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26/11/2008, 9:29 AM
I started a similar thread last year and got some great ideas from it so I said I'd give it a go again. I know it's a little early but I'd prefer not to have this pressie out of the way ASAP!!

Since last year, I've shacked up with herself so that should give me some more options!! The ideas I have so far are;
A pet - not a dog though cause she already has one at her parents and she hates cats.
A trip away in January to ease the post xmas blues
Murphy's icecream - tis one of a kind. Had some in Dingle
Viva la vida album - she loves coldplay
Tickets to the xfactor finalists concert in March
Chanel allure perfume
Maybe a dress - loads of weddings in the new year to go to
Trip to Ewood park - she's a big Blackburn fan

Anybody got other good ideas??

Mr A
26/11/2008, 9:57 AM
Jewellery's usually a safe bet. The dress idea could be a minefield though unless you're very confident or she's in on it.

26/11/2008, 10:05 AM
Here's last years thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=76562). Pretty sure the advice would be the same

26/11/2008, 10:07 AM
I started a similar thread last year and got some great ideas from it so I said I'd give it a go again. I know it's a little early but I'd prefer not to have this pressie out of the way ASAP!!

Since last year, I've shacked up with herself so that should give me some more options!! The ideas I have so far are;
A pet - not a dog though cause she already has one at her parents and she hates cats.
A trip away in January to ease the post xmas blues
Murphy's icecream - tis one of a kind. Had some in Dingle
Viva la vida album - she loves coldplay
Tickets to the xfactor finalists concert in March
Chanel allure perfume
Maybe a dress - loads of weddings in the new year to go to
Trip to Ewood park - she's a big Blackburn fan

Anybody got other good ideas??
What's wrong with all of the above?

26/11/2008, 10:24 AM
Here's last years thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=76562). Pretty sure the advice would be the same

Cheers dodge. I didn't know how to retrieve an old thread. Still, if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to air them...

26/11/2008, 10:25 AM
What's wrong with all of the above?

Nothing. Just trying to increase my options......the more choice the better

26/11/2008, 10:27 AM
You misunderstand me, I mean ALL of the above. :D

26/11/2008, 10:29 AM
Cheers dodge. I didn't know how to retrieve an old thread. Still, if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to air them...

No bother. I won't merge them either as I'm sure there's some new stuff about

Interesting to see if anyone on the list had a bad reaction to their gifts

26/11/2008, 10:46 AM
What's Xmas ? I am not particularly religious but taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas" is one of my many pedantic bugbears. No where else is this done. Xter United vs Xpool ? Did you light a bonfire on Xween? :confused:

Mr A
26/11/2008, 11:03 AM
I love taking the Christ out because it annoys the hell out of religious people :)

26/11/2008, 11:29 AM
What's Xmas ? I am not particularly religious but taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas" is one of my many pedantic bugbears. No where else is this done. Xter United vs Xpool ? Did you light a bonfire on Xween? :confused:

Oh dear. A common misconception.

The fact it annoys religious peopl is just an added bonus.

26/11/2008, 11:30 AM
What's Xmas ? I am not particularly religious but taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas" is one of my many pedantic bugbears. No where else is this done. Xter United vs Xpool ? Did you light a bonfire on Xween? :confused:

A common misconception. "Xmas" has been used for over a millennium.

So there is no grand scheme to dilute Christianity by promoting the use of Xmas instead of Christmas. It is not a modern invention to try to convert Christmas into a secular day, nor is it a device to promote the commercialism of the holiday season. Its origin is thoroughly rooted in the heritage of the Church

A Church of England spokesman said there was no policy on using the word Xmas, and some clerics were well aware of its Greek roots and saw no problem with it.


The fact it annoys religious peopl is just an added bonus.

26/11/2008, 11:39 AM
i thought it was X as in CROSS as in jesus on the cross as in Xmas. :D

26/11/2008, 11:45 AM
i thought it was X as in CROSS as in jesus on the cross as in Xmas. :D

You learn something every day and all...

