View Full Version : Samoa, Cook Islands & Fiji

05/01/2009, 5:26 PM
I've got a choice of one of these destinations for a few days around the end of May/start of June.

Anyone been? What do you reckon would be the best shout?

05/01/2009, 9:24 PM
My uncle used to live in Fiji for years until he died over there. Of the three countrys you mention I think Fiji is the biggest so I imagine it would offer the most. I'll try and have a word with my aunt in the next week or two for you as she visited my uncle when he was alive.

05/01/2009, 9:48 PM
Fiji or Samoa would probably be the most developed, I think both are relatively popular for Americans and Aussies. The Cook Islands probably would give you a less developed option. If you're looking to be in a remote place I'm sure all offer places where you could even have your own island or something like that. Thats one hell of a long flight to just go for a few days too. American Samoa or just Samoa?

That being said, I've never been to any of these places and I'm no expert :)

05/01/2009, 11:43 PM
my sister spent 3 weeks in Fiji on her way to Australia last year and just loved it there - the laid back atmosphere and people are what she remembers the most. Dont know anything about the others im afraid.

06/01/2009, 12:52 PM
I'm visiting New Zealand, just taking a few days out to see one of the places.
Fiji looks like it has more happening, but tbh I'm leaning towards the Cook Islands. The place isn't that populated, so maybe less to do, but it looks less touristy and you can hire a scooter to go around the main island.
Samoa (the normal one, not the American one) looks ok, but seems a fairly conservative society, which is putting me off slightly.

06/01/2009, 2:09 PM
I hear the Cook Islands is recommended but not been there myself.

Watch out for the cannibalism in Fiji ;)

12/02/2009, 11:37 PM
Fiji is the most popular one of the three Brendy, particularly with the RTW crews.......

It has a good mix for class nights out and amazingly chilled out places.

I went to Samoa for three days to watch an international game, and have never been to the Cook Islands.

You will be able to hire scooters on all the islands.

13/02/2009, 1:00 PM
Fiji is the most popular one of the three Brendy, particularly with the RTW crews.......

It has a good mix for class nights out and amazingly chilled out places.

I went to Samoa for three days to watch an international game, and have never been to the Cook Islands.

You will be able to hire scooters on all the islands.

Think we're going with Cook Islands. They're the least populated and look amazing.