View Full Version : dan murray

12/11/2003, 6:25 PM
captain my hole,he deserved a belt of the captains armband at the end of the match.

i thought that a captain was meant to motivate the team,keep their heads up,encourage them,instead after goal no:3 he threw in the towel,he was running after a waterford player with 10/15 mins to go and suddenly he just stopped and watched him go,he nearly scored as a result,a fukin disgrace.

i never give out about players,especially dan.george was the only one that ran until the very end,fair play to him,never give up attitude.

12/11/2003, 10:26 PM
agree he was one of our superstars who dissapointed me the most

13/11/2003, 10:39 AM
he was rubbish and the cause of the 3rd goal

13/11/2003, 1:37 PM
its pretty disheartening for the fans to have to watch a player giving up on the pitch....

but it was the way in which he so blatantly didnt give a **** anymore and let players go if they were anywhere near past him that had me feeling so let down.

if he's not willing to fight through the good and the bad, maybe Georgie should have the armband.

generally, he's really the only player who is vocal for 90 mins of every game. and the only one who runs that whole time also....

i'm sure some players who dont get good runs in the team would love to put some soul into it like Georgie does. its incredible sometimes watching him, individually nearly, dragging us back into games.

13/11/2003, 1:49 PM
Originally posted by rebelnorrie
he was rubbish and the cause of the 3rd goal
I think the blame for the 3rd goal can be laid squarely at devine to be honest. Dan didn't have a good game at all though. He hasn't been the same player since hoofmeister coughlan came back.

13/11/2003, 2:14 PM
dan is a good captain and im dead happy with him,but if captainship depended on heart and soul bein put into the game,georgie would win hands down.but the only problem is that george is the cause of most of the bust ups on the pitch and has a big mouth when it comes to referees.

as a ref,u couldnt call george over to tell him to calm the team down if there game was hottin up a bit,could ya!

13/11/2003, 2:40 PM
if georgie was captain,i reckon he would get less bookings because he would have a right to question the refs decisions

as of now, he questions them and gets booked

13/11/2003, 5:26 PM
The main problem with Dan is that he always tries to play his way out of trouble. Sometimes you have to hoof it :mad: Now I'm not asking Dan to turn into Deccie/Derek but he's inclined to overplay it in our area sometimes when booting it out of trouble would be the answer.

IMO Dan has never settled with Derek as his partner and always does better with Benno next to him.

13/11/2003, 6:17 PM
Originally posted by yiddo
The main problem with Dan is that he always tries to play his way out of trouble

so basically his main problem is that he is a footballer:rolleyes:

13/11/2003, 8:50 PM
Ah corner you know the game better than that. Sometimes defenders have to clear the ball 1st time rather than beating a man or two. I mean Dan has been known to hoof it himself on occassion. All I'm saying is that Dan has to learn when to play it out and when to hoof it away from danger. The last thing I want is for him to turn into Coughlan:( but when required............

13/11/2003, 9:29 PM
Having just seen it on Chorus, Dan should be beaten with an array of sticks, not so much for the 3rd goal, as the 2nd. I think he was trying to save a corner, tamely passed it to the Waaaaherfur player who easily scored from 4/5 yards.

The 3rd goal, while a howler, looked like it was just a slip. Mick wont enjoy ever seeing it again either.

Obviously as i wasnt there, i cant comment on his overall performance, but i think that he hasnt been performing as well as what he is capable of at all lately. Hopefully, he'll sort himself out for the last 3 games, and get back to his real form for next season.

Schunter Netz
13/11/2003, 10:50 PM
Now... I wasn't at the Waterford game, and neither do I have too bad an opinion of Derek - has his uses etc etc - but I've had a theory for a while now that Dan's slide in form is linked to Derek's arrival. The rapport he had with Bennet was on a high until Bennet got sent off, and I think there's a battle of wills going on between the two big centre halves, to be honest. They just don't seem happy together, football-wise or any other way. Coughlan is a leader by nature, whether you think thats a good thing or bad, and he can't or won't learn to play according to the other man's book.