View Full Version : matrix Revolutions

06/11/2003, 1:56 PM
*minor spoilers you guys*

Revolutions is one of the most atrocious pieces of film making I have ever had the misfortune of seeing. It's so **** I honestly don't know where to begin.

Near the end one of the characters says something like "I don't understand what's happening", I laughed and said out loud, "well that makes two of us buddy". Which made the person in front of me laugh, but anyway.

The plot makes no sense WHATSOEVER (and you thought Reloaded was bad), the action (or lack thereof) is terrible, lacking the imagination of the first film completely and it is totally CG dependant. Most of the film takes place in the real world, i.e. Zion, and to be honest, does anyone really give a **** about the place? I mean, the appeal of the first film was the characters jacking in to a highly stylised version of earth, kicking ass in a really cool lookin way. And most of it was REAL. Here, we get 250,000 CG created Sentianals who look terrible anyway, fighting against CG created things that look suspiciously like the loaders from Aliens.

If I could have asked for my money back I would have. It's that bad. it's so bad, it's almost insulting.

Please, for the good of all that's holy, do not see this film. Save yourself the €8. Use it to buy a cheese sandwhich, a cheap album or a goldfish. I dunno, just take my advice and leave this one off.

If I could have asked for my money back I would have.

You'll thank me for it.

06/11/2003, 2:21 PM
Here, here!

It's absolute crap!

Buy a goldfish and flush it down the toilet! All drains lead to the ocean...

06/11/2003, 2:39 PM
the kung fu action smart arse :D

06/11/2003, 4:55 PM
Maybe you just didn't get it?? ;)

06/11/2003, 5:12 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi
Please, for the good of all that's holy, do not see this film. Save yourself the €8.

No I've decided I'm going now! :)

Originally posted by Ruairi
Near the end one of the characters says something like "I don't understand what's happening", I laughed and said out loud, "well that makes two of us buddy". Which made the person in front of me laugh, but anyway.

If only to use this line and get a cheap laugh! :D *echoes of 'The Blair Witch Tripe' after which I greeted the end credits with a loud "Well that was absolute sh1te!" to the amusement of all within earshot bar my mate who enjoyed it... :rolleyes:

06/11/2003, 5:29 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
The best yet was the production of the Anne Frank story at a theatre in the West End of London, which was so bad that when the Germans burst in the audience started shouting "she's in the attic"!!

Heh-heh-heh, legendary stuff indeed! :D

A face
06/11/2003, 6:15 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi
Save yourself the €8. ...... cheese sandwhich, .......... a goldfish.

Ruairi my good man .... for €8 i'd expect a cheese sandwich filled with goldfish. Sheeze ... Where do you buy lunch. :rolleyes: :D

07/11/2003, 5:52 AM
Originally posted by A face
for €8 i'd expect a cheese sandwich filled with goldfish. . :rolleyes: :D

Stay away from my fish tank you sick wrasslin-hating freak :D

07/11/2003, 9:37 AM
Seen it last night. Disappointing.

08/11/2003, 12:27 PM
i found a quality quip from some random punter on the net

Watching the Matrix Revolutions felt like getting dumped by your long time girlfriend for no reason

Oh it's true

08/11/2003, 12:37 PM
Ah Ruairi forget about her, she wasn't good enough for you anyway! :)

08/11/2003, 9:12 PM
... very dissappointing film, it's like they gathered everything that was good about the first one, and decided that they didn't need that.

as for Conor's Anne Frank bit....brilliant.

08/11/2003, 9:18 PM
The only Matrix film worth a tóss was the first one. The second was a load of gay and despite the fact that I haven't seen the third I'd be willing to bet the farm that it's awful too.

deise deserter
12/11/2003, 3:31 PM
The first one was a great action film - no doubt at all - and quite possibly the best movie of the 90s.

The second I found was derided by those who didn't understand the plot points (no condesention intended), and acclaimed by those who did. It was definitely inaccessible for the common man on the street, but for those who understood it (ie - had some sort of background in Maths and philosophy) it was miles above the first movie.

The third fell flat on it's face. The "real" world was badly CGed by falling into basic errors when using CG, such as close ups of CG actors faces (coloured guy in loader). The plot while it had a good twist at the end (that equal positive and negative elements in equations cancel each other out therefore causing the equation to reset) it seemed rushed, especially for the last 30 minutes or so of the movie.

Worth seeing if only to see how something so good can go so horribly wrong - the filimic equivilant of www.rotten.com

13/11/2003, 9:46 AM
Originally posted by deise deserter
The first one was a great action film - no doubt at all - and quite possibly the best movie of the 90s.

Not a chance. It wouldn't make the top twenty. It was a very good action movie with a pseudo-intellectual plot tacked on.

13/11/2003, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by sadloserkid
Not a chance. It wouldn't make the top twenty. It was a very good action movie with a pseudo-intellectual plot tacked on.
I hate Sci Fi but the Matrix was stunning. Easily top 20. I think the fact that its been parodied to death and also the poor sequels have diminished its impact but at the time, it was ground breaking