My old RE teacher (a priest) never tired of pointing this one out.

26/11/2008, 12:02 PM
Nice bottle of expensive wine?

26/11/2008, 12:12 PM
A spa day voucher. Best present she ever got, she claimed.

26/11/2008, 12:25 PM
Digital camera and printer for some reason women love printing out photos.

I pod if she doesnt have one apple will engrave it too for free.

This year im screwed im all out of ideas and she turned around and said no one else ever buys me presents your my santa clause !!! not like i was under enough pressure !!!

26/11/2008, 12:41 PM
As a present to my wife, I've invited my in-laws down to our house for the entire Christmas holidays

I'm sure someone will fill me in on how they all got on:)

26/11/2008, 1:24 PM
getting her driving lessons, its pratical, a recession is on and I hope more people are thinking along the same lines as me. If she is fired she can become a taxi driver.

26/11/2008, 4:10 PM
A common misconception. "Xmas" has been used for over a millennium.


:o I stand corrected on the etymology of the word.

26/11/2008, 4:17 PM
You misunderstand me, I mean ALL of the above. :D

ha ha touche

26/11/2008, 4:27 PM
The guy living in my house asked me if I thought an exercise bike was a good idea to get his missus for xmas, I fought the urge to have a cruel but funny laugh at his/her expense and told him NO NO NO don’t do it. He genuinely thought it was a brilliant idea as she was getting “a bit of a fat arse”. He has since bought her a fridge !! Lucky girl :D

27/11/2008, 10:31 AM
he should have got her one, irish lads are generaly in far better shape(probably because we spend more time playing sports etc) than irish women when it comes to their bodies anyhow. Too right, he should have gotten her an exercise bike.

27/11/2008, 10:47 AM
On that theme I know a lad who got his girlfriend and now wife, a spare tyre for Christmas and the other year he got her a radiator.

27/11/2008, 10:52 AM
On that theme I know a lad who got his girlfriend and now wife, a spare tyre for Christmas and the other year he got her a radiator.

There was another year :eek:

27/11/2008, 10:57 AM
I know, as far as I know they are married now.

Sligo Hornet
27/11/2008, 11:46 AM
On that theme I know a lad who got his girlfriend and now wife, a spare tyre for Christmas and the other year he got her a radiator.

That's very thoughtful.........10 years time she'll have a lovely new car!;)

01/12/2008, 11:04 AM
Had to buy herself the chanel allure already to apologise for drunken behaviour Friday night!! Didn't do anything too serious but still felt the full brunt of her rage!! So thats one gift idea eliminated. A very expensive **** up :(

02/12/2008, 11:14 AM
What's Xmas ? I am not particularly religious but taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas" is one of my many pedantic bugbears. No where else is this done. Xter United vs Xpool ? Did you light a bonfire on Xween? :confused:

To be honest I've never heard of Christer Unted, Christpool or Christween.

02/12/2008, 11:47 AM
As a present to my wife, I've invited my in-laws down to our house for the entire Christmas holidays

I'm sure someone will fill me in on how they all got on:)

i got my wife a beautiful timepiece with an expensive surround,cost 650 euro ...think it's commonly referred to as a "cooker"

Battery Rover
02/12/2008, 11:55 AM
I need ideas fast

Booked 10 days in New York going on the 3rd January earlier on in the year with hotel in Time Square and said to herself that we would only do Christmas for the young lad this year and buy something nice for each other while over there and the answer I got was she is not going unless there is something for her under the tree Christmas morning that I was just being mean

Was thinking about perfume but couldn't find anything called "GET SOME SENSE"

02/12/2008, 11:56 AM
But she didn't say you couldn't go, did she?

02/12/2008, 11:59 AM
I got was she is not going unless there is something for her under the tree Christmas morning that I was just being mean

Put the tickets under the tree.

Battery Rover
02/12/2008, 12:28 PM
Put the tickets under the tree.

If only it was that easy. Have had a morning of giving out already as I am going to the SWAI awards Thursday night.

Are there any girly gadgets out there?

