. Humble enjoys herself and tries to engage with everyone.
(She written an article for The Independent (London) Sat. 06/02/2010 on the quieter areas of Afghanistan, pron. Afghanistan, so she appears to be interested in that sort of stuff. Researched last summer).

I only saw some episodes but an interesting idea '80 Trades Around the World'. Englishman carries currency or some local item to a destination and tries to trade/barter/work to increase his wealth and then moves on. Some episodes had some long-term planning he invested in some large pieces of semi-precious stones he needed carved to sell on again, somewhere else.
One episode had him researching South African wines, haggling for ordinary and Reseve products and then trying to sell the bottles to restaurants in China. I imagine each episode gets him into a community quickly.

16/03/2010, 8:23 AM
I watched Banged up abroad about an Irish Girl Zoe McGarry who ended up in prison in Ecuador for trafficking Cocaine. I've seen a few of these on the same topic and read a great book (Marching powder by Rusty Young http://www.marchingpowder.com/ an excellent read) and normally they admit that they were caught, maybe they had been naive etc.. but they admitted to the charge.
She was adamant she had been framed by a "friend" but I have to say I found her story rather implausible. Maybe I’m a cynic but I think there was more to it than meets the eye, I won’t go into too much detail for those who haven’t seen it but for those who have, I have one question. Guilty or not?

23/06/2010, 12:03 PM
Watched this last night here in the States on ESPN. A must see documentary.

'Born in the same city in Colombia with the same last name, Andres Escobar and Pablo Escobar shared a fanatical childhood love for soccer. Andres grew up to become one of Colombia's most beloved players, while Pablo rose through the ranks of the criminal underground to become not only the most notorious drug baron of all time, but also the secret weapon responsible for Colombian soccer's unprecedented rise to glory. But just when Colombia was expected to win the World Cup and transform its image on the international stage, the mysterious murder of Andres Escobar dashed the hopes of a nation. Fifteen years later, the film investigates the secret marriage of crime and sport, and uncovers the surprising connections between the murders of Andres and Pablo.'

the 12 th man
23/06/2010, 12:40 PM
Lads just wondering if ye could recommend some good documentaries for me (i know we had thread about a free site before from tetsujin1979) but it petered out pretty fast.

So has anyone got any good ones worth getting?

Personally Hoop Dreams or Capturing the Friedmanns are the best ive seen....

http://documentaryheaven.com/ :cool:

A face
27/06/2010, 8:57 PM
There are a few of them listed here -> http://quicksilverscreen.com/videos?c=44&pt=list

A face
05/12/2010, 8:29 PM
Watched some of this recently, unreal stuff but something which has been highlighted for years.


05/12/2010, 11:15 PM
starsuckers, great doc about the media and some interesting bits about bobby geldof. Think he wrote a 6000 word letter of complaint

I remember seeing a great documentary about a group of central american children travelling through Mexico and trying to cross the border into the US, seen it on more4. Cant remember the name tho

05/12/2010, 11:36 PM
I remember seeing a great documentary about a group of central american children travelling through Mexico and trying to cross the border into the US, seen it on more4. Cant remember the name tho
I watched that one also and it was excellent. It's called 'Which Way Home'.

06/12/2010, 8:10 AM
"The Beckoning Silence". About mountain climbing but goes in depth on the story on Toni Kurz who lost his life trying to scale the North Face of the Eiger mountain. You can watch it on youtube.

21/11/2016, 10:12 PM

07/03/2017, 2:08 AM
I really enjoyed "Magnus" on Netflix. Story of Magnus Carlsen, Norwegian chess prodigy.


08/03/2017, 9:38 AM
Outside of getting onto a proxy can anyone point me in the direction of ESPN 30for30s. It's beyond silly that they are so hard to find.