View Full Version : Dolan In In The Echo

25/10/2003, 11:22 AM
getting sick to death of this bullsh!t"im proud of my players"

how can he be proud of them after last nite

its about time he criticised them, when criticism is needed

also a quote today"the fans should control their expectations"
of course we have expectations.....dont all fans

its about time they stand up and be counted

25/10/2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by thecorner
also a quote today"the fans should control their expectations"
of course we have expectations.....dont all fans

Yes, but our expectation for this season is Europe and we're heading in the right direction in that regard.

Last night was poor but I don't think you can blame Dolan or the players for that. It's always the same when we play UCD, it doesn't matter what manager or players we have they just seem to have some sort of hold over us. I'll be glad to see the back of them.

25/10/2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Colm
Yes, but our expectation for this season is Europe and we're heading in the right direction in that regard.

Last night was poor but I don't think you can blame Dolan or the players for that. It's always the same when we play UCD, it doesn't matter what manager or players we have they just seem to have some sort of hold over us. I'll be glad to see the back of them.

colm how can u defend them after watching that
dont mind giving me this bogey team sh!t

we should be beating them

we dont even make jennings work last nite

A face
25/10/2003, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by thecorner
how can u defend them after watching that

Have to agree .... it is hard to defend them alright, especially having seen them play in the last four five minutes.


Why didn't they up the tempo earlier.

In the last few minutes, we saw they were capable of it, so it is not that.

Whos job is it to get a bit of urgency into the game. I'd say either Dolan or Dan.

What they needed last night was a good kick up the hóle, and nothing short of it.

25/10/2003, 1:27 PM
Dolan is a PR man always has been and as for UCD - City should be beating the team at the bottom of the league.

25/10/2003, 2:25 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Yes, but our expectation for this season is Europe and we're heading in the right direction in that regard.

Last night was poor but I don't think you can blame Dolan or the players for that.

u dolan's bitch or what man? do you ever criticise him or is it after giving gunther such a miserable time of it you feel compelled to defend the garbage as we witnessed last night/ next thing you will be telling me george had a great game and that the placing of denis behan any where near the bench was a manangerial masterstroke.

oh hold on I get it it was the fates that deprived us of a win against the worst team in the league :mad:

ccfc till i die
25/10/2003, 2:43 PM
Originally posted by thecorner
getting sick to death of this bullsh!t"im proud of my players"

how can he be proud of them after last nite

its about time he criticised them, when criticism is needed

also a quote today"the fans should control their expectations"
of course we have expectations.....dont all fans

its about time they stand up and be counted

It's not so much the "I'm proud of my players stuff " that gets on my nereves it's the 'everyone in dublin is out to get us, us against the world' crap that annoys me.

Last night in his programme notes he said that the FAI helping out Bray and (I think) Drogheda was dublin favouritism. The two teams he named were from Louth and Wicklow. Every week in his programme notes it's either the FAI for their disorganisation/dublin bias or the media for not covering the el.

Having said this I am very happy to have Pat Dolan here as manager and I believe he can lead us all the way. It's just sometimes he should stop giving out and get on with it.

25/10/2003, 10:18 PM
its a shame weve lost points to the bottom two recently.

25/10/2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by fonzi
its a shame weve lost points to the bottom two recently.

its not a shame

its pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!

27/10/2003, 12:02 PM
I for one think the first rule of management is to back your players to the hill in PUBLIC.
Dont know what THE CORNER wants Dolan to write about his players but I know if I was a player and he took issues he had with me or my teammates outside the four walls of the dressing room then I'd be looking for a one way ticket to Palookaville - whatever that means.
I concede that pride is a bit strong on Dolan's part but dont forget that playing relegation battlers at this stage of the season isnt exactly a relishing prospect and whatever you might think of the abilities of our team, what is expected of them, its still 11 on 11 and **** happens that is beyond anyone's control.

Anyone who thinks I'm wrong, particularly if they're a UCC student, meet me tomorrow at the OLD COLLEGE BAR at 2:00. We'll discuss it then along with the possible formation of a UCC Cork City Supporter's Club.

27/10/2003, 1:47 PM
Originally posted by vito_golightly
I for one think the first rule of management is to back your players to the hill in PUBLIC.
Dont know what THE CORNER wants Dolan to write about his players but I know if I was a player and he took issues he had with me or my teammates outside the four walls of the dressing room then I'd be looking for a one way ticket to Palookaville - whatever that means.

sorry to burst ur bubble but if ur team plays bad it is not uncommon for a manager to say "we were dissappointing",not "im proud of my players" coz after that comment after that display,we know he is a liar

its bullsh!t
how can anybody be proud of that display

27/10/2003, 4:03 PM
Originally posted by dalo
next thing you will be telling me george had a great game and that the placing of denis behan any where near the bench was a manangerial masterstroke.

George always has a great game.

As for Behan, he's just not up to it imo. I don't think he's good enough to play at this standard, I hope I'm wrong though.

27/10/2003, 5:07 PM
Originally posted by A face
Have to agree .... it is hard to defend them alright, especially having seen them play in the last four five minutes.


Why didn't they up the tempo earlier.

In the last few minutes, we saw they were capable of it, so it is not that.

Whos job is it to get a bit of urgency into the game. I'd say either Dolan or Dan.

