View Full Version : Full marks to MNS.

21/11/2008, 8:50 PM
Meant to say this for awhile but its the last show on Monday so ill say it now.The show and Website have been excellent all season.The blogs and well updated info and footage on the site have been great and (apart from 60) the show has been good too.Well done to all involved as i know ye use this site.

21/11/2008, 9:53 PM
Here here. :)

Think back even one year and what we have now compared to then, no matter how it came about.

21/11/2008, 9:55 PM
Here Here.

To think we had to suffer with the TV3 "effort" for so long.

Mass emails to thank the lads for Monday methinks.

21/11/2008, 10:08 PM
Well said. MNS is very enjoyable and Con Murphy is an excellent presenter.

21/11/2008, 10:27 PM
As a first division club i would like to thank them and say well done for showing 15secs of us this season.

21/11/2008, 10:35 PM
As a first division club i would like to thank them and say well done for showing 15secs of us this season.

best 15 seconds of the season :D

+1 on the MNS love in watching Pats early stuff from the start of the season and only realising how good it in retropect to what we had.

Can bitch what MNS doesnt do etc: but **** me the fact it exists is ****ing awesome.


Lim till i die
21/11/2008, 10:46 PM
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

21/11/2008, 10:49 PM
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

I know Roddy's put on a bit of weight, but I don't believe he's ever dabbled in lipstick.

22/11/2008, 7:51 AM
yeah, fantastic show this year compared to TV3's and a great time slot on a Mondat night

although you still get the people on here complaining about it not being good enough, no pleasing some people I guess

22/11/2008, 7:59 AM
Yeah very enjoyable show and a great addition. Well done to all concerned.

22/11/2008, 9:21 AM
MNS has been one of the best things about an otherwise disasterous season. (Apart from 60 Seconds thing!!) Well done everyone!

22/11/2008, 10:41 AM
Yip always tuned in on a monday night. great stuff.

22/11/2008, 10:51 AM
Don't like the show myself and rarely tune in, but it's good that it's there.

22/11/2008, 11:00 AM
I like it a lot myself. It's far more interesting than tv3's effort and, in general, it's better than most football highlight shows on the telly.

My one gripe is that they don't give the First Division enough coverage.

22/11/2008, 11:08 AM
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

Can you put lipstick on a sheep?:o

22/11/2008, 12:11 PM
Was a very good show compared to TV3's one which was a plus but hopefully it can only get better. Plenty of time over the next 4 months to tweak it a little, add a few things, take away a few things etc.....

Any suggestions i say just keep e-mailing them over the next 4 months, it might just give them some good ideas.

22/11/2008, 12:28 PM
MNS is a fine show. Like it really. Great thing that's possible to watch the show live about the webpage. That for me as a German fantastic. So I can watch all the LoI goals from the weekend.

But there is one thing which I miss: Replays of the goals. They shown actually not often a replay of the goals. Hopefully they change this fact til the start of the next season...

22/11/2008, 12:37 PM
They should add a short weekly segment where they interview some past players of the league.

22/11/2008, 12:39 PM
It's a good show and I always tune in but they really should give the first division some attention..

22/11/2008, 1:43 PM
It's a good show and I always tune in but they really should give the first division some attention..

How much attention though? How much attention does the Championship get on the BBC? I'd like to see more cameras at games that they do cover to make it look a bit less amateur. It's not bad overall, 60 seconds thing is awful but that's down to personal taste I think. The main problem, which would only be exacerbated by covering the first division, is that much of the football looks awful and no amount of dressing it up disguises that.

It's great to have it and it's only gotten better as it's gone on but I'm not sure how many barstoolers will be swayed by it.

A face
22/11/2008, 2:01 PM
Full marks to them alright, its great to have it but, and i hate saying this but its only what we deserve. They neglected the league for years. MNS is basic, its not above and beyond the duty type stuff by any means. So while i welcome it, and am proud of it i do recognise its something that we should have had for years?

22/11/2008, 2:31 PM
The show is a massive improvement on TV3's coverage. Should extend it for next season and cover the first division too. How hard would it be to get cameras to 11 grounds? :ball:

22/11/2008, 3:17 PM
Decent show - but they can do a lot better than the current panel, foley is a bore, collins is arrogant and the others are just ok. For eg collins couldnt be bothered going to the shels v lim`k game knowing he was going to be asked to comment - (i got a text from meeee daughter who was at the game - was his reply) i think sean connor was the only one who consistently went to games

also a first div round goals up would be good next year.

I think a media person like philip quinn/emmet malone/paul lennon should be on each week

22/11/2008, 3:52 PM
aas an exile i think MNS, the website is just brilliant. The blogs, the team by team goals, goal of the month. Keeps me really in touch with whats going on. Love it.

