View Full Version : Netbooks

30/12/2008, 1:05 PM
Anyone using any of the dinky little mini-laptops (Asus EEE, Acer Aspire, Dell Mini, Samsung NC10) that now seem to be everywhere?

They are priced very competitively and was going to get one for when I'm away from home for Skype, email, internet, Slingbox etc.

Any recommendations from anyone who has one of these?

Also noticed that Vodafone have a deal with integrated 3g broadband for the Dell one. Free to buy with a £25 per month contract in the UK, its E299 plus a E29 per month contract with Vodafone Ireland...... Usual rip off.

Battery Rover
30/12/2008, 4:52 PM
Going to New York Saturday morning for a week or so and was thinking of buying one of these while over there but not sure of best model.

09/01/2009, 10:05 PM
Bumping, anyone got one of these little things?

Battery, did you pick one up?

A face
15/01/2009, 5:07 PM
Bumping, anyone got one of these little things?

Battery, did you pick one up?

One of the lads in work has one, what info are you after? (i'm not familar with the mat all)

Battery Rover
15/01/2009, 9:56 PM
Bumping, anyone got one of these little things?

Battery, did you pick one up?

Actually picked up 2 of these as there was a sale going on there. Cost of 2 was $400


Reason I was looking for them was I am trying to set up my house to be ran through my computer and they are small and can be left on table and kitchen worktops without being too noticable

15/01/2009, 10:03 PM
You went to B&H? Damn ya!

Battery Rover
15/01/2009, 10:39 PM
You went to B&H? Damn ya!

And spent 4 hours queueing just to get these and then 1 hour at the cash registers to pay for them. Didn't even get to look at the camera stuff that I wanted to buy as the queue for that area was twice as long.

Going back I hope in June I hope so might have some more luck then.

16/01/2009, 1:15 PM
One of the lads in work has one, what info are you after? (i'm not familar with the mat all)Just about any recommendations?

Was thinking about either the Dell one or there's a really cool looking Samsung one (NC10).

The price, particularly if you can get it in the UK (£270) is unbeatable.

A face
16/01/2009, 2:47 PM
Just about any recommendations?

Was thinking about either the Dell one or there's a really cool looking Samsung one (NC10).

The price, particularly if you can get it in the UK (£270) is unbeatable.

The two lads have ducked off work early so i'll ask thme on Monday. Let you know then

16/01/2009, 5:12 PM
I'm interested to know just how powerful (or not), these netbooks are.

I know they're mainly for accessing web-based resources etc, but are they powerful enough to run, for example, MS Office?

16/01/2009, 10:08 PM
I think one of the linux based ones comes with openoffice installed?

17/01/2009, 9:19 AM
Yeah - but I know if I handed a Linux laptop with Open Office installed to some of our staff, they would be flummoxed. :D

The reason i ask is, in work, I'm always asked to source ultra-portable laptops for staff who need to travel regularly. They end up with an expensive, overpowered (for their needs) laptop which they use for browsing the web, checking e-mails and working on Word/Excel/Powerpoint documents.

If a Netbook would meet their requirements, I'd hand those out instead.

I think one of the linux based ones comes with openoffice installed?

18/01/2009, 2:38 PM
I'm interested to know just how powerful (or not), these netbooks are.

I know they're mainly for accessing web-based resources etc, but are they powerful enough to run, for example, MS Office?Apparently they are well able for simple Office tasks (e.g. editing/writing one document, but probably not horrendously complicated spreadsheets or having multiple programmes running at the one time) and there are even people who claim to remotely monitor and access networks and the like from them.

Some of them (like the Dell) can be upgraded memory and storage-wise incredibly easy. Moreso than full size machines its recommended that you delete all the bloatware the manufacturers install as with small drives and small RAM it can make a difference.

The main problem with extended "work" on them seems to be the size of the keyboard and lack of a some function keys, particularly on the smaller ones. If you touch type apparently its a big adjustment.

A face
20/01/2009, 1:27 PM
Just about any recommendations?

Was thinking about either the Dell one or there's a really cool looking Samsung one (NC10).

The price, particularly if you can get it in the UK (£270) is unbeatable.

Heres his take on them ...

I have an Asus EEE PC 701, bought it early last year.

It’s a nice bit of kit - I mainly use it for college as great size for lugging about (same size as A5 book).

I have XP Pro running on it (came with Linux)

It has a 4gb sold state drive (flash memory) and a SD card slot for expansion (I have a 32gb SD card in it), and also use my iPod as 80gb hard drive if required.

Mine has a 7” screen, but they have a 9” out for some time now which is smart.

It has built in wireless modem, webcam, speakers - 3 USB ports, VGA connector if out want to add a monitor, battery is very good life, comes with slip case, Ethernet port.

I use mine with mobile broadband when out and about and works a treat.

I paid €300 for mine, but they are available in the shops here for €220 at the moment, possibly less on line.

Acer also have some nice models out at the mo –

Well worth the money I have to say. For €200 odd sovs you cant go wrong.

20/01/2009, 1:51 PM
Thanks Face, 9 inch screen sounds about right.

7 is a bit small and when you get above 10 you may as well get a "proper" 12 inch laptop.

The cost is really appealing.

If only my desktop was quicker at ripping DVDs so I could put them on a card(older chipset, takes ages).