What they needed last night was a good kick up the hóle, and nothing short of it.
well said face. still, everyone's entitled to an off day i guess. I don't agree with dolan saying that after the game, but we know him well enough by now to know he won't criticise his players.

28/10/2003, 9:06 AM
Originally posted by ccfc till i die
Last night in his programme notes he said that the FAI helping out Bray and (I think) Drogheda was dublin favouritism. The two teams he named were from Louth and Wicklow. Every week in his programme notes it's either the FAI for their disorganisation/dublin bias or the media for not covering the el.

They both still in the Pale & would probably be more dubs living in those towns than non-dubs at this stage.

ccfc till i die
28/10/2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Conor74

North County Dubin and South County Dublin...;) :D

But the way dolan said it he was acting like we were the victims of bigger clubs pushing us around, these clubs are absolute nobodies compared to us.

28/10/2003, 1:07 PM
Originally posted by Colm
George always has a great game. He was $hit on Friday. He'd get the ball run around a bit and either give it away or shoot over the bar. Without O'Flynn, Cork are nothing special.

28/10/2003, 1:30 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
Without O'Flynn, Cork are nothing special.

Flynny is a fantastic player who has scored so many great and important goals for us and will hopefully do so for many years to come but I think that Georgie is even more important to us.

28/10/2003, 1:56 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
He was $hit on Friday. He'd get the ball run around a bit and either give it away or shoot over the bar. Without O'Flynn, Cork are nothing special.

schumi.. were you at the last match at bellfield when we drew 1-1? george got that point for city single handedly while the rest, with the exeption of doyler, stood around feeling sorry for themselves
goerge is prob more important to city then o flynn..... but its nice when we have both fit

28/10/2003, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by one_bounce
schumi.. were you at the last match at bellfield [sic] when we drew 1-1? george got that point for city single handedly while the rest, with the exeption of doyler, stood around feeling sorry for themselves
goerge is prob more important to city then o flynn..... but its nice when we have both fit I'll take your word on that as I was more concerned with the fact that we blew a potentially comfortable win against 10 men than which Cork player we were giving more room to. But in that game, you were lucky to get a draw without O'Flynn and on Friday you didn't look like winning either. Comparing that to the two games when he did play against us, there's a huge difference in the threat you posed.

I have no doubts that O'Callaghan is an excellent player but when O'Flynn isn't there, he tries to do everything himself. There were a couple of occasions when he'd make threatening runs at the defence (who as usual backed off) and instead of passing to someone in a better position he'd shoot; invariably over the bar. His free kicks are another case in point. As far as I'm aware, he's been taking $hite free kicks for quite a while but still seems intent on taking them all himself.

28/10/2003, 2:27 PM
GO'C needs to play behind a main striker. Against UCD, he didn't have that option. Frequently, he'd head forward, but there wouldn't be anyone there to slip the ball in to. Hence, he tended to shoot from distance. Bit wasteful. But with a recognised striker on the pitch for him to play behind, he's in a different class.

As for the free kicks, he doesn't score many directly, but he's quite good at knocking in balls for people to connect with. O'Flynn scored a few from these sorts of situations. Surprised Coughlan hasn't been scorig a few headers from George's deliveries.

28/10/2003, 4:29 PM
When George isn't playing John O'Flynn gets no service & when O'Flynn not playing George has nobody worthy of hsi creativity.

O'Flynn is a better player but George more important cos got no other creative player.

29/10/2003, 3:00 AM
Originally posted by Schumi
He was $hit on Friday. He'd get the ball run around a bit and either give it away or shoot over the bar. Without O'Flynn, Cork are nothing special.

Schumi, u little tool. Your obvious ignorane has told itself just there. We are 8 unbeaten. None of which Flynn played in, we are in Europe placings. We are going places like u lot, but instead we are going up. U pieces of crap are going down where u belong

Question to u? U think u are a great eL fan, why did no one want to talk to u last friday.

BTW hows the ankle?

29/10/2003, 9:33 AM
jeez boy, take it easy, i don't think he said anything that outrageous.

from the games i've seen this year, georgie reserves his best performances for on the road. i've not seen him play well at home, and i didn't think it was his best game on friday. hopefully he'll have another stormer vs bohs this friday (a win would be sweet indeed). could be that defences are tighter against us at the cross and he doesn't have as much room to shine.

in terms of o'flynn vs george, well much and all as i love georgie, i'd take the out-and-out goal scorer everytime. if only cos we haven't had one since skippy in his prime. johnny c for my money used to waste a lot of chances and some of the other front men we've had since have been less than prolific to say the least (kabs, dobbs, mulligan, hartigan). that said, i'm delighted we've both of em, long may it continue.

29/10/2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by b_mcsweeney
from the games i've seen this year, georgie reserves his best performances for on the road. i've not seen him play well at home, and i didn't think it was his best game on friday.
I think Georgie has been head and shoulders above every other player in the country this season. Granted away games seem to suit him better, probably becuase he gets more space, with the onus being on the home team to attack, but he has been outstanding at home this season too. Flynny is a wonderful player, but if we'd lost Georgie we might as well have given up. We've shown we can live without Flynny (that said we'd probably be top if he hadn't been injured) but without Georgie- no chance. Have we won a game when george was out this season?

29/10/2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by b_mcsweeney
i've not seen him play well at home

I take it you haven't been to many home games so?
Some of Georgies best performances have indeed come in away games but he has been magnificent in most of the home games aswell.