View Full Version : Bands you like but have seriously gone off...

Pauro 76
02/01/2009, 2:46 PM
For me, I used to like Red Hot Chili Peppers but now I realise what a sh!te band they are, same with U2 purely because of Bono's mission to save the world. Right now, I'm gone off Kings of Leon. I loved their first three albums but their last album was mediocre at best, and I'll go mad if I hear one more pub band cover of Sex On Fire again like I did over Christmas. They've just gone that bit too popular for me.

02/01/2009, 6:09 PM
For me Oasis are the kings of this category. Was big into them circa 94/95/96 and loved the first two albums but their inability to evolve and their settling into being a MOR stadium act has really put me off them. I still listen to the songs off those first two abums from time to time though.

Pauro 76
02/01/2009, 6:34 PM
I'd stick Oasis in there too, along with the Stereophonics. First two albums of theirs were good but tailed off completely after that give or take the odd good single. Still cant believe they were billed good enough to headline Slane once.

The Optimist
02/01/2009, 7:27 PM
along with the Stereophonics. First two albums of theirs were good but tailed off completely after that give or take the odd good single. Still cant believe they were billed good enough to headline Slane once.
Totally agree about the stereophonics.First two albums were excellent and then they seemed to change direction and i really went off them.
I would put The Killers in the same category,there new album was a big disapointment.

mint sauce
02/01/2009, 8:08 PM
For me Oasis are the kings of this category. Was big into them circa 94/95/96 and loved the first two albums but their inability to evolve and their settling into being a MOR stadium act has really put me off them. I still listen to the songs off those first two abums from time to time though.

same here, seriously went of them after a very disapointing lansdowne road gig, think it was part of the standing on the shoulders of giants tour

02/01/2009, 9:32 PM
Would agree about the RHCP, saw them at slane and thought they where class, went to see them the following year in phoenix park and they where muck, one of the most effortless gigs ive ever been at, the difference between their recorded for dvd slane gig and phoenix park was incredible. also the fact every single person i know seemed to start listening to them and play their songs over and over and over and over. Happens me with alot of bands really, as soon as they get popular in the charts i hear their music over and over till i just hate the songs and the band, its very annoying. Was a massive greenday fan for years and loved american idiot when it first came out, then the kiddies and radio dj's liked them and played them non stop, the same 4 songs off the album. I still like the other songs tho :D. Plenty more bands like this too.

Pauro 76
03/01/2009, 8:29 AM
I liked Razorlight's first album, but the second one overated and overplayed, but the new one is laughable.

03/01/2009, 11:50 AM
I liked Razorlight's first album, but the second one overated and overplayed, but the new one is laughable.

Same here would also add The Killers and The Frames to that list

03/01/2009, 12:25 PM
Used to like Beyonce but just find the new album way to pop.

03/01/2009, 1:32 PM
I still like Oasis, never liked Beyonce, and don't think the new Killers is as bad as everyone is making it out to be but other than that I'd agree with what's been said in this thread already.

Stereophonics had two great albums and then settled in to MoR stage

RHCP, while I was never a fan really, really annoy me now. They hit commercial gold with Californication and have churned out the same album over and over since then.

Kings of Leon are just overplayed at the moment

Ash should be added to the list. Great debut album, followed by a really good single for Life Less Ordinary, but they tanked after that

Agree with Pauro about Razorlight

Air to a certain extent have never come close to reaching the highs of Moon Safari

Other than that I've just realised that there hasn't been a whole load of new bands that even get the chance to fade away slowly with the way the music business has gone. First album has to make money, if the second isn't anywhere near as well recieved you're shown the door seems to be the way the industry works nowadays

Pauro 76
03/01/2009, 6:17 PM
New Killers album has actually grown on me, its quite different and it'll drive the Mr Brightside singing masses away which is a good thing. The last two Primal Scream albums have been really disappointing, but out of all their albums, only Screamadelica and XTRMNTR remain regulars on my iPod. Same with the Foo Fighters to a certain extent, they cant make great albums any more, just the odd excellent single.

