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18/12/2008, 6:26 PM
PR Could have been handled better but its a huge boost for the club http://www.galwayunitedfc.ie/squad/kenna-extends-galway-stay.html . We need to push on with the season ticket campaign now.

18/12/2008, 6:34 PM
Great news, i am delighted, we have the best manager in the country. Hope there is a big rush for season tickets now. If he gets the resources I have no doubt but that he can progress in the game.

Tir Oilean
18/12/2008, 6:47 PM
We have no resources wonder88

18/12/2008, 6:55 PM
Congratulations on retaining your manager.
During the season Kenna was making noises that if he stayed at Galway or moved to another club this season the club would have full-time players. Will he have full-time players to work with at Galway Utd.?

18/12/2008, 6:58 PM
We have no resources wonder88

Yes we do, the biggest resource the club has is its fans. Buy a season ticket.

18/12/2008, 7:15 PM
Yes we do, the biggest resource the club has is its fans. Buy a season ticket.

Definitely POTY well said. Time for people to get off their asses and do some work.

18/12/2008, 8:55 PM
I'll stick my head above the parapet and suggest this is bad news. He clearly doesn't want to be here, how long before he walks? How will he convince players to sign, never mind move to Galway, when they know this was an 'if all else fails' option.
I for one won't be getting caught up in the 'hey, great, the legend is staying' guff.
Agree that the biggest resource the club has is its fans. Just a pity that the board doesn't recognise this, their handling of this was an absolute joke.

Patrick Dunne
18/12/2008, 10:33 PM
2009 is a critcal year for Galway United. The club needs to be reformed from top to bottom.

18/12/2008, 11:30 PM
With you on that Pa but will the powers that be allow change to happen, Ive posted on the GUST site looking for 10 people to help me drive the season ticket campaign ive had 3 replies so far.I would hope that we could draw on your expertise in the organisisatio end of things.

Claret Murph
19/12/2008, 6:22 AM
Well Jeff has singed up for another season , errrr well until he can get another job elsewhere that is .

Swindon are still looking for a new manager Jeff :eek:

maroon ultra
19/12/2008, 6:32 AM
Well Jeff has singed up for another season , errrr well until he can get another job elsewhere that is .

Swindon are still looking for a new manager Jeff :eek:

I would be very surprised if Kenna walked out in the middle of the season. I believe now that he has signed the contract he will stay for the full season. He needs a full season to prove he is a good manager.

19/12/2008, 8:35 AM
I'll stick my head above the parapet and suggest this is bad news. He clearly doesn't want to be here, how long before he walks? How will he convince players to sign, never mind move to Galway, when they know this was an 'if all else fails' option.
I for one won't be getting caught up in the 'hey, great, the legend is staying' guff.
Agree that the biggest resource the club has is its fans. Just a pity that the board doesn't recognise this, their handling of this was an absolute joke.

I hear where your coming from but its time to move on for the club to progress. Ive asked on the other post if there are people with a genuine interest in putting some "Work" into the season ticket campain fo about 12 eeks after the chrismas break.Time for the waffle to stop and the work to start lads. PM me here or phone me on 0872930738 .It will mean meeting once a fortnight to coordinate sales and coming up with new ideas for sales. We really need to have 1,000 sold by end Febuary at the very least.

19/12/2008, 9:11 AM
I had 10 people on standby for Season Tickets, I'm confident they'll take them now that Jeff has re-signed. 3 or 4 of them are new recruits.

gufct is spot on. An active campaign to get season tickets sold is the only prospect of putting a team on the pitch. No matter what magic wands were waved in the past two seasons, a manager cannot keep a team in a league without the players. And that's gonna cost.

With the Westlife money Sligo seem to have a genuine chance of a 1977 type push next season & despite the stuff some Bohs and Sligo supporters throw in Sean Connors direction, his track record is of improving the league position of the two clubs in each season he was with them, so I'd fancy Dundalk to do well too. Michael O'Neill has spoken of the importance of a good start with his new club & he's dead right. We have been hammered in the last two season for not starting our season until the final series of games. It meant that cash drained away at the turnstiles and the directors had to dig very, very deep to keep us alive.

I think we'll be doing well to make 7th. again which is just about survival territory. But I'll be with them all the way.

19/12/2008, 5:39 PM
Great news. Jeff had every right to look for something else. I'm glad he's staying.
I'm getting the folks to get me a season ticket as the christmas present - we should all do that !

19/12/2008, 7:10 PM
I'm getting the folks to get me a season ticket as the christmas present - we should all do that !

