View Full Version : Being a Godfather

A face
04/12/2008, 8:47 AM
Whats the deal? What do you have to do? Obviously if something happens the parents then the god parents look after the child. But what do you have to do on the day?

04/12/2008, 8:53 AM
Whats the deal? What do you have to do?
Obviously if something happens the parents then the god parents look after the child.

Not necesarily, parents can always specify different people. A lot of the time people just ask brothers
or mates because of exactly that, they think they have to ask family or mates

But what do you have to do on the day?

Absolutely nothing

04/12/2008, 8:58 AM
Just turn up at the church, and either light a candle or do something equally religious. They'll probably have a run through in the week leading up to it. It’s a a piece of **** tbh. Nothing to worry about.

You'll just have to give them a bigger present at birthday and christmas time. Set up a post office saviongs account (or similar and stick a couple of quid in a week). Adds up to quite a bit when they turn 18

04/12/2008, 9:02 AM
On the day itself: probably light a candle; reject Satan; stand in for photos.
You should have no problem with two of those anyway.

The thing about looking after the child is redundant these days, as social services would have something to say; it's more symbolic.

Then, as Dodge says, bigger presents.

04/12/2008, 9:07 AM
By asking you to being a Godparent they are actually asking that you ensure that the child is brought up in the Christian faith if something happens the parents. It is a sign of the trust they are placing in you that you will morally steer their child in the right direction etc etc blah blah blah.

I just think it is a sign of the love the parents feel for you that they feel they can count on you. Spoil the child if you can. My goddaughter is the child of my ex-sister-in-law and her hubby and I have seen her 3 times since she was born. She is now 9 years old.

I feel guilty bout that but hey that is life.

04/12/2008, 9:38 AM
Or else.... (http://blog.joins.com/usr/d/o/dohihahn/14/050630_the-godfather-boxart(1).jpg)

04/12/2008, 10:02 AM
Disappointed beyond belief. Thought this was going to be the beginning of a series of comments on what it is to be a leading member of the Cork organised crime scene.

Pauro 76
04/12/2008, 10:11 AM
Just turn up at the church, and either light a candle or do something equally religious. They'll probably have a run through in the week leading up to it. It’s a a piece of **** tbh. Nothing to worry about.

You'll just have to give them a bigger present at birthday and christmas time. Set up a post office saviongs account (or similar and stick a couple of quid in a week). Adds up to quite a bit when they turn 18

My godparents (uncle and aunt) were sh!te. Havent seen them in about 15 years. And never did get presents or that lump sum... :(

04/12/2008, 10:20 AM
Mine were the same pauro. Just pointing out the best way forward... ;)

04/12/2008, 10:37 AM
Just turn up at the church, and either light a candle or do something equally religious. They'll probably have a run through in the week leading up to it. It’s a a piece of **** tbh. Nothing to worry about.

You'll just have to give them a bigger present at birthday and christmas time. Set up a post office saviongs account (or similar and stick a couple of quid in a week). Adds up to quite a bit when they turn 18

You don't have to do either of those.

I certainly didn't get a bigger present :(

04/12/2008, 10:40 AM
oh ya and my gf is a bachleor too with loads of money and property. Maybe my parents were running out of ppl to ask, or else they thought subtley I would be looked after, well it hasn't bloody happened!

04/12/2008, 10:59 AM
Whats the deal? What do you have to do? Obviously if something happens the parents then the god parents look after the child. But what do you have to do on the day?

Listening to Tom Dunne this morning?

04/12/2008, 12:16 PM
I am a Godfather x3. It's a present making exercise. Birthdays and Christmas and the odd visit to Hillsboro hoping against hope they might follow suit. 1 out of 3 isn't bad (for the moment anyway). ;)

04/12/2008, 12:42 PM
I'm a Godfather and am as proud as punch to be one. I get a special card from my Godson on my birthday and I am allowed spoil him in return on his special days. Initially, when he was around 5 or 6, he 'had' to talk to me on the phone on bitrthdays etc but now we are at the stage where we happily chat away to eachother (usually about football). His Godmother is trying to turn him in to an egg chaser and I am chuffed that he couldn't be bothered.

On the day, it is just a few prayers, promises and a good gift. Thereafter, it's all good. Tip is to never miss an important date such as communion, school play, big match etc

04/12/2008, 1:37 PM
oh ya and my gf is a bachleor too with loads of money and property. Maybe my parents were running out of ppl to ask, or else they thought subtley I would be looked after, well it hasn't bloody happened!

Seriously confused there for a minute: took 'gf' to mean 'girlfriend'.........

04/12/2008, 2:04 PM
Seriously confused there for a minute: took 'gf' to mean 'girlfriend'.........

Horses for courses sonofsatan :D

Sligo Hornet
04/12/2008, 3:54 PM
Horses for courses sonofsatan :D

Is this what you mean paul?


04/12/2008, 5:40 PM
You have to make sure he's brought up in the League of Ireland faith. This is most important.

05/12/2008, 11:19 AM
Is this what you mean paul?


Is that you and the missus in bed, Hornet ?

05/12/2008, 11:41 AM
You gotta sleep with the kids.

Sligo Hornet
05/12/2008, 12:32 PM
Is that you and the missus in bed, Hornet ?

No......I don't have a hat!

05/12/2008, 12:55 PM
you gotta sleep with the kids.

