View Full Version : Ps3 Question

Lev Yashin
05/01/2009, 12:13 PM
I'm just after taking the plunge and buying a ps3...anyone got any good titles worth buying??

ive got Fifa 09 and fallout 3(which after an hour of playing seems a great game)

sorry if this a duplicate thread

05/01/2009, 12:20 PM
There is a gaming section here that might be worth a look you might pick up some ideas


Fallout 3 is brilliant im loving it im not normally a big fan of RPG's as they usually have stupid nerdy stuff like magic and spells etc. But im loving fallout i have 35 hours of gameplay done now and i reckon im about half way through as im doing all the side mission i can find to keep it going longer ( if you do the main missions just it can be finished in 15 hours i hear). Once im finished im going to go back and start again and be an evil bugger.

Other games to get

Guitar hero/rock band
COD 4 or 5 ( get both )
Resistence 1 & 2
Ghost recon 2
half life 2 orange box ( great game well 4 games in one pack )

05/01/2009, 8:33 PM
Metal Gear Solid 4 is Excellent
GTA IV is a good game but a disappointment compared to GTA San Andreas and Vice City

05/01/2009, 8:53 PM
I'd recommend the new Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. It's a ps3 exclusive and is great craic online and multi-player.

Lev Yashin
06/01/2009, 12:14 PM
cheers lads..played abit of fifa online last night...great craic...gonna get GTA as i used to love the old ones on the ps2 and psp

Closed Account 2
06/01/2009, 1:14 PM
I would recommend any of the following games, all of which can be brought fairly cheaply on the net:

Little Big Planet
Tomb Raider Underworld
NBA 2k8 / NBA 2k9
Saints Row 2 (a lot like GTA but easier to get into)

It depends on what sort of games you like:

First Person Shooters (e.g. Call of Duty)
Adventure / Puzzle (e.g. Tomb Raider)
Sports (NBA 2k, Fifa)
Racing Cars (Burnout, Motorstorm)

And then it depends on if you want multiplayer or not. For instance if you dont care about any multiplayer then a game like BioShock is fine as it has zero multiplayer options, if you want online multiplayer then COD4 is top class (COD5 is very good too, but IMO a slight step down), but if you want offline multiplayer (i.e. mates in the same room playing the same game) then get something like Motorstorm or NBA 2k as at least 4 people can play on the same machine).

Lev Yashin
08/01/2009, 12:13 PM
cheers lads...im after getting a lend of GTA so chances are I wont be on this for about a month or so....;)