Mr A
02/12/2008, 1:00 PM
Are there any girly gadgets out there?

This thread is about to get very interesting....


02/12/2008, 1:03 PM
Are there any girly gadgets out there?

There are indeed. Many of which require Batteries, Mr Battery.

02/12/2008, 2:17 PM
If you are in or around Limerick there is a shop called silverwood on Williams street that does really nice unusual silver jewellery much nicer than the stuff in the bigger stores (and way cheaper).

I got the missus a nice bracelet and chain with pendant for 150 euro, she has also got kings of leon and Rodrigo y gabriel live in japan cd’s and a dara o brian DVD. Ill get her a set of those scented candles she likes and that should do her.

She said she is going to get me some sexy lingerie but I think ill just feel uncomfortable in it.

02/12/2008, 2:21 PM
But she didn't say you couldn't go, did she?


Oh dear.

02/12/2008, 2:50 PM
What about a makeup gun....?:D

Click. (http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/%7Eelmer/simpsons/homer/makeupgun.jpg)

02/12/2008, 4:57 PM
What about a makeup gun....?:D

Click. (http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/%7Eelmer/simpsons/homer/makeupgun.jpg)

One of my favourite, favourite Simpson's moments. Thinking about the 'face' it makes on the wall can still make me giggle.

02/12/2008, 7:36 PM
Lads no offence but you all seem like are married to bitches.

Battery Rover
02/12/2008, 7:55 PM
But she didn't say you couldn't go, did she?

No she said I could go by myself. Wasn't sure if to take that as a threat or a present :D:p

03/12/2008, 8:12 AM
Lads no offence but you all seem like are married to bitches.

Trust me when the ring goes on we all turn into bitches!


03/12/2008, 11:21 AM
Ricky Gervais, view on things then seems the best way to have it. Have a long term girlfriend but neve marry her. If she likes "good" 3somes too you are on to a winner.

03/12/2008, 11:45 AM
Trust me when the ring goes on we all turn into bitches!


funny that....they marry you because of who and what you are...then they try to change everything about you...does not make sense...then again,most women don't make sense to men.
what really gets me going is the interminable length of time they take to tell you a story...every little detail..if your mate was telling you the same story it would take about 1% of the time she takes.

03/12/2008, 3:52 PM
Its the differences that make it interesting.

04/12/2008, 8:24 AM
Trust me when the ring goes on we all turn into bitches!

And Im just starting to find that out the hard way!!!! :p

Who'd have thought that an innocent coaching course in Monaghan, booked and
informed of months ago, would turn in to an "ignoring her for the day" arguement!!!! :eek:

Although she did say that the ring was enough and there was no need for a Christmas present
this year! The miser in me says, yep, I'll go along with that ... but imagine the reaction when
theres nothing under the tree!!!!! :eek:

04/12/2008, 8:39 AM
And Im just starting to find that out the hard way!!!! :p

Who'd have thought that an innocent coaching course in Monaghan, booked and
informed of months ago, would turn in to an "ignoring her for the day" arguement!!!! :eek:

Although she did say that the ring was enough and there was no need for a Christmas present
this year! The miser in me says, yep, I'll go along with that ... but imagine the reaction when
theres nothing under the tree!!!!! :eek:

Dont do it boy unless you want her to be wearing earings made from your balls and telling everyone thats what you gave her for christmas! Doesnt have to be something massive, lots of little thoughtful things will get you a long spell in the good books!

04/12/2008, 8:45 AM
Dont do it boy unless you want her to be wearing
earings made from your balls and telling everyone thats what you gave her for
christmas! Doesnt have to be something massive, lots of little thoughtful
things will get you a long spell in the good books!


Ah I know, I actually have a few presents got for her already but she happened
to mention the other day that she'd already got my present and when I said
I'd made a start on hers, she flipped and said she didnt want anything!!!

Women = Crazy
Men = Damned if we do & Damned if we dont!

04/12/2008, 9:18 AM
Whats even worse she is posting under the handle Magicme too now, just to play with your mind.