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10/11/2003, 7:14 PM
Whats the story with highlights, what time etc ?

A face
10/11/2003, 7:45 PM
Pats and Shels in Richer is one right now, The showed City Rovers already .... but it will be on again in a half hour or an hour, not sure of the times.

I think it'll be on Friday night aswell. !!

Behan .... Pushed ... how in Gods name the ref didn't give a peno from where he was i'll never know.

Shed End John
11/11/2003, 9:07 AM
Originally posted by A face
Behan .... Pushed ... how in Gods name the ref didn't give a peno from where he was i'll never know.

Neither will the rest of us. Probably something to do with the chronic blindness they suffer when it comes to enforcing any rule other than the offside (and they can't even get that one right alot of the time).

11/11/2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by A face
Behan .... Pushed ... how in Gods name the ref didn't give a peno from where he was i'll never know. It was a push but I'm pretty sure it was outside the box from looking at the highlights on TV3. How he didn't give a free though, god only knows.

A face
12/11/2003, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
How he didn't give a free though, god only knows.

Simple ......... because he couldn't give a free when it could only have been a penalty.

Same ole Dublin :)

13/11/2003, 9:36 AM
Originally posted by A face
Simple ......... because he couldn't give a free when it could only have been a penalty. It looked outside the box to me.

13/11/2003, 10:37 AM
It was a defo foul, although, in hindsight it looks like it was outside the box, just, I'd say the Ref didnt give it because of the pressure going with giving a peno. He fell well inside the box even if the offence happened outside. If he was going to give it, he would have given a peno I'd say.

13/11/2003, 12:27 PM
It was definitely OUTSIDE the box. but most City fans are too shortsighted and frustrated to realise it.

that being said, it was a foul. No doubting that