View Full Version : Security Risk on Internet Explorer

16/12/2008, 10:19 AM
See here (http://www.independent.ie/business/technology/security-risk-detected-in-internet-explorer-software-1576637.html)

17/12/2008, 8:25 AM
I am travelling on business at the moment, and use Vodafone as my mobile internet provider. Last night I kept getting a pop-up called 'Network Alert'. The message said that there was someone else on the network with the same IP address as my computer and that I should contact my network provider to sort it out. My PC Security centre also told me to re-start my computer about sixty seconds after I turned it on. Is this any way related to that Internet Explorer warning?

A face
17/12/2008, 11:23 AM
I am travelling on business at the moment, and use Vodafone as my mobile internet provider. Last night I kept getting a pop-up called 'Network Alert'. The message said that there was someone else on the network with the same IP address as my computer and that I should contact my network provider to sort it out. My PC Security centre also told me to re-start my computer about sixty seconds after I turned it on. Is this any way related to that Internet Explorer warning?

Nah, thats just a duplicate IP address. Not related i'd say.

Sligo Hornet
17/12/2008, 11:54 AM
Patch available later today