Great. Will you get your folks to get me one so :D

22/12/2008, 8:11 PM
I had 10 people on standby for Season Tickets, I'm confident they'll take them now that Jeff has re-signed. 3 or 4 of them are new recruits.

gufct is spot on. An active campaign to get season tickets sold is the only prospect of putting a team on the pitch. No matter what magic wands were waved in the past two seasons, a manager cannot keep a team in a league without the players. And that's gonna cost.

With the Westlife money Sligo seem to have a genuine chance of a 1977 type push next season & despite the stuff some Bohs and Sligo supporters throw in Sean Connors direction, his track record is of improving the league position of the two clubs in each season he was with them, so I'd fancy Dundalk to do well too. Michael O'Neill has spoken of the importance of a good start with his new club & he's dead right. We have been hammered in the last two season for not starting our season until the final series of games. It meant that cash drained away at the turnstiles and the directors had to dig very, very deep to keep us alive.

I think we'll be doing well to make 7th. again which is just about survival territory. But I'll be with them all the way.

What westlife Money :eek::confused:

23/12/2008, 10:47 AM
What westlife Money :eek::confused:

Sligo were going out of business at the end of August. They are now reportedly giving Cookie a budget in excess of most clubs next season. One possible explanation is that a Rovers fan sold Westlife memorabilia to kick start fund raising. And I've been told, that one or two of Westlife themselves have ponied up with quite a few bob too.

More luck to them

A face
30/12/2008, 1:33 PM
Here is more (http://www.eircomloi.ie/news-centre/news-1/2008/december/news-5/index.xml)

Knappagh Red
31/12/2008, 9:59 AM
. One possible explanation is that a Rovers fan sold Westlife memorabilia to kick start fund raising. And I've been told, that one or two of Westlife themselves have ponied up with quite a few bob too.

Westlife didn't give Rovers anything, the record collector Gavin Walsh donated his Westlife collection (that they had been trying to buy off him for years) to the club, he said it was worth 30 grand and they paid 25 for it. It was as ever the working class people in Sligo that saved us from the tax man. I think our budget will be a lot less this year

12/01/2009, 6:30 PM
It's interesting to notice that Paddy Power suspended betting on the next St Pat's manager today due to a sustained gamble on Jeff.

I hope it's just speculation amongst Pat's fans rather than Jeff himself saying he's interested. I think it was fair enough at the end of the season for him to be looking for something better but after committing to us for the coming season it would be poor form if he left now.

12/01/2009, 7:10 PM
oh god no...

12/01/2009, 7:14 PM
hes due back tomorrow for contract talks with the squad. He would lose all credibility if he walked now!:mad:

Square Heir
12/01/2009, 11:13 PM
....ALL Credibility! :mad:

Claret Murph
13/01/2009, 6:05 AM
You have to laugh at times , I am sure I said somewhere that he would not see out the season with us but I wasn't sure I meant it this quick .

As they say watch this space ........:confused:

13/01/2009, 8:43 AM
todays star says talks have taken place with kenna and sadlier (our ceo) and he will be offered the job

13/01/2009, 12:02 PM
Would Pats not need permission from GUFC before speaking to Kenna?:confused:

13/01/2009, 12:07 PM
Depends on his contract (if he even has one).

He was quite openly talking to other clubs earlier this winter. He might have agreed to go back to Galway but not actually signed anything.

13/01/2009, 12:12 PM
It's interesting to notice that Paddy Power suspended betting on the next St Pat's manager today due to a sustained gamble on Jeff.

I hope it's just speculation amongst Pat's fans rather than Jeff himself saying he's interested. I think it was fair enough at the end of the season for him to be looking for something better but after committing to us for the coming season it would be poor form if he left now.

Probably just Dempsey trying to make up for his lost wages!

13/01/2009, 12:17 PM
It's interesting to notice that Paddy Power suspended betting on the next St Pat's manager today due to a sustained gamble on Jeff..

Are there odds etc online for manager bets or just in the shops?

13/01/2009, 12:19 PM
They were available online but its been closed now

13/01/2009, 12:45 PM
Poor form from Kenna alright,

Gets rid of half our squad and then decides to leave for a club who are in as big a mess as we are...

Maroon 7
13/01/2009, 2:06 PM
Would be terrible form for him to leave now after agreeing to stay. He got more than enough time to look for another job before finally committing. Leaving mid-January would mean the club taking a few weeks to find a new manager and pre-season preparations would be in absolute tatters.

Going now will in effect be dropping us in the manure.

13/01/2009, 7:06 PM
Looks like he is gone he did not fly to galway today:mad:

13/01/2009, 7:12 PM
correct, Ian Foster had talks with the players over contracts with the assistance of Billy Clery. Jeff was seen somewhere in Dublin !!!!!!!!!