View Full Version : Laptop / Windows problem

11/12/2008, 9:41 PM
I leaned forward on my keyboard a minute ago and now everything is gone huge. The font is huge and I've to scroll across to read the edge of this web-page. The icons on my desktop fill the whole screen and even though I've only two firefox tabs open, they stretch the length of the screen. Basically, it looks like the screen is set up for someone in first class.

Small is better so . . . . . . . . . . . How to fix?
Help appreciated.

11/12/2008, 9:45 PM
Aha. Good old Contol Panel.

12/12/2008, 1:16 AM
I leaned forward on my keyboard a minute ago and now everything is gone huge.
We need to get Sligoman one of those for Christmas!:D

12/12/2008, 11:30 AM
CTRL + mouse roller will make it bigger and smaller.

unless you set your screen resolution which means you need to right click on the desktop go to settings etc etc.

12/12/2008, 9:27 PM
We need to get Sligoman one of those for Christmas!:DYou got there ahead of me, was gonna post something similar:p