22/11/2008, 4:13 PM
RTE finally making up for years of ignoring the LOI (prehaps a bit less Roddy Colins next season) fair play to all invloved, long may it continue. Although I did stopped watching it for a good part of the season cause once was enough to see most of Harps game this season

22/11/2008, 4:29 PM
Excellent show and nice to hear Managers & Players opinions being interviewed after games,also nice to see ex-players giving their analysis on the games ( pity about Collins).
Probably could do with extending program for an extra half hour.:ball:

22/11/2008, 5:21 PM
aas an exile i think MNS, the website is just brilliant. The blogs, the team by team goals, goal of the month. Keeps me really in touch with whats going on. Love it.

That's very, very true. The website's great.

I think one of my favourite moments of the series came when Sean Connor went back to Sligo to watch a game. It was so awkward and David Brentish, with Connor trying to be pals with all his old staff and watching the game from the stand.

22/11/2008, 5:24 PM
I think one of my favourite moments of the series came when Sean O'Connor went back to Sligo to watch a game.The Shams player?:confused:

22/11/2008, 5:27 PM
The Shams player?:confused:

My mistake: "Sean Connor."

22/11/2008, 6:04 PM
Website is excellant and show is very good.Presenter could not be better and it shows through that he is a EL fan.
Think they should let Brian De Salvo have a regular feature, he would add a bit of flavour.

22/11/2008, 7:16 PM
Great programme and, as has been pointed out, brilliant website.
A bit rough around the edges at times. I agree that there should be more replays of major incidents.
My main gripe is that so many of their pundits have agendas. Roddy Collins mouthing off is an easy choice for producers but is wearing thin.
One of the best parts of MNS this season was watching their growing dismay as Bohs marched inexorably towards a record-breaking title, where for so long they were in denial that it was happening. Talk about damning with faint praise!

22/11/2008, 7:30 PM
Can you put lipstick on a sheep?:o

Only in a supervised test laboratory!:D

harry crumb
22/11/2008, 8:19 PM
Lose Colm Foley and Pat Morley

23/11/2008, 8:30 AM
Well done MNS, masive improvement from TV3

23/11/2008, 11:05 AM
How much attention though? How much attention does the Championship get on the BBC?

That's because ITV have the licence to show highlights of the Championship (as well as League 1 and 2) on a Sunday morning..

23/11/2008, 12:30 PM
[B][I]Probably could do with extending program for an extra half hour

Weren't RTÉ saying that MNS was a ratings failure for a Monday night show? Hard to see the above happening if so.

I'd keep Roddy Collins on for entertainment sake. Anyone else notice how 60 seconds always ended with the girl laughing (or trying not to) even if the answer wasn't in any form funny? Scrap that segment altogether. The Good, Bad and Ugly part was probably my favourite section. Funston of Harps must have featured in that the most! :D

23/11/2008, 12:39 PM
That's because ITV have the licence to show highlights of the Championship (as well as League 1 and 2) on a Sunday morning..
How much attention did they give it before that...

With only an hour long programme there's no time to show the First Division, regardless of whether it should be included or not.

Poor Student
23/11/2008, 12:46 PM
The show is never going to be more than an hour long. Any coverage given to the First Division would only be paltry and disrupt the balance of the show. It's better to focus on the Premier Division than give token coverage to the First.

23/11/2008, 4:10 PM
How much attention did they give it before that...

With only an hour long programme there's no time to show the First Division, regardless of whether it should be included or not.

ITVs had the rights for as long as I can remember, so I think its a bit of a dodgy point as to what coverage the BBC might have given a decade+ ago... they get the rights back in 2009 (along with some live games) so we'll see then.

23/11/2008, 8:26 PM
Agree with the consensus that MNS is a quality show (& with AFace, that our league has deserved this for a long time). In particular the website is very impressive & hopefully we will get more & better again next season.

For that - I wonder can they start the show a week before the season with a (longer) special look-ahead to the season show???

23/11/2008, 9:37 PM
60 seconds is total crap

24/11/2008, 9:27 AM
60 seconds is total crap

Agree meant to mention that, think its another part of the show that could be dropped. Replaced with a proper few minute interview with a player/manager or fan and ask question about them and their life at the club instead of 60 random questions about f*ck all.

24/11/2008, 9:32 AM
Too much talk, not enough action. Too much shoddy. Too much International stuff whenever they get a chance not to cover the league. The 1st deserves more than it gets, even if not highlights. I also think it was a backwards step to have the FAI Cup draw on MNS rather than it's previous primetime on 6.1.

Can't agree it's a quality show, it's the least we should expect, nothing more. It's better than TV3's effort - but that's hardly a compliment.

24/11/2008, 9:58 AM
As a first division club i would like to thank them and say well done for showing 15secs of us this season.

You forgot the re run of the Limerick victory parade!

So good they showed it twice!

24/11/2008, 11:14 AM
Good show but would agree that its a little rough around the edges..

Will it be on the air next season again???

24/11/2008, 11:54 AM
>Will it be on the air next season again???

Yes, Con was MC at the Rovers POTY on Sat night. He mentioned briefly that MNS would back next season and more LOI games than ever would be shown on the box!