05/01/2009, 7:38 AM
Air to a certain extent have never come close to reaching the highs of Moon Safari

True, but that's a separate issue.

Oasis, Manics, Morrissey for me.
For Oasis I never got past their first album, and even though I gave their later stuff a listen there was just nothing there.
I haven't gone off Morrissey or the Preachers, but I've given up buying their albums, and would revert to an earlier one if I wanted to throw on a record of theirs.

The Optimist
05/01/2009, 11:15 AM
Gonna have to add Keane to my list.
The first album was excellent,the second had few decent songs and the latest one is definetly one of the worst albums of 2008.

05/01/2009, 11:19 AM
Oasis would be the big ones for me - Definitely Maybe was brilliant, and Morning Glory was good. Be Here Now was rubbish, and they reacted to the critism by getting even crapper. The B sides off the first two albums are better than anything they've put out since Morning Glory - Noel probably too cocky about his song writing ability to save them.

05/01/2009, 11:50 AM
This all sounds a bit "too cool for school" I used to like you but now you're too popular.

The whole Oasis thing I never got, they were an average band with a couple of decent tunes, no more no less.

Pauro 76
05/01/2009, 12:11 PM
This all sounds a bit "too cool for school" I used to like you but now you're too popular.

The whole Oasis thing I never got, they were an average band with a couple of decent tunes, no more no less.

I dunno about the too cool for school thing. I've often gotten into bands sometimes way after everyone got into them, e.g. the likes of Elbow, MGMT, Arcade Fire... But it just annoys me with the whole Kings of Leon thing, they've suddenly got a bit too accessible and for me with their latest album, they've sold their souls to MOR stadium rock when they were genuinely a great band before.

05/01/2009, 12:43 PM
I'd high hopes for the new KOL record but they've obviously made a conscious effort to become established "back home".

I'd imagine "Sex on Fire" and "Use Somebody" would get a lot of air play on American radio.

KOL are huge in Ireland and the UK but are nowhere near as big in the states.

Hopefully, the next album could be a kick against all of the clean production values and blandness of the current album.

KOL have a lot more to offer. 3 brilliant albums out of 4 aint a bad return for a relatively young band.

05/01/2009, 4:16 PM
I'd high hopes for the new KOL record but they've obviously made a conscious effort to become established "back home".

I'd imagine "Sex on Fire" and "Use Somebody" would get a lot of air play on American radio.

KOL are huge in Ireland and the UK but are nowhere near as big in the states.

Hopefully, the next album could be a kick against all of the clean production values and blandness of the current album.

KOL have a lot more to offer. 3 brilliant albums out of 4 aint a bad return for a relatively young band.

hear, hear! agree totally.

Pauro 76
05/01/2009, 7:24 PM
I'd high hopes for the new KOL record but they've obviously made a conscious effort to become established "back home".

I'd imagine "Sex on Fire" and "Use Somebody" would get a lot of air play on American radio.

KOL are huge in Ireland and the UK but are nowhere near as big in the states.

Hopefully, the next album could be a kick against all of the clean production values and blandness of the current album.

KOL have a lot more to offer. 3 brilliant albums out of 4 aint a bad return for a relatively young band.

I genuinely hope so too. It seems to have worked for them in America, more people have heard of them now, but I still think it's a shame they have to change their image and sound just to get recognition.

06/01/2009, 2:35 PM
Oasis, Stereophonics, U2, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit :o, NERD, Bob Marley & the Wailers are all ones off the top of my head.

I was a young lad when I liked Oasis, U2 and the Stereoponics and I just grew out of them.

I was mad about Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit around the time that that whole rap-metal style was really big.

I just gave up on NERD after the Fly Or Die album, it just wasn't a patch on In Search Of.

I used to like Bob Marley but Exodus was the only album I ever got into.

07/01/2009, 8:26 PM
This all sounds a bit "too cool for school" I used to like you but now you're too popular.

That would be the Sixth Commandment (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yoN6XfyQsr4)

11/01/2009, 12:26 AM
The Dubliners post 1906 are sh*te! sorry were sh*te!